使用J2SE API读取Properties文件的六种方法:
InputStream in = lnew BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name)); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); |
示例: ResourceBundle rb = Bundle(name, Default()); |
示例: InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name)); ResourceBundle rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(in); |
示例: InputStream in = ResourceAsStream(name); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); |
示例: InputStream in = ClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); |
示例: InputStream in = SystemResourceAsStream(name); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); |
示例:InputStream in = ResourceAsStream(path); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); |
JProperties.Java文件 package com.kindani; //import javax.Servlet.ServletContext; import java.util.*; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; /** * 使用J2SE API?取Properties文件的六种方法 * User: SYNFORM * Date: 2005/07/12 富士康 model b * Time: 18:40:55 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class JProperties { public final static int BY_PROPERTIES = 1; public final static int BY_RESOURCEBUNDLE = 2; public final static int BY_PROPERTYRESOURCEBUNDLE = 3; public final static int BY_CLASS = 4; public final static int BY_CLASSLOADER = 5; public final static int BY_SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER = 6; public final static Properties loadProperties( final String name, final int type) throws IOException { Properties p = new Properties(); InputStream in = null; if (type == BY_PROPERTIES) { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name)); assert (in != null); p.load(in); } else if (type == BY_RESOURCEBUNDLE) { ResourceBundle rb = Bundle(name, Default()); assert (rb != null); p = new ResourceBundleAdapter(rb); } else if (type == BY_PROPERTYRESOURCEBUNDLE) { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name)); assert (in != null); ResourceBundle rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(in); p = new ResourceBundleAdapter(rb); } else if (type == BY_CLASS) { assert (JProperties.class.equals(new JProperties().getClass())); in = ResourceAsStream(name); assert (in != null); p.load(in); //return new JProperties().getClass().getResourceAsStream(name); } else if (type == BY_CLASSLOADER) { assert (ClassLoader().equals( new JProperties().getClass().getClassLoader())); in = ClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name); assert (in != null); p.load(in); //return new JProperties().getClass(). getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name); } else if (type == BY_SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER) { in = SystemResourceAsStream(name); assert (in != null); p.load(in); } if (in != null) { in.close(); } return p; } // ---------------------------------------------- servlet used /* public static Properties loadProperties( ServletContext context, String path) throws IOException { assert (context != null); InputStream in = ResourceAsStream(path); assert (in != null); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); in.close(); return p; } */ // ---------------------------------------------- support class /** * ResourceBundle Adapter class. */ public static class ResourceBundleAdapter extends Properties { public ResourceBundleAdapter(ResourceBundle rb) { assert (rb instanceof java.util.PropertyResourceBundle); this.rb = rb; java.util.Enumeration e = rb.getKeys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = e.nextElement(); this.put(o, rb.getObject((String) o)); } } private ResourceBundle rb = null; public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName) { Bundle(baseName); } public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale) { Bundle(baseName, locale); oracle分页关键词 } public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) { Bundle(baseName, locale, loader); } public Enumeration getKeys() { properties文件用什么打开 Keys(); } public Locale getLocale() { Locale(); } public Object getObject(String key) { Object(key); } public String getString(String key) { String(key); } public String[] getStringArray(String key) { StringArray(key); } protected Object handleGetObject(String key) { return ((PropertyResourceBundle) rb).handleGetObject(key); } } } JPropertiesTest.Java文件package st; 江苏计算机二级c语言 import junit.Framework.*; import com.kindani.JProperties; //import javax.Servlet.ServletContext; import java.util.Properties; public class JPropertiesTest extends TestCase { JProperties jProperties; String key = "helloworld.title"; String value = "Hello World!"; public void testLoadProperties() throws Exception { String name = null; Properties p = new Properties(); name = "C:IDEAPProperties4Methodssrccom kindanitestLocalStrings.properties"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(name, JProperties.BY_PROPERTIES); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); name = "st.LocalStrings"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(name,JProperties.BY_RESOURCEBUNDLE); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); c语言指针查询assertEquals(value,((JProperties.ResourceBundleAdapter)p).getString(key)); name = "C:IDEAPProperties4Methodssrccom kindanitestLocalStrings.properties"; php可以干什么p = JProperties.loadProperties(name, JProperties.BY_PROPERTYRESOURCEBUNDLE); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); assertEquals(value,((JProperties.ResourceBundleAdapter)p).getString(key)); name = "comkindanitestLocalStrings.properties"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(name, JProperties.BY_SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); name = "comkindanitestLocalStrings.properties"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(name, JProperties.BY_CLASSLOADER); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); name = "testLocalStrings.properties"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(name, JProperties.BY_CLASS); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); } /* public void testLoadProperties2() throws Exception { ServletContext context = null; String path = null; Properties p = null; path = "/Web-INF/classes/LocalStrings.properties"; p = JProperties.loadProperties(context, path); assertEquals(value, p.getProperty(key)); } */ } |
# $Id: LocalStrings.properties,v 1.1 2000/08/17 00:57:52 horwat Exp $ # Default localized resources for example Servlets # This locale is en_US helloworld.title=Hello World! requestinfo.title=Request Information Example hod=Method: questuri=Request URI: requestinfo.label.protocol=Protocol: requestinfo.label.pathinfo=Path Info: addr=Remote Address: requestheader.title=Request Header Example requestparams.title=Request Parameters Example requestparams.params-in-req=Parameters in this request: -params=No Parameters, Please enter some requestparams.firstname=First Name: requestparams.lastname=Last Name: cookies.title=Cookies Example kies=Your browser is sending the following cookies: -cookies=Your browser isn't sending any cookies cookies.make-cookie=Create a cookie to send to your browser cookies.name=Name: cookies.value=Value: cookies.set=You just sent the following cookie to your browser: sessions.title=Sessions Example sessions.id=Session ID: ated=Created: sessions.lastAccessed=Last Accessed: sessions.data=The following data is in your session: sessions.adddata=Add data to your session sessions.dataname=Name of Session Attribute: sessions.datavalue=Value of Session Attribute |