Vail Marriott Mountain Resort
Vail Winter Weather Guide
Covered in grand mountains,flashing lights and snowy pines,Vail is perfect for explorers and people who love adventures alike.Whether skiing down the slopes for the first time or the hundredth,this guide will ensure that you're ready for everything this city has to offer.
Best Time to Vacation
December through to March tends to be the best time for those interested in skiing down the slopes in style.
Know Before You Go
Make the necessary preparations and reservations in advance:
pines●Ski and Snowboard Rentals(租赁):Don't have your own equipment?Vail Sports rents out a variety of skis and snowboards for all ages and abilities,as well as snow shoes and helmets.
●Clothing Rentals:For those not interested in purchasing hundreds of dollars of ski clothin
g for one vacation,Mountain Threads has a rental program just for you.Get mountain necessities like coats,pants and goggles(护目镜)shipped to you,or save room in your luggage by having your equipment delivered right to the resort.
●Sunscreen(防晒霜):You might not think about getting sunburn,but it happens to skiers and snowboarders every day.
●Difficulty levels:It's important to know what level you're at before jumping on a ski lift and heading up the www.doczj/doc/161202900.html,e a free trail map and plan the slopes you're going to skid own ahead of time based on the following levels you'll find up the mountain:
●Green Circle:These are the easiest slopes.
●Blue Square:These indicate average to medium levels.
●Black Diamond:The most advanced slopes.Some mountains will feature double black diamonds,indicating even higher difficulty.
While Vail is famous for snow sports,you'll find plenty of other fun things to do once the sun goes down or you are tired.Explore the rest of our website for more information!
21.When is the best time to visit Vail if you like skiing?
A.October through to March.
B.December through to March.
C.December through to February.
D.November through to March.
22.Before you go to the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort,you will have to take_with you
A.snow shoes
B.ski clothing
D.a trail map
23.Where is recommended for a ski expert who wants to challenge himself?
A.Blue Square.
B.Black Diamond.
C.Green Circle.
D.Double Black Diamonds.
There are only 11 documented cases of congenital aglossia(先天性无舌)in the world.Despite being born without a tongue,I can speak and swallow and taste just like anyone else. I was born in 1969,in the days before ultrasound scans(超声波检查)。Everything was normal and there was nothing to suggest that I' d be different.But when I was born,Mum found that there was something wrong with my mouth.The doctor saw the
base of my tongue and told her,"Oh,she just has a small tongue.She'll be fine."
Later,doctors told my parents I wouldn't be able to talk or that my speech would be very limited.I'm sure that was hard for them to hear.But they were only 22 and I'm not sure how seriously they took it.I was their first and only child,and the best thing they ever did was treat me as if there was nothing wrong.Mum told me when I was older that she came home from a doctor's appointment and cried,because she worried I wouldn't have a normal life or be happy.
I also have a small jaw(下巴)。It's related,because there is no tongue to fill out the space. People are able to see that,rather than the fact that I don't have a tongue.I went to see a plastic surgeon(整形医生)when l was 10,who suggested making a false tongue.But I was more interested in having my jaw filled out.But when I was 18 the surgeon said he advised me not to do that in case it affected my speech.I thought,"I don't care.I just want to be pretty,"but it was the right decision.
I'm able to taste the full range of flavors.I can eat everything.I've never had any anger a b
out being born this way.Over the years,I've learned to get used to it,which hasn't always been easy.I'd love to think I offer hope to others in this situation,to parents or children born like me.
24.According to the passage,the author
A.was diagnosed to have no tongue as a newborn baby
B.has had no sense of taste since she was born
C.was found different before she was born
D.has lived a normal life even without a tongue
25.What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.The author's parents love her very much.
B.The author couldn't accept the truth.
C.The author's parents planned to have another child.
D.The author lost the ability to speak.
26.Why did the author want to fill out her jaw?
A.She wanted to become beautiful.
