android 历史记录
Notifications are a key component of smartphones, so it can be annoying if you accidentally swipe one away before reading it. Introduced in , “Notification History” is a log of every notification you’ve dismissed. Here’s how to use it.
通知是智能⼿机的关键组成部分,因此,如果您在阅读前不⼩⼼将其擦了⼀下,可能会很烦。 在引⼊的“通知历史记录”是您已关闭的每个通知的⽇志。 这是使⽤⽅法。
The Notification History feature is not enabled by default. Once turned on, it will keep a log of every notification that was dismissed over the past 24 hours. This includes system notifications and alerts t
android平板电脑价格hat appeared and disappeared on their own.
默认情况下,“通知历史记录”功能未启⽤。 启⽤后,它将保留过去24⼩时内被取消的所有通知的⽇志。 其中包括⾃⾏显⽰和消失的系统通知和警报。
On your Android phone or tablet, swipe down from the top of the screen (once or twice depending on your device’s manufacturer), then tap the “Gear” icon to open the “Settings” menu.
Select the “Apps & Notifications” option from the menu.
Next, tap “Notifications.”
At the top of the screen, select “Notification History.”
Lastly, toggle the switch on at the top of the screen for “Use Notification History.”
The log will be blank at first, but it will start storing notifications after you enabled the feature. Once n
otifications appear in the log, tapping them will take you to the associated app, just like a regular notification.
⽇志最初是空⽩的,但是启⽤该功能后它将开始存储通知。 通知出现在⽇志中后,点击它们会将您带到关联的应⽤,就像常规通知⼀样。
The next time you accidentally remove a notification, you can visit this section to see what it was!下次您不⼩⼼删除通知时,可以访问此部分以查看通知内容!
android 历史记录
