Exit Questionnaire
Name Department Date Join Mobile Number Supervisor Position Last Working Date Personal Email Account
Lack of career opportunities
Resignation during probation period Lack of training opprtunity
If you have any other reasons, please specify:
In the event of any incon onsistency between Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. he , .
准为 本文文 中以 差偏 有如 义意文 英中的 中格表本 义意文 英中的 中格表本
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please specified
Working environment
______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Please specified
Leadership matters
Describe the package in the industry
Compensation matters
______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ?
Expected position
Internal Reasons
) ) ) )
Reason’s Please Reason’s of Resign Please tick for the corresponding reasons
?的善 改要 需是些 哪,中 法看的你在 的善 改要 需是些 哪
Which parts need improvement in your point of view?
方地 的赏欣 最你, 中营运和 理管的司公 中营运和 理管的司公
Which parts are you favourite in company management and operation?
?到 达有 否是期 预作工 的你,间期职在 间期职在
?么 什是因 原的大最 为认 你,到 达有没果如 到 达有没果如
Have you reached your career/job expectations when you in Konecranes? Yes No If no, what’s the major reason?
?么 什是 因原要 主的会 机作工尼 科受接时当你 尼 科受接
What were the major reasons you accepted a job with Konecranes?
( ( ( (
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
Found better job Deal in business Family reason Health reason
Further education
What could Konecranes have done to prevent you from leaving
• • • •
Performing the same or similar type of work? Staying in the same industry? Receiving about the same pay?
If no, please let us know your expected package ________________________________________________________
reWould you like to re-join Koneranes in the future
__ _ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ _ __ _ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ _
Interview Date
__ ___ ___ __ ___ ____
Not Sure
Yes, which dept and position
:将你,作工的新份寻你果如 :将你,作工的新份寻你果如 :将你,作工的新份寻你果如 :将你,作工的新份寻你果如
job, will If you have gone to another job, will you be:
__________________________ __________________________
Other reasons
Go abroad
Which country
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Yes Yes Yes No No No Interviewer
External Reasons
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □