Lesson Twenty-one
                    Chart Works  海图作业
Dialog A:          Asking for Planning Route
对话1          请做计划航线
Captain:          Second Mate, we are about to sail from Hong Kong to Antwerp the day after tomorrow. Could you prepare the Passage Plan beforehand?
船长:            二副,我们后天要从香港航行的安特卫普,你能事先准备计划航线吗?
Second Mate:      Certainly, sir. But we lack of Chart 3807.
二副:            当然,但我们缺3807海图。
Captain:          I will order it from Chart Agent tomorrow morning.
船长:            明天早上我从海图商那儿订购。
Dialog B:          Submitted Navigational Warnings
对话2          提交航行警告
Radio Operator:    Second Mate, I received these sets of navigational warnings from Tokyo Radio Station this morning. I suppose some of them are useful.
报务员:          二副,今早我从东京台收到这些航行警告,我想其中一些航行警告有用。
Second Mate:      Put them on the chart desk, and write down the warning numbers in register book. I will handle it. Thanks a lot.
二副:            把它们放到海图桌上,把航行警告号码填到登记本里,我会处理的,多谢!
Dialog C:          Blame on Chart Work发卡源码免费
对话3          责备海图工作
Captain:          Why did you not fix charts, Second Mate?
船长:            二副,你为什么没有修正海图?
Second Mate:      I’m terribly sorry. It’s no my fault, I am afraid. You know that I took over the job from former Second Officer recently, but I found there is no Admiralty Notice to Mariners.
二副:            十分抱歉,我想这不是我的错,你知道我刚从前任二副手中接班,我发现船上没有《英版航海通告》。
Captain:          Why did you not report immediately?
船长:            当时为什么不立即报告?
Second Mate:      That is my mistake, sir!
caption属性设置二副:            那是我的错,先生!
Practical Expressions                    实用表达方式
Part A:  Land and Sea-marks Defects
1. Lowestoft Light (52°19. 6N 001°40. 0E) unlit.
拉沃斯福特灯(52°19. 6N 001°40. 0E)不亮了。
2. Caister Light buoy unreliable.
3. North Well Light-buoy of Chart 108 damaged.
4. Cromer Lighthouse of chart 106 (52°56N, 001°18E) off station.
海图106克勒漠灯塔(52°56N, 001°18E)关闭。
5. Roaring Middle Light-float (52°二叉树图58N, 000°21E) missing.
中高灯浮(52°58N, 000°21E)丢失。
6. For major lights only: Fog signal at Fire Range Control Tower (53°04N, 000°14E) inoperative.
对主灯塔来说:雾号在火炬控制塔(53°04N, 000°14E)不工作。
Part B:  Alteration                      更改
7. Lighthouse in position 65°1055N, 012°0715E changed to isophase, Red, 4seconds, 23feet, 2miles.
65°1055N, 012°0715E处灯塔改成等明暗、红、4秒、23英尺、2海里。
8. Light in 50°49. 7N, 000°14. 8W temporarily changed to group occulting light, 5seconds, 8metres, 10miles.
50°49. 7N, 000°14. 8W暂时变更为联顿光5秒,8米,10海里。
9. Light in 65°10. 9N, 012°06. 9E temporarily removed.
65°10. 9N, 012°06. 9E处灯光暂时撤走。
10. Port-hand pillar lightbuoy with topmark in 31°20. 63N 121°38. 50E temporarily discontinued.
左侧带顶标柱形灯浮在31°20. 63N 121°38. 50E处暂时闪光不连续。
Part C:  New and moved                  新加和变更
11. Port-hand light-beacon with topmark Flashing Red, 10seconds, established in position 53°35. 98N, 000°05. 97W.
53°35. 98N, 000°05. 97W处建立左侧带顶标灯立标,闪红光10秒。
12. E. Cardinal pillar lightbuoy quick flashing, 3seconds, 10seconds, Chong 1 re-established in position 31°27. 82N, 121°28. 58E.
东界柱形灯浮急闪3秒、10秒,“中1”号在31°27. 82N, 121°28. 58E处重建。
13. Radar beacon moved 3miles 175degress to 29°39. 57N, 032°32. 15E.
雷达信标移至距29°39. 57N, 032°32. 15E3海里方位175度处。
Part D:  Drifting objects                基于html5可以做什么漂浮物
14. partakingSuperbuoy adrift in vicinity 50°45N, 010°26W at 0800 hour local time.
在当地时间0800时在50°45N, 010°26W附近有大型浮罐。
15. Hazardous mine adrift in vicinity 26°31N, 078°46W at 1200 UTC.
在协调世界时1200时在26°31N, 078°46W发现漂浮危险。
16. Unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity 32°05N, 081°06W at 0830 hours local time.
>position of the day
