步骤 | 说明 | 图片 |
①:解压缩 | 放在HB目录里面 注意:如果机器是64位,使用之前首先要把wow根目录下面的删除或者改名。 | |
②:打开软件 | 运行软件的位置是在安装目录\HBRelog1.0.0.198\HBRelog\bin\Release文件夹内 | |
③:添加 | 点击 Add | |
④:Account 选项卡配置说明 | Profile Name:随便命名一个就可以 BattleNet:战网通行证 AccountName:子账号 Password:你懂得 Character:角名 Server:服务器名称 Wow Region:china WOW Exe Path:一定选择 Wow Args:空着就可以 注意:如果机器是64位,使用之前首先要把wow根目录下面的删除或者改名。 | |
⑤:Bot选项卡 | HonorBuddy Key: 20位的KEY Custom Class: 默认就可以 Bot:采集模式;副本模式等; ProfilePath:脚本目录地址 HonorbuddyPath:的目录地址 Use HB Beta:不用管 | |
⑥:Window选项卡 以1024*768屏幕为例说明 | Wow Window X:魔兽世界距离平屏幕左侧距离≤屏幕分辨率中第1个数字(如1024*768) Wow Window Y:魔兽世界距离平屏幕左侧距离≤屏幕分辨率中第2个数字(如1024*768) Wow Window With:wow本身窗口宽度,可以设置300 Wow Window Height:wow本身窗口高度,可以设置200 下面两个默认即可 | |
⑦Tasks选项卡 | 选择Wait即可,然后点击Save and Close | |
⑧开始 | 选中配置文件,点击 Start 按钮,任务大功告成。 对于三开的Key,可以配置三个角同时上线,爽YY。 | |
If you're using aHBRelog version older than then you should update because it's potentially unsafe to use since WoW
Source Svn Link:
Source Svn Link:
Executable Svn Link:
Debug Executable Svn Link:
Automatically logs into wow and starts up Honorbuddy
Automatically logs into wow and starts up Honorbuddy
∙ Options to choose bot,profile and CustomClass
∙ BuildinWoW and Honorbuddy crash detection
∙ Automatically scans for offsets whenever Wow updates
∙ Sends key presses to the background Wow process to control the login process
∙ WoW Window re-size and placement
∙ Scheduling. Relative time scheduling only.
∙ Works with character names that contain cyrillic letters
∙ Works alongside with LowerPing and other similar programs.
∙ Open Source. Contributions are welcome
World of Warcraft and Honorbuddy (obviously)
∙ .Net 4.0 Download: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
∙ renamed or deleted.
How to get the latest (and greatest) version
Download and install TortoiseSvn TortoiseSVN
Download and install TortoiseSvn TortoiseSVN
1. Create new folder any where you prefer and name it HBRelog
2. Right-click on the HBRelog and in the context menu select 'Svn Checkout'
3. In the 'URL of repository' field, copy and paste one of the SVN links at the top of the page (just use the .exe svn link if you don't want to download the source) and click 'OK'
Frequently Asked questions
Q: Where does HBRelog store it's settings?
A: %APPDATA%\HighVoltz\l
Q: Will I be able to schedule tasks based on 10:00 AM?
A: HBRelog doesn't support this and I'm not sure if I will ever add this because of the complexity involved and because windows already has a buildin tool (Task Scheduler) tha
A: %APPDATA%\HighVoltz\l
Q: Will I be able to schedule tasks based on 10:00 AM?
A: HBRelog doesn't support this and I'm not sure if I will ever add this because of the complexity involved and because windows already has a buildin tool (Task Scheduler) tha
t does this.
Q: Why is the 'Wait' task soo confusing? Why not just add the wait time to Logon ?
A: Having the 'Wait' time in a task makes more sense if I expand the task system to support 'If Conditions' and other tasks such as Moveto plus more (No promises that I will add this but I had it in mind when I designed the task system), and the Logon task was already crammed with allot of properties and I didn't want to clutter it any more.
A: Does HBRelog write/inject memory?
Q: No, HBRelog used to inject into Wow's memory but since version it no-longer injects.
A: Why does HBRelog try to connect to the internet?
Q: HBRelog will check if the Wow servers are online before it attempts to log in Wow if thi
A: Does HBRelog write/inject memory?
Q: No, HBRelog used to inject into Wow's memory but since version it no-longer injects.
A: Why does HBRelog try to connect to the internet?
Q: HBRelog will check if the Wow servers are online before it attempts to log in Wow if thi
s option is enabled in the Options. Also HBRelog opens a pipe to communicate with a HB plugin that is embedded and is copied over to the plugins folder. This plugin has multiple purposes but mainly its responsible for providing an interface for other HB plugins/bots to allow them to control HBRelog and to monitor Honorbuddy to make sure it working.
A: Wow window positioning and re-size isn't working and I'm using TeamViewer.
Q: Disable the teamviewer button in title bar by right clicking it and choosing the option to disable in the context menu.
A: Wow window positioning and re-size isn't working and I'm using TeamViewer.
Q: Disable the teamviewer button in title bar by right clicking it and choosing the option to disable in the context menu.
What the different profile settings mean
When you add an new account (from clicking the 'Add' button) you will need fill out the following settings (some are optional)
When you add an new account (from clicking the 'Add' button) you will need fill out the following settings (some are optional)
Account Tab
∙ Profile Name - This can be anything, preferably something relevant and easy to remem
ber. This will be used in log files.
teamviewer∙ BattleNet - This is your battlenet email address
∙ Account Name - This is the name of the wow account. e.g WoW1. If you only have one account attached to your Battlenet account then you can leave this blank
∙ Password - his is your wow password. (this is encrypted when saved locally as well as the battleNet email)
∙ Character - this is the name of your WoW Character
∙ Server - Name of the server/realm that your character is located on
∙ Region - The region your Wow account is located in.
∙ WoW Path - The path click the '...' button on the right to browse to it.