I.Introduction t of he pronunciation course
English Pronunciation Practice is a compulsory course offered to the first year English majors with an aim to help the students to improve their English pronunciation and intonation for more effective communication.
Why must an English major learn Pronunciation course?
People often compare learning English to building a house.
English language consists of three parts:
Pronunciation ----- is the foundation. You can’t build a solid house without a solid foundation.
V ocabulary ----- is like the building materials (sand, bricks, stones and cement). Can you build a house without them?
Grammar ----- is the building theory. Without theory you don’t know how to build a house.
Of the three parts, pronunciation is the most essential.学习语言的目的是为了交际(书面和口头),而交际是否能顺利进行有众多的因素起作用(如语法、词汇、及语音,李阳说:一个人要学好一门外语,就必须掌握5%的语法、1%的词汇、100%的语音知识)。毫无疑问,发音是一个人英语的门面,一口漂亮的纯正的语音就象男士们大方得体的西装和女士们美丽高雅的衣裙一样给人留下一个美好的第一印象。With a good pronunciation, you can have a good communication with you foreign customers or guests and make a deep impression on others.
•There is a need.
- To improve speech intelligibility(言语可懂度)
( I want your knife(life). A fly flies over my fried rice.)
- To enhance listening comprehension
(Tom often helps us with our work.)
•There is a dream.
-To speak like a native speaker
•There is a must.
-To become more effective in oral communication
2 .What to learn?
Many students think that the learning of pronunciation course is the learning of the correct pronunciation of the 44 phonemes. 有的同学认为学习语音就是发好每个音素就行了,发好每个音素就一定能说出标准的英语,那就大错特错了。
1、掌握44个音素的发音(to pronounce correctly all the individual speech sounds
in English;)
2、把握词与词的过渡,意连贯( the transition of words and pauses in sentence)
3、掌握多音节的重音规则(master stress rules);
4、掌握单词的重读、弱读(have a good master of the strong forms and week forms
of some function words)
5、正确把握句子重音(to speak fluently with sentence stress,the correct
placement of stresses in a sentence)
6、掌握正确的话语节奏(to speak fluently with correct rhythm)
7、正确、得体地使用语调(to speak with appropriate intonation according to the
context )
You will have to undergo intensive training in these aspects. A good master of them will enable you to improve you spoken English, so that you will be able to communicate more effectively with good pronunciation and intonation.
3.How to learn?、
1)学习英语语音就象学习艺术一样,象练钢琴、习字绘画、跳芭蕾一样。“练”是核心,是关键。要天天练,时时练,不间断地练。不能操之过急,要懂得循序渐进的道理。( The learning of pronunciation is just like the learning of playing the piano, painting, dancing. Practice is the key to success. You have to practice every day without stopping.)
2)在正确的指导下练。要有正确的正规的语音指导,如:直接接受教师指导,用听录音、听广播等方式来学语音。这样你就可以打好基础,练好基本功。(Practice under the guidance of the teacher.)
3)学习语音要抱着“从头学”的态度。“从头学”的意思是把英语语音作为一种全新的事物去学,因为一张白纸才能划出最新最美的图画。不要去“捷径”—从汉语中去“相同”的音来替代英语中的音。可以这样说,英语音素中有和汉语拼音相似的音:如/i: /, / a:/, / u:/ 等。但没有完全相同的音。这样的替代只
4)练习语音越界效果越好,越早练越容易纠正,越早练越可以赢得时间。但一句英语成语说得好:Never too late to learn.(学习永远不会太晚)。千里之行,始于足下,请你今天就开始。
(Hold an attitude of Learning from the very beginning. It means that you should take it as a whole new thing to learn because you can draw a most beautiful picture on a piece of white paper.)
1)什么是学语音的灵丹妙药?effective way
( It is not good to read aloud without listening to the recorder. It is also not good to listen without imitation. Imitate what you hear with courage. Read and speak aloud, recite poems and short passages. If you keep on doing so, you will make obvious progress.)
stops是什么音语速适中;proper speed in your speech
语流无太多断句和停顿;not too many broken sentences
交际时对方听得明白,无需多次请你重复;During your communication you can make yourself understood without being asked to repeat again and again.
会话基本能自然顺利进行。Conversation can go on smoothly.
期末考试成绩60%+ 平时成绩40%
1) Oral Exam (60%): Reading of words, sentences and short passages, etc.
2)The regular grades are judged by attendances, other performance/behaviors in
class, assignments-- (daily work)