The position of women has changed a great deal in many societies over the past 50 years. But these societies cannot claim to have achieved gender equality.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1:
It is true that women in recent years have been given an equal opportunity as men to participate in some areas such as politics, education etc. They are given 3% quota in members of house representative in my country, Indonesia, and the numbers of women who enter the schools are getting higher and higher every year. However,
there are some areas that societies still restrict the equality between men and women. I will discuss further this issue through the essay.
I believe that women are still seen as the weak person in the classical stereotype in traditional people, particularly in some remotes area. The traditional way of thinking still believes that women should stay at home and do some house works such as washing clothes, cooking some food, cleaning the house as well as growing the children. This condition tends to restrict the freedom of women to enter the high
er education as well as participate more in political area orgetasynckeystate vba
economical area. The case of Indonesia women migrant labour, moreover, who get violence from the boss also proves that gender equality has not been accommodated yet. People tend to suppose that women are weak and men are the superiority who have more power that women which lead to the case of violence done by men to women.
Some people believe that the idea of gender equality has been approved through the policy of 30% quota in the political position, however, this kind of policy is unfair considering the number of
women right now three times bigger than that of men. This policy is not representative enough.
To sum up, the idea of gender equality should be upheld comprehensively in all sectors of life. It should be supported by government through balanced policy without discriminating such kind of gender.
position of the dayModel Answer 2:云计算架构师是干嘛的
perl foreach遍历数组In recent days, it is quite common for women to involve in several areas such as workplace and governmental institutions and this is totally different from the past decades. Some assert
that it is easy for women to participate in some kinds of environment. However, some people believe that women cannot gain the gender equality because there is still injustice with the women position. I totally disagree with this viewpoint and this essay will look into the reasons.
The first reason is that women have similar rights to men nowadays. There is no gap between men and women because they have equal accesses to contribute to society. As a fact that there are many women who involve in workplaces even some of them gain an
