第一篇:孔子说 英文版(下)
In conducting the rites, seeking harmony is the most valuable principle.里仁为美,择不处仁,焉得知? 孔子说:“选择住处要选在风俗淳美的地方,否则怎么能算明智呢?”
pinesOne should choose to dwell in such a place where there are men of benevolence.Otherwise, how can one be said to be wise?
If names are not rectified, what is said will not sound reasonable.其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。孔子说:“执政者行为端正,不发命令老百姓也会跟着走;执政者行为不端正,纵三令五申老百姓也不会听从。”
If the ruler acts properly, the common people will obey him without being ordered to;if the
ruler does not act properly, the common people will not obey him ever after repeated injunctions.巧言令,鲜矣仁!孔子说:“一贯花言巧语,伪装和善的人,不会有什么仁慈。”
A man who speaks with honeyed words and pretends to be kind cannot be benevolent.巧言乱德。孔子说:“花言巧语足以败坏道德。” Sweet words will ruin one’s virtue.居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉!
Those who spend the whole day long merely chatting idly, saying unreasonable things and parading their cleverness will accomplish little.人而无信,不知其可也。孔子说:“一个人不讲信用,怎么可以立身处世。”
How can one be acceptable without being trustworthy in words?
Everyone drinks and eats, but few know the real taste of what has been drunk or eaten.人
无远虑,必有近忧。孔子说:“一个人如果没有长远打算,忧患很快就会出现。” Worries will soon appear if one gives no thought to a long-term plan.人一能之,己百之。人十能之,己千之。孔子说:“别人用一份力气可以做到的,自己要用百分的力气去做。别人用十分力气可以做 到的,自己要用千分的力气去做。”
If others succeed by making one ounce of effort, I will make a hundred times as much effort;if others succeed by making ten times as much effort, I will make ten hundred times as much effort.仁者,人也,亲亲为大。孔子说:“仁就是爱人的意思,爱自己的父母是最大的仁。”
Being benevolent means to love people.The greatest benevolence is to love one’s own parents.三军可夺帅也,匹夫补课夺志也。孔子说:“军队可以丧失主帅,一个人不可丧失志气。”
An army may be deprived of its commanding officer, yet a man cannot be deprived of his will.三人行,必有我师焉。则其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。孔子说:“有几个人在一起走路,其中便一定有值得我学习的人。我选取那些优点而学习,看出那些缺点而检查改正。
When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from.I shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own.士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎? 曾子说:“读书人要刚强而有毅力,因为他们肩负重任而前程远大。以实现仁德于天下,这担子还不重吗?为此目的,至死方休,这还不遥远吗?”
Zeng Zi said, “A scholar must be resolute and steadfast, for his burden is heavy and his road is long.To practice the virtue of benevolence in the world is his burden.Is that not heavy? Only with death does his journey come to an end.Is that not long?”
Zi Zhang said, “It is satisfactory for a gentleman to lay down his life when his country is in danger, and to keep in mind what is right in the face of gain.”
Standing by the side of a river, Confucius sighed, “Time is going on like this river, flowing away endlessly day and night.”
Only when the winter turns cold can we see that the leaves of pines and cypresses are the last to wither and fall.为政以德,譬如北辰居其所而星共之。孔子说:“执政者如果用道德来治理国政,自己就会像北极星受星环绕一样受到百姓们的拥护。”
He who rules his state on a moral basis would be supported by the people, just as the Polar Star is enriched by all the other stars.温故而知新,可以为师矣。孔子说:“温习学过的知识时,能从中获得新知识的人,就可以做老师了。”
I f one is able to acquire new knowledge by reviewing old knowledge, he is qualified to be a tutor.我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。孔子说:“我不是生来就有知识的人,而是由于爱好古代文化,靠了勤奋和敏捷求得知识的。” I was not born with knowledge, but, be
ing fond of ancient culture, I was eager to seek it through diligence.吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友教而不信乎?传而不习乎? 曾子说:“我每天都再三反省自己:为别人办事是否尽心竭力了呢?同朋友交往是否以诚相待了呢?老师教的功课是否用心复习了呢?”
Zeng Zi(a disciple of Confucius’)said, “Every day I examine myself once and again: Have I tried my utmost to help others? Have I been honest to my friends? Have I diligently reviewed the instructions from the Master?”
Confucius said, “Since the age of fifteen, I have devoted myself to learning;since thirty, I have been well established;since forty, I have understood many things and have no longer been confused;since fifty, I have known my heaven-sent duty;since sixty, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other people’s words;and since seventy, I have
been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules.”