Unit5 Into the wild-Understanding ideas教案
Teaching objectives:
1.Enable the students to find and summarize the usage of when, where and why in the attributive clauses and apply it in the real context. Meanwhile, they will learn and apply some words and expressions related to monarch’s migration.
2.Guide the students to learn the background, purpose and way of monarch’s migration, understand the influence of human behavior on their survival and deepen the cognition of the text and the theme of the unit.
3.Help the students to explore more usage of when, where and why in the attributive clauses and compare it with the usage of that, which,who and whom in the attributive clauses through self-study and cooperation.
Evaluation objectives:
html中iframe标签的用法1. Lead the students to understand the author’s intention.
2. Have a clear picture of the structure and inner logical relation of the passage.
3. Guide the students to comb the important information through mind mapping.
4. Help the students try out the summary writing.
Teaching methods:
Task-based Approach; Cooperative Teaching Method;Autonomous Learning Method.
Teaching procedures:
Step1:Before reading
position of the dayTask:Watch a video and share feelings.
Step2:While reading
Task 1Read the passage quickly and answer the question.
Where are you most likely to find the passage?
排序算法简单a.In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration.
b.In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly.
c.In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America.
Suggested answers:a
Task 2Match the main idea of each paragraph and then analyse the structure of this passage.
Paragraph 1a.The monarch’s migration.
Paragraph 2    b.The definition of migration.
Paragraph 3    c.The effects of the research.
Paragraph 4    d.How does the monarch finish its migration?
Paragraph 5    e.Why’s the number of the monarch falling?
jquery hover()不起作用Suggested answers:
Paragraph 1:b;Paragraph 2:a;Paragraph 3:d;Paragraph 4:e;Paragraph 5:c
Task 3Read the passage paragraph by paragraph to answer the following questions.
①Why do many animals migrate?
②What mystery have the scientists found out?
③How does the monarch determine the way to go?
④What has happened to the monarch in the past few years and how did it happen?
⑤What’s the significance of the research on the monarch?
Suggested answers:
①They migrate to find food,seek a partner,or in search of warmer weather.
②The scientists have found out how the monarch butterfly manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.
③The monarch is able to tell the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky.
④Because of human activities the number of the monarch has crashed by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years.
⑤The research on the monarch’s behavior has led to a greater awareness of it and people have been working together to record its migration and make sure there are enough plants for it to feed on.
Task 4Read the passage again and finish Activity 4 on Page 52.
Suggested answers:
1.the time of day2.the way to go3.the position of the sun4.the place where it will spend the winter
5.cut down7.kill the plants8.has crashed by as much as 90 per cent
Task 5 Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.
The Monarch’s Journey
The purpose of the migration of animals
They 1.      to find food,a partner or in search of warmer weather. 
The monarch’s difficult journey
Every autumn,they begin a long and difficult journey,and manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres 2.      to find their way to places 3.      they will spend the winter. 
The way the monarch migrates
The monarch is able to tell the time of day,and use its eyes 4.      the position of the sun.So,it can 5.    which way it needs to go and change its 6. when necessary. 
The reason why there are fewer monarchs用什么软件可以辨认字体
People are destroying the natural environment by 7.      trees and using 8.      that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat. 
How to protect the monarch
Volunteers have been working together to record its migration and make sure that there are enough plants for it to 9..
The more we know about this lovely creature,10.      the chance it will survive. 
Suggested answers:
