Taking Orders 提供信息
C=Concierge 酒店门房(礼宾)G=Guest 顾客
G:Excuse me, how can I get to the Guangzhou International Conference & Exhibition Center?
C:Do you mean the new trade fair in Pa Zhou?
C:When you go out the main entrance, turn right and go along the street.After about 2 minutes’walk you’ll see a metro entrance.You take Line 2 toward Pa Zhou, and get off at the Xin Gang East Station.Take the “A” Entrance ,and you’ll get to the Exhibition Center.您从酒店的正门出去,让后向右拐。走 2 分钟后,您会看到一个地铁口。您乘 2 号线往琶洲方向行使的地铁,在新港东站下车。走 A 出口,您就到会展中心了。
G:I see ,thank you.我明白了,谢谢。
C:Shall I write down the name of the Exhibition Center in Chinese? That may save you some time.我把会展中心的名称用中文写下来好吗;这样可能会给您省下些时间。
G:Great!I would appreciate it.太好了!非常感谢。
1)The public phone is beside the elevator.公用电话在电梯旁边。
2)How can I get to xx?
我怎样可以去 xx?
3)Could you give me some information about the transportation?
4)You may take the bus No.37.了可以搭乘 37 路公共汽车。
5)If you take a taxi, it will take you 15 minutes.如果您打的士的话,大概需要 15 分钟。
6)It may cost you 20 to 25 yuan.花费大概是 20 到 25 元。
7)You may go there by train.Here is the timetable.您可以乘火车去,这里有时刻表。
8)There are several flights a day.每天有几次航班。
9)We can book a ticket for you.我们可以为您订票。
10)I want to buy a gift for my daughter.Do you have any suggestions?
11)I would recommend ….我想向您建议„„
12)I’d like to post a letter.我想寄封信。
13)I’d like to send a parcel.我想寄个包裹。
14)How much is the postage?
15)I can’t say for sure now.我现在还不清楚。
16)I’ll let you know later, will that be all right?
①May I „„? 我可以„„?用于自己想做什么的时候
May I know your name please?
May I have your checkout time?
以上句子的表达要比“What’s your name?/When will you check-out?”更正式,更礼貌
②Could you„„? 您可以„„?用于对客人提出请求的时候
Could you fill out the form, please?
Could you hold the line, please?
③Would you„„? 您愿意„„吗?用于询问客人的意愿
Would you like tea or coffee?
Would you mind(doing something)?
④Shall I „„? 需要我„„吗?用于给客人提供意见或服务的情况Shall I call a bellman?
Shall I bring you a knife or fork?
而用certainlyvery well!
如果要表示不同意对方的观点,或者要拒绝对方,最好不要直接说:NO,而用“I’m afraid that„„”
E.g.I’m afraid that we are fully book for next week.I’m afraid that we can’t hold your room without an advanced deposit.3、由于听不懂客人的英语,可以礼貌的请对方再讲多一次。exit是什么意思英语
I beg your pardon? / Pardon me? / Sorry, I don’t understand.Could you please repeat that? 而不要假装听得懂。
若不肯定对方的意思,可与客人确认自己的理解:Do you mean that„„? 若实在不明白,可以向人求助:Just a moment, please.I’ll get you the GSM.
391.Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?请您为我订一张到巴黎的机票,好吗? 392.Yes, madam.When do you intend to leave Beijing?好的,太太,您想什么时候离开北京?
393.Next Monday,May 15th.下周一,5月15日。
394.There are several flights to Paris available on May 15th.5月15日有几个航班到巴黎?
395.Which fight do you prefer?您想要哪一个航班?
396.Afternoon flights preferably.最好是下午的航班。
397.Yes,madam.there are two flights available that day:one at 4pm,the other
one at 9pm.好的,太太,那天下午有两个航班,一个是下午4点,另一个是下午9点。398.Fine,I’d like the 4pm one.好的,我想要下午4点的航班。
399.4pm,fine,I’ll fix your ticket,madam.Please wait a little moment.下午4点,好的,我来准备您的机票,太太,请您稍等一下。
400.What time do I check-in at the airport?我应该几点钟到机场办理登机手续? 401.You must be there by 3pm.您必须在下午3点前到那里。
