班级:_____________  姓名:_____________
1. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
It''s Saturday today. My mother and I go to the park. There are (有) many(许多) people (人) in the park. Look, a girl is reading a book under the tree. Two boys are playing ping pong. A grandfather is sitting(坐) on a chair. Is he reading? No, he''s sleeping. I''m thirsty. My mother buys(买) me an ice cream. Now, I''m eating an ice cream.
(1)—What day is it today?—It''s ___________.
A. Saturday  B. Sunday  C. Monday
(2)—How many boys are playing ping pong?—_________
A. One  B. Two  C. Three
(3)—Is the grandfather sleeping?—__________
A. Yes, he is.  B. No, he isn''t.  C. He''s sleeping.
(4)We are in the ________________.
A. classroom  B. park  C. zoo
2. 阅读理解。
Hello, I''m Jack. I live in a house. My address is 246 Second Street. It''s far from the school. So I go to school by bus every day. But my house is near the park. So I often go to the park on foot. Tom is my friend. He lives in a house, too. It is near the school. So he goes to school on foot every day.
(1)Jack lives in ________.
A.the cinema  B.the school  C.a house
(2)Jack''s address is ________.
A.245 Second Street  B.246 Second Street  C.246 Seventh Street
(3)Jack''s house is ________ the park.
A.far from  B.beside  C.near
(4)Jack often goes to the ________ on foot.
A.park  B.school  C.library
(5)Tom goes to school ________.
A.on foot  B.by bike  C.by bus
3. 阅读短文并根据其内容,选择正确的答案。
Hello, I''m Lucy. I''m nine years old. I like swimming and running. PE is my favourite subject. My family is going to play in the park tomorrow. We''re going to get up at eight o''clock. My sister is going to fly a kite. My brother is going to take some pictures. My father is going to fish, and my mother is going to fish, too. And I''m going to ride a bike.
(1)There are ______ people in Lucy''s family.
A. 4  B. 5  C. 6
(2)Lucy''s favourite subject is _________.
A. PE  B. Music  C. English
(3)Lucy''s father and mother are going to _______.
A. fish  B. take some pictures  C. swim
(4)They''re going to get up at ______.
A. 9 o''clock  B. 10 o''clock  C. 8 o''clock
(5)Lucy is going to _______.
A. fly a kite  B. ride a bike  C. run in the park
4. 读故事,判断下列句子与故事内容是否相符。

Every day, Mr. Smith sees a man near his home. The man has a pair of sunglasses (太阳镜) and sits on the ground. In front of the man, there is a hat with some money (钱) in it. Beside the man, there is a dog. Around the dog''s neck, there is a board (牌子). It says 'I''
m blind'. Mr. Smith gives the man some money every afternoon on his way home. One day, Mr. Smith walks by the man, but he does not give him any money.
'Why don''t you give me money today?' the man asks. Mr. Smith is very surprised (惊讶的).
'Aren''t you a blind man?' he asks.
'No, I''m not. But my dog is blind (瞎的).' the man says.
(  )(1)Mr. Smith sees a man. He sits on a chair.
(  )(2)There is a board around the dog''s neck.
(  )(3)Mr. Smith never (从不) gives the man any money on his way home.
(  )(4)The man is blind.
(  )(5)The dog is blind.
5. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
Mr Lin is a driver. He drives a bus every day. He is a hard-working (勤奋工作的) man. He gets up at 5:30 in the morning. He starts to work (开始工作) at 6:00. He is very nice. He says 'Good morning' to passengers (乘客). He always helps old people. He is tired after w
ork. But he still helps Mrs Lin at home. And he loves his son. Jack is Mr Lin''s son. He likes Chinese and I like English. We study together (一起). We are good friends.
(1)Mr Lin is a ______________.(  )
A. doctor  B. bus drive  C. taxi driver
(2)What does Mr Lin do at 6:00 in the morning?(  )
A. He is trie      B. He gets up.  C. He starts to work.
(3)How is Mr Lin?(  )
A. Nice.  B. Not goo      C. Sa 
(4)Who is Jack?(  )
A. He''s a passenger.  B. He''s Mr Lin''s son.  C. He''s a driver.
(5)What does Jack like?(  )
A. Chinese.  B. English.  C. Passengers.
6. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。
    We have two bedrooms, one living room, a study, a kitchen and a bathroom. A big bed i
s in my bedroom. We have three sofas and a TV. They are in the living room. Where is my desk? It''s in the study. I like my home. 
(1)We have two ________. 
(2)A big bed in my ________. 
(3)The TV is in the ________. 
(4)The desk is in the ________.
7. 阅读理解。
Hello! I’m Lisa. This is my mother. She’s 35 years old. She’s a nurse. She looks after her patients very carefully. She likes cooking very much. She cooks for our family every day. I love my mother.
[1]Lisa’s mother is thirty-five years old. (____)
[2]Lisa’s mother is a doctor. (____)
[3]Lisa’s mother likes eating very much. (____)
[4]Lisa’s mother cooks for her family every day. (____)
8. 读短文,指出句子是否与短文的意思—致,如一致写“T”,否“F”
Mike is going to have a picnic with his best friends this Sunday. He is going to invite Sally, Yongxian, Jiamin, Ben and Janet to come. He is getting ready for it. He is going to buy some sandwiches, hamburgers, coke and orange juice. He''ll ask his friends to have the picnic on Maofeng Hill. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Guangzhou. They can get there by bus. Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at eight thirty.
(  ) (1) Mike is going to have a party this Saturday.
(  ) (2) Mike will invite his best friends to have a picnic.
(  ) (3) Mike is getting ready for the picnic.
(  ) (4) Mike is going to buy some food and drinks.
(  ) (5) Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at half past nine.
9. 阅读理解。
Hello, I''m Su Yang. I''m twelve. I have a good friend. Her name is Alice. She speaks(说)English and she can''t speak Chinese. From Monday to Friday, we have Chinese, Maths and English. Alice likes Chinese and I like English. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday, we have PE and Art. On Wednesday and Thursday, we have Science and Musi  C. Alice likes PE very much. She can play basketball very well. But I don''t. I like Musi  C. I can play the piano(钢琴). On Saturday, we often go to the library together. On Sunday, Alice has a Chinese lesson. And I have a Piano lesson, too.
(1)Perhaps(也许)Alice is ______.
A. five  B. thirty  C. twelve
(2)They have Science lessons on ______.
A. Wed. and Thur.  B. Wed. and Fri.  C. Mon. and Fri.
(3)______ can play basketball very well.
A. Su Yang  B. Alice  C. Su Hai
(4)On Saturday, Alice ______.
A. goes to the library  B. plays basketball  C. has a lesson
(5)Su Yang has a ______ lesson on Sunday.
A. Chinese  B. Piano  C. Swimming
