钟楼        Bell tower                      大雁塔      Big wild goose pagoda
兵马俑      Emperor Qin's terra-cotta warriors and horses
回民街      HUI minority street              羊肉泡馍    cruded pancake in mutton soup
凉皮        cold rice noodles                汤圆        sweet dumpling
肉夹馍      chinese hamburger              烧饼     Clay oven rolls
油条     Fried bread stick              韭菜盒    Fried leek dumplings
水饺     Boiled dumplings            蒸饺     Steamed dumplings
饭团     Rice and vegetable roll        皮蛋     100-year egg
咸鸭蛋    Salted duck egg              豆浆     Soybean milk
糯米饭    Glutinous rice                卤肉饭    Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭    Fried rice with egg            地瓜粥    Sweet potato congee
馄饨面    Wonton & noodles            刀削面    Sliced noodles
麻辣面    Spicy hot noodles            麻酱面    Sesame paste noodles
米粉     Rice noodles                炒米粉    Fried rice noodles
鱼丸汤    Fish ball soup                紫菜汤    Seaweed soup
酸辣汤    Sweet & sour soup            馄饨汤    Wonton soup
糖葫芦    Tomatoes on sticks            长寿桃    Longevity Peaches
芝麻球    Glutinous rice sesame balls    麻花     Hemp flowers
pines豆花     Tofu pudding                牡蛎煎    Oyster omelet
臭豆腐    Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)      油豆腐    Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐   Spicy hot bean curd          虾片     Prawn cracker
虾球     Shrimp balls                春卷     Spring rolls
蛋卷     Chicken rolls                碗糕     Salty rice pudding             
红豆糕    Red bean cake              绿豆糕    Bean paste cake               
糯米糕    Glutinous rice cakes          萝卜糕    Fried white radish patty
芋头糕    Taro cake                  肉丸     Rice-meat dumplings
豆干     Dried tofu                  火锅     Hot pot
The Huaqing Hot spring
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Now we are in the famous imperial park- Huaqing Hot spring. It is located at the foot of Mt. Lishan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an. Because it was a natural hot spring, it became a very famous scenic spot.
Ahead of us is the Mt. Lishan, a branch of Qinling range. It is covered with pines and cypresses and looks very much like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. In ancient China, a black horse was called “Li”, and this is how it got its name- Li shan mountain.
Have you noticed the little tower on the top of this hill? This is the famous Remains of a beacon tower from the western Zhou dynasty over 3000 years ago. There are two famous sayings related with it: “a single smile costs 1000 pieces of gold” and “the sovereign rulers are fooled by the beacon fire”.
Well, let’s come back to the Huaqing Hot spring. Historically, during the western Zhou Dyn
asty, a stone pool was built and was given the name of Li shan tang. The site was enlarged into a bigger palace during the Han Dynasty, and was renamed Li Palace. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong had a walled palace built around the Li Hill. It was known as Huaqing Place.
As we know, the Huaqing Hall was destroyed at the end of the Tang dynasty, and what is open to the public today, was rebuilt afterwards according to the Tang dynasty style on the original site. You see all the construction here was rebuilt in 1959, so it looks new.
Entering from the west gate ,we see the nine dragon pool.In front of it is the frost flying hall. In Tang dynasty , emperor Xuan Zong and his favorite concubine lady Yang used to make their home here since it was cold in the capital Chang’an . It was said that the steam went straight up, when it met the cold air, it turned into frost. Then you can see the frost flying in the wind very beautiful. Therefore, it got its name---the frost flying Hall.
Now let’s look at the second part-Huaqing Imperial pool museum which was discovered in April, 1982. As you see, the ruins of the 5 imperial pools are the Crabapple pool, the Lo
tus flower Pool, the Shang Shi Pool the Crown Prince Pool and the Star Pool. The Crabapple Pool was the private bathing pool for lady Yang herself. And the lotus flower pool was the private bathing pool for emperor XuanZong himself. Shangshi Pool, was the public bathing pool for the high ranking officials in the court. As for the Star Pool, it was said that emperor Tai zong, liked to bath here very much. The spring water contains lots of minerals, which makes it suitable for bathing and is helpful for curing some diseases. So people all like it very much and maybe this is the reason why many rulers chose this place as a capital in winters.
Huaqing Hot Spring is not only famous for its ancient history, but also for its modern history.Now please follow me to the five-room hall where the Xi’an Incident took place. The Xi’an incident happened on December 12, 1936, the two great generals, Zhang xueliang and Yang hucheng, took armed remonstrance to force jiang jieshi , China Nationalist’s leader,to fight against the Japanese invaders when China was in danger. This is the famous Xi’an incidents.In the third room Hall, you can also see some pictures and the contemporary newspapers ,they well described the details about the Xi’an Incide
Please look at that pavilion halfway up Li Hill. That was built by one of Chiang’s favorite generals in order to commemorate this incident. Originally, this pavilion was named Justice Pavilion. After 1949, it was renamed Catching-Chiang Pavilion. Now it has the name “the Remonstration Pavilion”. Iron chains and rings are available all the way up to the crevice east of the pavilion by which visitors can climb up and take a look at his shelter.
