1 launch 发起
2 cooperative 合作的
3 resist抵制
4 fortune 财富
5 manufacturer 制造商
6 subsidiary⼦公司
7 found 创建8 complain 抱怨9 client 客户
10 advertisement ⼴告11 human resources ⼈⼒资源12 accounting 会计
13 travel agency 旅⾏社,旅⾏代理⼈14 stock broker 证券经纪⼈,股票经纪⼈15 forum 法庭,论坛,讨论会16 trade show 贸易展览,内部预映17 privacy 隐私18 permission 允许,许可
19 recognition 识别20 stuff 东西,物品21 cubicle ⼩隔间
22 reception desk 前台23 file cabinet ⽂件柜24 water cooler 饮⽔机
25 deputy 副⼿,代理⼈26 locate 位于27 aisle 过道,通道
28 southern 南⽅的29 northeastern 东北的
其他单元单词表和Get Ready 部分也⼤体看看。⽐如
第七单元单词:black coffee⿊咖啡yogurt 酸奶mineral water矿物质⽔,苏打⽔green tea绿茶
orange juice 橙汁,橘汁exception 例外applicant 申请⼈extend伸出ban明令禁⽌
former从前的drop in 顺便拜访frown upon不赞成limit限制refer 提到,针对apologize道歉courteous礼貌的policy 政策,规定discourage阻⽌contract合同consult咨询offend冒犯counterpart相当的⼈,对应
consider 考虑religious 宗教的Ramadan 斋⽉prayer 祷告conversational 交谈的
1 课本P3
3 Grammar AABDBB(参考P19 notes There be 句式的⽤法)
2课本P82 3 Grammar DBBAD (参考P69 notes 同位语从句)
3课本P98 3 Grammar BCBBDB(考查⼀般将来时,不太重要)
4课本P114 3 Grammar ABCDCBB(参考P101 notes 情态动词)
5课本P132 3 Grammar BDCDC(参考P118 notes 祈使句)
P16A1Casual clothes convey a message that you’re not taking the job seriously.
A4 If you become involved with your boss, your accomplishments and promotions will be suspect.假如你与⽼板谈恋爱,你的成绩和升职就会遭到质疑。
P32A4 Making personal phone calls at work should be avoided.
B4 我们今后不需要在⼩屏幕上观看视频。
We will no longer have to watch videos on a small screen.
P48 A1 I’m sorry.Mr.Adams is not in his office at the moment.
A2 Welcome to join our company.
A3 In China,exchange of business cards is performed at the beginning of the first formal
A4 Please hold the line,John will be with you soon.
B1 您愿意给他留个⼝信吗?
Would you like to leave him a message?
B3 我很开⼼地宣布约翰先⽣晋升为我公司⼈⼒资源总监。
I’m happy to announce that Mr. John has been promoted to be our company’s
human resources manager.
P66 A1 We’ll take the lunch break at 12 o’clock or so.
B3 ⼤家都需要学习⼀下如何有效管理时间。
We should all learn something about how to manage our time effectively.
P82 A3 We’ve pr epared name cards to be put on the conference table for guests to sit by.
B4 有四个⼈会出席会议。cooperative
Four people will attend the meeting.
P98 A1 Is there any room available for this Sunday?
A2 I’d like to book a round-trip ticket for tomorrow.
B1 我想订⼀个明天的海景房。
I’d like to book an ocean-view room for tomorrow.
B2 由于恶劣天⽓的影响,您的航班延误了。
Due to the bad weather, your flight is delayed.
B3 旅⾏之前,确定预订好机票。
Before traveling, make sure to book the flight tickets.
P114A3 It is acceptable, but may be misunderstood, for a foreign woman to invite an
English man to dinner.
外国⼥性邀请英国男⼠共进晚餐是可以接受的, 但是可能会引起误会。
A4 Doing business in Saudi Arabia is somewhat more difficult for women.
B1 在社交场合见到客⼈要握⼿欢迎。
One should greet the guests by shaking hands with them on social occasions.
B2 我们的经理去机场送客⼈了,可能会回来得很晚。
Our manager has been to the airport to see the guests off and perhaps will
come back very late.
B3 在他的讲话中提到了我们给予他的巨⼤帮助。
In his speech he referred to the great help we offered.
P132 A1 Is there any seat available now?
B2 你能给我推荐⼏个粤菜的名菜吗?
Can you recommend some famous Cantonese dishes to me?
To :Han Meimei
Subject: My college life
Hello Han Meimei,
Sincerely yours.
Li Lei
简明地概括email 的内容,短的可以是⼀个单词,如greetings,长的可以是⼀个名词性短语,也可以是完整句,但长度⼀般不超过35 个字母。
1. 在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使⽤头衔加上姓,如Mr. Smith。
2. 称呼和正⽂之间、段落之间、正⽂和信尾客套话之间⼀般空⼀⾏,开头⽆须空格。
1. ⾮常正式的(例如写给政府官员的):Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully
2. 正式的(例如客户之间):Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Yours truly
3. 不太正式的(例如客户):Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially yours, Yours cordially, Cordially
4. ⾮正式的(例如朋友、同事之间):Regards, Warm regards, With kindest regards, With my best regards, My
best, Give my best to Mary, Fondly, Thanks, See you next week!
Thank you for your letter/email. 谢谢你的来信/电⼦邮件。
It was very kind of you to write to me. 你给我写信,实在太好了。
I got your lovely letter. 收到你令⼈愉快的来信了。
I am writing to tell you that …. 给你写信,是想告诉你……
Let me know if you need anything else. 如果还需要别的,告诉我。
I look forward to hearing from you. 期盼你的回信。
Hear from you soon. 希望很快听到你的答复。
Take care. 保重。
Give my love to the rest of the family. 代我跟家⼈问好。
Love from Sarah. 爱你的,莎拉。
Much love from Paul. 很爱你的,保罗。
Hi Chris,
Really excites to tell you I have got the intern ship and my cubicle(获得实习机会并且有了⾃⼰的格⼦间)!It is small but quite comfortable.I have my desk and office chair.On the desk,I have a small bookshelf,a lap top(⼀台笔记本电脑) and a lamp(⼀盏台灯).There is also a cabinet above my head(头上有个储物柜) for storing files.To make it better,I actually plan to plan to put more things on t
he wall,like some posters and postcards.Anyway,I love organizing.It feels great to keep everything on my desk tidy and clean(保持桌上每⼀件东西整洁).I do wish you could stop by someday,and I can show you around.
Best wishes.
Always say Excuse me,Please,Thank you and I’m sorry
Always say “excuse me”when you cough,when you sneeze,and when you call someone’s attention in between their work or conversation.Always say “please”when asking someone for help.Without this,you will sound like you are demanding.When people do things for you,whether it is your boss or your coworker you should always say, “thank you.”This will show that you appreciate what they have done for you.Say “I’m sorry”when you want others to know that you didn’t mean what just happened.