Unit 1
1. After she'd overcome her       shyness, she became very friendly. [1]. 【参考答案】:D
A. previous        B. former    C. preliminary      D. initial
2. Mary's parents frown       the idea after going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream. [2].
A. for            B. against    C. on              D. at
3. Compared with modern humans, her arms were       long relative to her legs. [3]. 【参考答案】:A
A. somewhat      B. somehow    C. something        D. somewhere
4. Both sides consider it       to further the understanding between the two peoples. [4]. 【参考答案】:B
A. desired        B. desirable      C. reliable          D. stable
5. At this       moment Rivenoak approached, and, by a gesture of authority, induced the young man to retire. [5].
A. ironical        B. practical      C. critical          D. essential
6. Urban problems revolve around meeting the needs of the existing inhabitants and replacing old and obsolete       , especially housing. [6]. 【参考答案】:D
A. utilities      B. necessities      C. properties        D. facilities
7. For the development of Western China, technology and education is given a       . [7].
A. superiority        B. inferiority  C. priority      D. seniority
8. We all       fears about the future. [8].
A. harness            B. conceal    C. harbor        D. hoard
9. When they talk about something, they tend to       it. [9].
A. generate        B. exaggerate    C. tolerate        D. penetrate
10. Oversleeping is not a       excuse for being late for school. [10].
A. vivid            B. feasible      C. valid          D. durable
11. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help       friendly relations between our two universities. [11].
A. foster          B. motivate      C. register        D. administer
12. The technical accomplishment of Renaissance Europe was       to those achieved by any other civilization. [12].
  A. prior          B. inferior        C. senior        D. superior
13. He       a sum of money in the bank each month. [13].
  A. poses          B. withdraws    C. loans      D. deposits
14. However, there are instances where people of different social backgrounds end _____ getting married and being extremely happy. [14]. 【参考答案】:D
  A. on            B. at            C. in            D. up
15. Seen from this       , they look rather pointless, don’t they? [15]. 【参考答案】:C
  A. perception        B. personnel    C. perspective    D. triangle
Unit 2
Part One Vocabulary and Structure
1.      These seats are ______ for special guests. [1].
A. preserved      B. reserved      C. reversed    D. occupied
2.      Some people are more ______ to sea-sickness. [2].
A. inclined        B. liable          C. likely        D. apt
3.      Additional ________, such as air-conditioning and bucket seats, made it an expensive car. [3].
A. options      B. choices      C. alternatives    D. preferences
4.      He is my wife’s cousin, so we are distantly ______. [4].
A. linked      B. connected        C. united        D. related
5.      Both the pink and the blue dresses are pretty, but I like the ________ better. [5].
A. earlier      B. beginner          C. former        D. first
6.      Putting in a new window will ________ cutting away part of the roof. [6].
A. contain    B. comprise        C. include        D. involve
7.      New York ________ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000 pounds this year. [7].
A. ranked      B. occupied      C. arranged      D. classified
8.      Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to       any further responsibilities. [8].
A. take on      B. get on    C. put up    D. look up
9.      They       in the face of disaster. [9].
A. carried out  B. carried off    C. carried on  D. carried forward
10.  I always       the conviction that intelligence plus diligence can lead to success. [10].
A. get to      B. see to        C. lead to      D. hold to
11.  The ages of children in the Hope primary school       from 7 to 16. [11].
