Hello, I'm Su Yang. I'm twelve. I have a good friend. Her name is Alice. She speaks(说)English and she can't speak Chinese. From Monday to Friday, we have Chinese, Maths and English. Alice likes Chinese and I like English. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday, we have PE and Art. On Wednesday and Thursday, we have Science and Music. Alice likes PE very much. She can play basketball very well. But I don't. I like Music. I can play the piano(钢琴). On Saturday, we often go to the library together. On Sunday, Alice has a Chinese lesson. And I have a Piano lesson, too.
1、Perhaps(也许)Alice is ______. (   
A.five    B.thirty    C.twelve
2、They have Science lessons on ______.(   
A.Wed. and Thur.    B.Wed. and Fri.      C.Mon. and Fri.
3、______ can play basketball very well. (   
A.Su Yang    B.Alice    C.Su Hai
4、On Saturday, Alice ______. (   
A.goes to the library    B.plays basketball    C.has a lesson
5、Su Yang has a ______ lesson on Sunday. (   
A.Chinese    B.Piano    C.Swimming
My name is John. I’m from the USA.There are four people in my family. My parents, my brother and me. I usually get up at 6:30 and I often play basketball on Saturdays. I like spring best. It’s windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping to prepare (准备) for my birthday tomorrow. My brother is playing in the garden. I’m watching TV.
6、John often play basketball ____. (   )
A.on Sundays    B.in spring    C.on Saturdays
7、Which is John’s favourite season? (   )
A.Spring.    B.Winter.    C.Summer.
8、Why does John like winter? (   )
A.Because his birthday is in December.    B.Because he can play with snow in winter.    C.A and B.
9、Who are going shopping today? (   )
A.John’s brother.    B.John’s parents.    C.John.
10、What is John’s brother doing? (   )
A.He’s watching TV.    B.He’s playing.    C.He’s going shopping.
Bob comes to live in a new city with his family. One morning, his mother, Mrs Black finds Bob is not happy and asks, “Why do you look so sad?”
“I have no friends here,” says Bob. Then, someone knocks(敲) at the door. Mrs Black opens the door and sees a woman standing with a smile(微笑), “I’m Mrs Smith. I am your neighbour. I live next door. Can I borrow(借) two eggs?” “OK,” says Mrs Black.
After lunch, a boy comes to Bob's house. “My name is Peter. My mother asks me to give you two eggs and some cakes.” “Thank you! I'm new here. Come in and play with me,” Bob is very happy, “I’m happy that your mother borrows two eggs this morning.”
“Welcome to our city. But my mother doesn't really need the eggs. She just wants to make friends with you.” Peter smiles.
11、Who comes to live in the new city? (   )
A.Bob's family.    B.Peter's family.    C.Mrs Smith.
12、When does Peter come to Bob's home? (   )
A.In the early morning.    B.In the afternoon.    C.In the evening.
13、Why does Mrs Smith come to Mrs Black's house? (   )
A.She really needs two eggs.    B.She only wants to make cakes.    C.She wants to make friends with Bob's family.
14、What does the word neighbour mean here in Chinese? (   )
A.邻居    B.同胞    C.仁慈的人
15、What do you think of Peter's mother? (   )
A.Brave.    B.Friendly.    C.Pretty.
Argentina is a very big country (国家) in the southern hemisphere (南半球). In Argentina,
winter begins in June and summer begins in December. But it isn’t cold in winter in all of Argentina because it has different climate zones (气候带). The north of Argentina is near the equator (赤道) . There are high temperatures all year, even in winter. The south of Argentina is never near the sun, so it’s very cold all year. In many countries we can say, “I go skiing in winter and I love swimming in the sea in summer.” You can do those activities in Argentina in all seasons.
16、When does summer begin in Argentina? (    )
A.June    B.September    C.December
17、Is it cold in winter in all of Argentina? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.Not, it isn’t.    C.I don’t know.
18、In China, we can ________ in the sea in summer. (    )
A.go swimming    B.go skiing    C.go skiing and go swimming
19、You can go skiing in ________ in Argentina. (    )
A.summer    B.winter    C.all seasons
20、Why is it very cold all the year in the south of Argentina? (    )
A.Because the south of Argentina is in the southern hemisphere.
B.Because the south of Argentina is never near the sun.
C.Because the south of Argentina is near the equator.
Mrs Brown goes to see her son in London. Her son works in a music club there. Mrs Brown doesn’t know London well. She can’t find her way.
She sees a man at a bus stop. She wants to ask the man the way. “Excuse me. Can you help me please? Which bus goes to Miller’s Shop?” Mrs Brown asks.
