N01 Requirements Analysis L0 L1 L2 L3
N02 Problem n L0 L1 L2 L3
N03 n and n L0 L1 L2 L3
N04 Code n within a File L0 L1 L2 L3
N05 Code n across Files L0 L1 L2 L3
N06 Source Code Tree n L0 L1 L2 L3
N07 Code Readability L1 L2 L3
N08 Defensive Coding L0 L1
Topic Level n
N01 Requirements Analysis L0 Unable to come up with ___ larger problems
N02 Problem n L0 Does not consider organizing code across files
___ a file without a logical or similar method
L1 Organizes code into blocks and includes mented references to other source files
L2 Includes a license n。summary。mented code。and consistent ___
L3 Groups related files into folders and ensures each physical file has a distinct purpose。such as defining a class or implementing a feature
N03 ___ ___ peers。___
Peers can understand what is being said。has good spelling and grammar skills
L1 ___ peers
L2 ___
N04 ___
L2 Groups code into blocks and includes mented references to other source files
L3 Ensures document headers include a license n。summary。mented code。and consistent ___
N05 Code n across Files L1 Groups related files into folders
L2 ___ circular dependencies and organizes binary files。libraries。documents。builds。and third-party code into appropriate folders
L3 Ensures the physical layout of the source code tree matches the logical hierarchy and n。and can be understood through directory names and n
N06 Source Code Tree n L1 Uses single-syllable names for files
L2 Uses good naming ns for files。variables。classes。methods。etc。and includes comments to explain non-standard code。bug fixes。and code ns
L3 ___ ns and has natural code flow without deep nesting of ns and methods
N07 ___
