  Kenji and I had been playmates for years. We were always together when we were free after school. One day, Kenji and I were on the beach of a lake in the woods. Suddenly, Kenji leapt up and called, “Hi, Rough Lock.”
  Rough Lock was an Indian man who Kenji knew well. He said hello to us and went back to his house. Kenji and I watched him till he disappeared briefly, then reappeared in front of the house. We could see him rocking in his rocking chair there.
  Kenji ran into the water, pushing his log raft (木筏) out. He urged me to get on and pushed a pole into the sandy lake bottom to steady the raft. I stood there, hesitant. But Kenji promised he would not go far, pushing the raft close to shore. It sank and touched bottom, moving unsteadily, as I climbed on. I got down on my knees behind him.
    Slowly, he pushed the raft out over the surface. The water was clear. I put my hand in it.
As we pushed deeper, there was a sudden change in the temperature of the water. When I looked up, the shoreline was farther away than I had ever seen. The water around us was sharply dark and the bottom could no longer be seen. So I thought it was enough and suggested going back. Kenji gave me an approving nod but tried the last push. One hard push, and-splash (哗啦)!-the pole jumped out of his hands as Kenji suddenly fell sideways. He fell into the water. In the sound of waves, Kenji’s head reappeared. He swam to the beach. Closer to shore, he stood up in the water, turning to face me.
  “Jump!” he shouted.
  “I can’t! I can’t swim!” I responded.
    Then slowly he stepped backward till he was out of the water.
  I stared down into the deep water and back to where Kenji was standing. He signaled to me to jump again. I hesitated. Unexpectedly he turned suddenly and fled down the beach as quickly as he could.
Frightened, I jumped after a long wait.                                        
When I opened my eyes at last, it was to a red-and-blue shirt.                                                                                
    Frightened, I jumped after a long wait. Holding my breath, I was in the water with my eyes tightly shut and blood burning hot. To fight the panic, I urged my legs to pump and b
eat the water with both hands to hold myself up. But the harder I tried, the deeper I sank. My heart cold with fear, I felt hopeless and deperate. Chocking with water, I was overcome with dizziness. However, I could still faintly hear the sound of a steady slap somewhere in the distance approaching me bsfore I finally lost consciousness.
    When I opened my eyes at last, it was to a red-and -blue shirt. It was Rough lock,soaked all over. He was kneeling beside me with heavy breathing,his face close to mine. Next to him was Kenji. "oh, my god. you are awake," he sighed with relief,praising Rough lock's excellent swimming skills. My chest heaved and I knew I was safe, echaused and cold with sapsms of shivering. Kenji took off his coat to warm my body, which made me feel much better. Gradually regaining my strength, I said "thank you " to both of them with eyes full of tears. Although I almost lost y life in the lake, I harvested deep and true friendship with kenji and Rough Lock.
Frightened, I jumped after a long wait. Unable to swim, I kept sinking, and got choked. I ra
ised my hands, hoping to rise to the surface. However, the moment I took a breath, I sank again. Much more terrified, I couldn’t do anything but hopelessly struggle. Just then I vaguely saw someone swimming towards me. But I was exhausted and sinking owing to gravity.
