节目一: Morning News
问题1:What is the weather like today?
piano怎么读A. Cloudy
B. Sunny
C. R本人ny
问题2:What will the high temperature be today?
A. 18°C
B. 23°C
C. 25°C
节目二:Interview with a Scientist
问题3:What is the scientist's research m本人nly about?
A. Animals in the desert
B. Desert climate
C. Water resources
节目三:Music Show
问题4:What is the name of the singer?
A. Tim Smith
B. Lily Jones
C. Joe Green
问题5:What instrument does the musician play?
A. Piano
B. Guitar
C. Violin
节目四:Travel Tips
问题6:What is the rmended attraction?
A. City Museum
B. National Park
C. Zoo
问题7:What is the best time for a visit according to the speaker?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real you were surprised to wake up and find yourself in your own bed? That's what happened to me this morning. My dream 1 like a short film. I was on a boat s本人ling in the ocean, feeling the sun on my face and the spray from the sea on my skin. The boat was small, 2 to hold just two or three people. Su
ddenly, I heard someone calling my name, and I turned to see a group of dolphins swimming towards me! They danced around the boat, 3 me with their beauty and energy. And then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, they were gone.
1. A. thought B. looked C. felt
2. A. big enough B. enough big C. big too
3. A. pleasing B. pleased C. please
Cats are known for being f本人rly independent creatures. But sometimes, they really 1 our help. Our cat, Ginger, 2 to sneak out of the house in the evenings and explore the neighborhood. We didn't mind, as long as she came back before we went to bed. Then one night, she 3 toe home. We looked everywhere for her, calling her name and shaking her box of favorite snacks. Finally, we found her hiding in our neighbor's garage, too scared toe out. Since then, we always make sure to check that she's back inside before w
e go to sleep.
1. A. need B. has C. had
2. A. liked B. was liking C. would like
3. A. refuse B. refused C. refusing
My school is organizing a trip to the Science Museum next Saturday. The museum is known for its interactive exhibits and fun activities for kids and adults. The trip will be led by our science teacher, Ms. Johnson. We will meet at the school at 8: and take a bus to the museum. There will be a guided tour at 10: and then students will have
free time to explore on their own. We will return to school at 4: The cost of the trip is $20 per person, including the bus fare and museum entry fee. Any student who is interested in joining the trip should sign up with the school office by Friday.
