Conversation 1perl下载不了
1. Why does the student go to see the professor? [单选题] *
A. To get a copy of a literary magazine
B. To discuss a poem he read for class
C. To find out about getting an essay published(正确答案)
D. To ask about an essay writing assignment.
2. What does the professor imply about submissions to the editorial board? [单选题] *
A. Most of them are original works of poetry.
B. Most of them are from English majors.
C. They will not all be published.(正确答案)
D. They must be made online.
3. Why does the professor mention another student's essay? [单选题] *
A. To let the student know that he cannot write about a similar topic
B. To give the student other ideas for his essay
C. To inform the student that he will be competing with many other students
D. To encourage the student to submit his essay.(正确答案)
4. How does the professor suggest the student adjust the content of his essay? [单选题] *
A. By limiting his research to a small sample of poems
B. By comparing modern poems with traditional poems(正确答案)
C. By focusing more on traditional poems than on modern poems
D. By including poems from several Native American communities
5. What does the professor suggest the student look for in his analysis of the poems? [单选题] *
A. Elements of spoken language(正确答案)
B. The grandfather's role in the community
C. The author's attitude toward the subject matter
D. The use of Native American myths.
Lecture 1 theater
6. What is the lecture mainly about? [单选题] *
A. Changes in set designs in the United States during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries(正确答案)
B. Changes in approaches to set design that have influenced the subject matter of plays
C. Characteristic elements of set designs in plays with domestic settings
D. Differences between set designs in the United States and set designs in Europe.
7. What makes box sets distinct from other types of theatrical sets? [单选题] *
A. They were originally developed by Shakespeare's theater company.
B. They are used primarily in productions of ancient Greek plays.
C. They are designed to simulate every aspect of an interior room.(正确答案)
D. They are easily constructed and taken down.
8. Why does the professor mention a French palace? [单选题] *
A. To identify where the first box set was used in a play
B. To illustrate the emphasis that some set designers placed on including accurate details(正确答案)
C. To contrast French stage design with American stage design
D. To point out that not all nineteenth-century productions were presented in theaters.
9. What is the professor's opinion of elaborate stage sets? [单选题] *
A. They can be suitable for certain kinds of productions.(正确答案)
B. They often do not seem realistic.
C. They should be used more often.
D. They make it difficult for actors to do their jobs.
10. According to the professor, what resulted from the practice of staging Shakespeare's plays as they had been staged in Shakespeare's own time? [单选题] *
A. Anew emphasis on realism in theater
B. A new interest in plays based on historical events
C. Greater expenses for theater companies
D. More frequent use of simple sets.(正确答案)
11. What were two traits of nineteenth-century productions done in the ancient Greek style?
Click on 2 answers. *
position of the day
A. Sets contained few, if any, props.(正确答案)
B. Movement was more important than dialogue.
C. Costumes were updated to interest modern audiences.
D. Actors wore masks on stage.(正确答案)
Lecture 2 Biology
12. What is the purpose of the lecture? [单选题] *
To describe two types of symbiosis found among ocean animals
To describe a useful property of a bacterium(正确答案)
To explain how certain bacteria can transfer genes from animals to plants
To explain how Vibrio fischeri glow in the dark.
13. Why does the professor mention termite digestion and the synthesis of vitamin K in humans? [单选题] *
A. To contrast two very different types of symbiosis
B. To explain that symbiosis is not limited to sea creatures
C. To stress how complex humans are compared to termites
D. To emphasize that symbiotic relationships are quite common.(正确答案)
14. How does the symbiotic relationship with Vibrio fischeri benefit the angler fish? [单选
题] *
A. lt helps the angler fish to disguise itself from predators.
B. lt helps the angler fish to see in the dark.
C. lt helps the angler fish to attract prey.(正确答案)
D. lt helps the angler fish to digest food.
15. According to the professor, how does the bobtail squid avoid predators? [单选题] *
A. lt uses an internal organ to illuminate itself.(正确答案)
B. lt uses a symbiotic bacterium to change its color during the day.
C. lt only comes out on moonless nights.
D. lt stays in shallow areas where its predators cannot swim.
