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内镜手术中的外源性感染风险往往被认为可以忽略不计。然而,近日一篇发表在Endoscopy上的一项前瞻性随机研究显示,荷兰ERCP实践过程的十二指肠镜相关感染(DAI)的预估风险是之前报告风险的180倍。来自德国Evangelisches Krankenhaus的Horst Neuhaus对该研究发表了以下评论。
Duodenoscope-associated infections: risks and countermeasures
The exact number of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures performed worldwide each year is not known; the estimate for the United States is up to 70
bacterium0 000 cases. The high case volume implies that even infrequent adverse events are clinically and economically relevant. These events include procedure-related infections, which occur in 0.5 %–3 % of cases. Such infections are likely to be predominantly induced endogenously by translocation of oral or intestinal bacteria.
The extent to which infections are caused by exogenous bacteria is not well known, as these are rarely considered in clinical practice. However, recent reports on outbreaks of duodenoscope-associated infections (DAIs) have led to an increased awareness of this device-related risk. Most of these outbreaks were caused by multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) transmitted through contaminated duodenoscopes as proven by molecular typing. Such organisms can cause serious and life-threatening infections.
Until recently, only reusable duodenoscopes could be used for ERCP. Optimal cleaning, disinfection, and even more so sterilization, are difficult because of the complex mechanical features incorporated into the distal tip of the device. A recent postmarket surveillance report on culturing results showed that up to 5.4 % of properly collected samples from reprocessed duodenoscopes tested positive for organisms of high concern. Supplemental measures such as routine or periodic microbiologic culturing of duodenoscopes and reprocessing with repeat high-level disinfection (HLD), ethylene oxide sterilization after HLD, or liquid chemical sterilization (LCS) have been recommended.
Randomized study
HLD and LCS were recently compared in a prospective randomized study including 878 post-reprocessing surveillance cultures performed in a high-volume center. Cultures were positive for any organism in 1.9 % of cases, with no significant difference between the two methods. Although the culture positivity rate is low, the study results indicate that even the best manual cleaning protocol applied cannot achieve eradication of all potential pathogens and eliminate the potential for human error.
A first nationwide study recently showed a high prevalence rate of digestive bacteria in duodenoscopes in the Netherlands. Overall, 92 % of the 73 national centers sampled 745 sites of 155 duodenoscopes from three distinct manufacturers. In more than one third of the participating institutions, at least one patient-ready duodenoscope was identified as contaminated. Furthermore, 15 % of the duodenoscopes harbored microorganisms that indicated residual organic material from previous patients. Contamination occurred with all types of duodenoscopes.
The procedural risk of developing infections with different degrees of severity related to contaminated duodenoscopes has so far been rated as very low. A historical 1993 position paper from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) suggested a prevalence of 1 in 1.8 million endoscopies. No risk calculation specifically for DAIs has been reported; however, data are urgently needed for strategic planning of DAI prevention.