Hello, I'm Su Yang. I'm twelve. I have a good friend. Her name is Alice. She speaks(说)English and she can't speak Chinese. From Monday to Friday, we have Chinese, Maths and English. Alice likes Chinese and I like English. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday, we have PE and Art. On Wednesday and Thursday, we have Science and Music. Alice likes PE very much. She can play basketball very well. But I don't. I like Music. I can play the piano(钢琴). On Saturday, we often go to the library together. On Sunday, Alice has a Chinese lesson. And I have a Piano lesson, too.
1、Perhaps(也许)Alice is ______. (   
A.five    B.thirty    C.twelve
2、They have Science lessons on ______.(   
A.Wed. and Thur.    B.Wed. and Fri.      C.Mon. and Fri.
3、______ can play basketball very well. (   
A.Su Yang    B.Alice    C.Su Hai
4、On Saturday, Alice ______. (   
A.goes to the library    B.plays basketball    C.has a lesson
5、Su Yang has a ______ lesson on Sunday. (   
A.Chinese    B.Piano    C.Swimming
Sam is my good friend. He's a hard-working and quiet boy. He can swim and draw cartoons. Today is Sunday. He often reads books and plays basketball on Sundays. He lives in a village. It's small but very beautiful. There are many mountains around (围绕) his village. You can see some monkeys and rabbits in the mountains. In front of the mountains, there is a river and a bridge. There are some ducks and fish in the river. Near
the river, there are many trees. Sam's house is behind the trees. He likes his village very much.
6、What's Sam like? (  )
A.He is hard­working.
B.He is shy.
C.He is clever.
7、What does Sam often do on Sundays? (  )
A.He often draws cartoons.
B.He often reads books.
C.He often swims.
8、What can you see in the mountains? (  )
A.Some ducks.
B.Some bears.
C.Some rabbits.
9、Where is Sam's house? (  )
A.It's in front of the trees.
B.It's behind the trees.
C.It's behind the mountains.
10、Which of the following is TRUE(下面哪项是正确的)? (  )
A.Sam can't swim.
B.You can see some tigers.
C.There is a bridge in the village.
Four seasons make a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is a beautiful season. It's warm. People fly kites and go boating. Trees turn green and beautiful flowers come out. Everything looks new.
Summer is a happy season. It's hot, so people usually go swimming and eat ice creams.
Autumn is a colourful season. It's cool in autumn. Leaves on trees turn yellow and red. People can see a lot of fruits like red apples and yellow pears. The colours  are beautiful.
Winter is the last season. Usually, it's cold. It's snowy. People can play in the snow and go skating. But in Hainan, it's not very cold. It's warm. People there can go swimming in the sea.
11、In ________, everything looks new. (    )
A.winter    B.summer    C.spring
12、The word"colourful"in this passage(文章) means "________". (    )
A.寒冷的    B.收获的    C.五彩缤纷的
13、People can ________ in Hainan in winter. (    )
A.make snowmen    B.go swimming    C.go skating
14、Which of the sentences(句子) is right? (    )
A.There are many beautiful flowers in spring.
B.In summer, people usually make snowmen and go skating.
C.Winter is the third season.piano怎么读
15、The passage is about ________. (    )
A.flowers    B.clothes    C.seasons
Welcome to our restaurant! We have fish, chicken, rice, eggs, fruits and vegetables for you to eat. We have apple juice, orange juice, milk and beer for you to drink. Many people come here for dinner every day. Do you want to try Chinese food? We have Shandong food, Sichuan food and Guangdong food. They’re nice to eat. And they are cheap. On Sundays, children can have free milk here. You can take our food home.
Would you like to enjoy nice food? Please come in!
16、We can’t have ________ in this restaurant. (    )
A.eggs    B.fish    C.ice cream
17、We can have ________ in this restaurant. (    )
A.soup    B.coffee    C.orange juice
18、The underlined (划线的) word “cheap”means (意思是) ________. (    )
A.便宜的    B.易坏的    C.昂贵的
19、How many kinds of Chinese food can we eat there? (    )
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.
20、The writer (作者) wants to ________. (    )
A.tell us where this restaurant is
B.help us eat well in this restaurant
C.encourage (鼓励) us to eat in this restaurant
Bob comes to live in a new city with his family. One morning, his mother, Mrs Black finds Bob is not happy and asks, “Why do you look so sad?”
“I have no friends here,” says Bob. Then, someone knocks(敲) at the door. Mrs Black opens the door and sees a woman standing with a smile(微笑), “I’m Mrs Smith. I am your neighbour. I live next door. Can I borrow(借) two eggs?” “OK,” says Mrs Black.
