Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where you want to be.Of course there are too many cars.The Japanese drive very fast when they can,but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams(交通阻塞).Tokyo is not different from London,Paris and New York in that.It is different when one wants to walk.
At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London's Oxford Street.But the street near the Ginza in Tokyo always has a lot of people on foot,and sometimes it is really difficult to walk.People are very polite;there are just too many of them.
piano怎么读The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night.That is when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home.There are 35,000 nightclubs in Tokyo,and yo
u do not often see one that is empty.
During the day,most people travel to and from work by train.Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day.At most stations,train arrives every two or three minutes,but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains.Although they are usually crowded,Japanese trains are very good.They always leave and arrive on time.On a London train,you would see everybody reading a newspaper.In Tokyo trains,everybody in a seat seems to be asleep,whether his journey is long or short.
In Tokyo,I stood outside the station for five minutes.Three fire engines raced(疾驰)past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day.Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now.
1.Tokyo is different from London in that ________.
A.it has a larger population B.it is a noisy city
C.it is more difficult to go somewhere on foot
D.its people are more friendly and more polite
2.When does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?
A.When the nightclubs are closing.B.At 8:00 a.m.
C.When the train is overcrowded.D.At 11:30 a.m.
3.What does the writer think of Japanese trains?
A.They are very nice and comfortable.B.There are not enough trains.
C.They often run behind time.D.They leave and arrive on time.
4.In Tokyo trains,every Japanese in a seat _______.
A.reads a newspaper B.looks like being asleep
C.talks with others D.looks out of the window
5.From the passage,we can see that fires break out _______in Tokyo.A.quite often B.very rarely C.occasionally D.only several times a day
The Musical Heart
This is the story of a small boy,who lived a long time ago in Germany.His name was George Frederick Handle.
As a very young boy, he loved music most. But his father didn't allow him to play any music. Then one day he waited until he was all alone at home.Quickly he ran to his hiding place;he
and a friend carried a small piano into the house.He decided to put it in his hiding place.There no one could see it.
That night,when everyone else was asleep,he went to his hiding place.The moon wa
s shining through a broken window.He sat on a box and began to play the piano.At that moment he knew he could only be happy playing music the rest of his life.
He played on and on,and he filled his house with his music.
“George!”cried his father.“What are you doing?Stop that playing now!”
The music stopped.George had tears in his eyes.Then he turned to his father and said,“Papa,you must understand.I love music.It is my whole life.”
“Now listen to me,you foolish boy,”said Mr Handle.“I want you to be a rich man.I want you to work hard.I don't want you to be a poor man all your life.You must leave music and become a doctor.Don't let me see you at the piano again.”
One day George found his way to church.He went straight to the organ(管风琴)and began to play it.He was only seven years old then.The story of his music spread in his town.When the Duke heard the story,he said,“This boy must have the best music teacher.”So George began to take music lessons.
George's teacher was very good.He taught George well and helped him write his own music.George became famous when he was eleven years old.Now his music is played all over the world.
1.Why didn't George listen to his father?
A.He deeply loved music.B.He didn't think his father was right.
