专题 24  新高考完形填空 之夹叙夹议文
第一组:名校最新测试卷 完形填空(夹叙夹议文)  限时30分钟
Lewis B.Smedes once said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” For years Tom Anderson’s life was withered up (枯萎) by the memory of his ___21___ in an adventure that ___22___ the death of one of his classmates. He and his wife ___23___ after six years of marriage. Then the news about Tom changed. His wife Betty came back; he ___24___ a fine position.
One day he told me what had changed his life, “I used to think nothing could ___25___ what I had done. The thought of my ___26___ would stop me in the middle of a smile. It put a ___27___ between my wife and me. Then I had an ___28___ visit from the person I dreaded (恐惧) most to see — the mother of the college classmate who died. ‘Unless you forgive, you cannot love.’ She said, ‘And without love, life has no ___29___.’ She paused,
position of the dayand then said ____30____, ‘You are the one person who hasn’t forgiven Tom Anderson.’ I found there in her eyes ____31____ to be the person I might have been if her boy had lived. For the first time in my life I felt ____32____ to love and be loved.”
Forgiveness is truly the ____33____ grace (慈悲), through which we gain the freedom to learn from experience. But forgiving our shortcomings doesn’t mean ____34____ that they exist. On the contrary, it means facing them ____35____.
21. A.reputation    B.possession    C.part    D.Identity
22. A.accounted for    B.figured out    C.participated in    D.depended on
23. A.registered    B.separated    C.withdrew    D.Transformed
24. A.presented    B.promoted    C.earned    D.Guaranteed
25. A.reveal    B.confirm    C.enhance    D.Undo
26. A.drawback    B.guilt    C.survival    D.Accusation
27. A.wall    B.reminder    C.reserve    D.Label
28. A.impossible    B.unexpected    C.undoubted    D.Unbearable
29. A.concept    B.standard    C.principle    D.Meaning
30. A.deliberately    B.humbly    C.sincerely    D.Morally
31. A.occupation    B.passion    C.permission    D.Attempt
32. A.worthy    B.significant    C.valuable    D.Innocent
33. A.forgetting    B.saving    C.challenging    D.Demanding
34. A.denying    B.assuming    C.clarifying    D.Opposing
35. A.emotionally    B.diligently    C.temporarily    D.Realistically
答案:21--25 ________  26--30 _________  31--35 __________ 
William was one of my students. He adored plants but struggled with his reading. After the mid-term test, William’s ___21___ showed no sign of improvement. Until the last few weeks of the year, when we ___22___ the life cycle of plants, William excelled. I'd never seen him so ___23___ in the classroom.
As a class project, each child planted a sunflower seed in one of the containers and ___24___ its growth. I did this every year, with varying ___25___. Planting the seeds was exciting for many of the students, the ___26___ part much less so. It took too long to see results from daily watering, and most kids lost ___27___ and interest. As a result, they forgot to ___28___ their sunflowers-to-be.
But not William. Every afternoon, William made sure all the containers were ___29___ and nurtured (培育). By the last week of school, the ___30___ were about four inches tall, which really ___31___ me. In years past, few seeds successfully produced new shoots. And those that did had never gotten so tall. But these were ___32___. These were Willia
m’s sunflowers.
This is what it means to be a ___33___. At that moment, I knew I didn’t have to ___34___ William. I’d seen that special seed planted inside him. Others would too. And, one day, he’d start to ___35___, mature and shine —just like his sunflowers.
21.A.intelligence    B.image    C.condition    D.grade
22.A.studied    B.changed    C.completed    D.disturbed
23.A.realistic    B.invested    C.odd    D.embarrassed
24.A.limited    B.forecast    C.maintained    D.admired
25.A.results    B.achievements    C.ratings    D.methods
26.A.best    B.growing    C.easy    D.picking
27.A.chance    B.courage    C.patience    D.ability
28.A.show off    B.sell out    C.carry away    D.care for
29.A.filled    B.watered    C.cleaned    D.repaired
30.A.plants    B.containers    C.shoots    D.seeds
31.A.puzzled    B.bothered    C.benefited    D.amazed
32.A.similar    B.different    C.natural    D.organic
33.A.teacher    B.gardener    C.parent    D.teenager
34.A.criticize    B.praise    C.evaluate    D.concern
35.A.bend    B.explore    C.grow    D.respond
答案:21--25 ________  26--30 _________  31--35 __________ 
第二组:名校最新测试卷 完形填空(夹叙夹议文)  限时30分钟
html5表单标签During the last few years of his life my Dad lived just up the road from me in a tiny home that used to ___16___ my Nana. He had been a widower for over 20 years by then, ___17___ my Mom when she was only 55 years old. Recently his Mom, my Nana had ___18___ too. He just lived with himself and spent a lot of time ___19___jdbc执行sql语句的接口.
