直度-一个条件,一个面元素或轴是一条直线。 Straightness - a condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line. | |
平整度-是条件,表面有所有的元素在一个平面。 Flatness - is the condition of a surface having all elements in one plane. | |
圆度-描述条件对革命的表面(圆柱,圆锥,球)在所有点的表面相交的任何飞机。 Roundness - describes the condition on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, sphere) where all points of the surface intersected by any plane. | |
圆柱度-描述了一个条件的旋转面,使所有的点面距离相等,一个共同的旋转轴。 Cylindricity - describes a condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of a surface are equidistant from a common axis. | |
线轮廓度-是条件允许量相同的剖面变化,醚单边或双边,沿着一条线元素的特征。 Profile of a Line - is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether unilaterally or bilaterally, along a line element of a feature. | |
面轮廓度-是条件允许量相同的剖面变化,醚单边或双边,上表面。Profile of a Surface - is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether unilaterally or bilaterally, on a surface. | |
周围标志-表明公差适用于所有周围的部分表面。 All Around Symbol - indicating that a tolerance applies to surfaces all around the part | |
倾斜度-是表面,轴,或中线,这是从某一特定角度基准平面或轴。Angularity - is the condition of a surface, axis, or centerplane, which is at a specified angle from a datum plane or axis. | |
垂直度-条件是表面,轴,或线,这是90度的基准平面或基准轴 Perpendicularity - is the condition of a surface, axis, or line, which is 90 deg. From a datum plane or a datum axis | |
平行度-一个表面,线,或轴,这是等距离的所有点,基准平面或轴。Parallelism - is the condition of a surface, line, or axis, which is equidistant at all points from a datum plane or axis. | |
位置公差-定义一个区域内的轴或中心平面的一个特点是允许不同的真正的(理论上精确)位置。 Position Tolerance - defines a zone within which the axis or center plane of a feature is permitted to vary from true (theoretically exact) position. | |
同心度-描述在其中一个条件的2个或更多的功能,在任何组合,有一个共同的旋转轴。 Concentricity - describes a condition in which two or more features , in any combination, have a common axis. | |
对称度 -是一种状况,其中一个功能(或功能)是处理有关对称中心平面基准特征。 Symmetry - is a condition in which a feature (or features) is symmetrically disposed about the center plane of a datum feature. | |
跳动-是复合偏离理想形式的一部分表面上通过革命旋转(360度)的一部分,在基准轴 Runout - is the composite deviation from the desired form of a part surface of revolution through on full rotation (360 deg) of the part on a datum axis. | |
全跳动-是同时复合控制所有表面元素在所有圆轮廓测量位置的部分是通过旋转360。 Total Runout - is the simultaneous composite control of all elements of a surface at all circular and profile measuring positions as the part is rotated through 360. | |
最大材料状态(三菱)-是条件的一部分功能其中包含的最高金额材料在规定的极限尺寸。那就是:最小孔尺寸和最大轴尺寸。 Maximum Material Condition (MMC) - is that condition of a part feature wherein it contains the maximum amount of material within the stated limits of size. That is: minimum hole size and maximum shaft size. | |
最小材料状态(落马洲)国家四大基础数据库-意味着条件的一部分功能的大小,其中也包含了最小(最低)的材料,例子,最大孔尺寸和最小轴径。它的对面是最大材料状态。 Least Material Condition (LMC) - implies that condition of a part feature of size wherein it contains the least (minimum) amount of material, examples, largest hole size and smallest shaft size. It is opposite to maximum material condition. | |
不论大小的特征(范畴专题)-的情况下,形状公差,跳动或位置必须满足,不论在哪里,它的特点是在其尺寸公差。 Regardless Of Feature Size (RFS) - the condition where the tolerance of form, runout or location must be met irrespective of where the feature lies within its size tolerance | |
投影公差区-适用于孔内的销,螺栓,螺钉,等等,是插入。它控制孔的垂直度的程度的预测从洞,因为它涉及到交配的一部分清除。投影公差区延伸高于地面的部分功能的针的长度,螺栓,螺钉相对于其组装与交配的一部分。 Projected Tolerance Zone - applies to a hole in which a pin, stud, screw, etc., is to be inserted. It controls the perpendicularity of the hole to the extent of the projection from the hole and as it relates to the mating part clearance. The projected tolerance zone extends above the surface of the part to the functional length of the pin, stud, and screw relative to its assembly with the mating part. | |
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切平面-切面显示。该标志被放置在特征控制框后表示宽容。 Tangent Plane - indicating a tangent plane is shown. The symbol is placed in the feature control frame following the stated tolerance. | |
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自由状态的变化-是一个用来描述失真部分去除后的部队在加工过程中的应用 Free State Variations - is a term used to describe distortion of a part after removal of forces applied during manufacture. | |||||
直径-圆形特征时使用的显示领域的绘图或表明,宽容是针锋相对的当用在特征控制框架 Diameter - indicates a circular feature when used on the field of a drawing or indicates that the tolerance is diametrical when used in a feature control frame | |||||
基本尺寸-用来描述的确切尺寸,轮廓,方向或位置的一个特征。一个基本的层面总是与特征控制框架或基准目标。(理论上精确尺寸标准) Basic Dimension - used to describe the exact size, profile, orientation or location of a feature. A basic dimension is always associated with a feature control frame or datum target. (Theoretically exact dimension in ISO) | |||||
参考尺寸-尺寸通常不容忍使用,仅供参考。它不适用于生产或检验业务。(辅助尺寸标准) Reference Dimension - a dimension usually without tolerance, used for information purposes only. It does not govern production or inspection operations. (Auxiliary dimension in ISO) | |||||
基准特征-实际是用来建立一个基准组件特征. Datum Feature - is the actual component feature used to establish a datum. | |||||
position和location的区别 尺寸源-表示维源于飞机由短和三维表面的限制适用于其他表面 Dimension Origin - Signifies that the dimension originates from the plane established by the shorter surface and dimensional limits apply to the other surface. | |||||
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圆锥锥度-是用来表明锥度锥度。这个符号是始终显示垂直腿向左。Conical Taper - is used to indicate taper for conical tapers. This symbol is always shown with the vertical leg to the left. | |||||
斜坡度-是用来表明坡平锥度。这个符号是始终显示垂直腿向左。Slope - is used to indicate slope for flat tapers. This symbol is always shown with the vertical leg to the left. | |||||
沉孔或锪平-是用来表示一个扩孔或空口平面。符号之前的尺寸的扩孔或空口平面,没有空间 Counterbore/Spotface - is used to indicate a counterbore or a spotface. The symbol precedes the dimension of the counterbore or spotface, with no space | |||||
埋头孔-是用来表示一个锪。符号之前的尺寸的锪没有空间。Countersink - is used to indicate a countersink. The symbol precedes the dimensions of the countersink with no space. | |||||