of course的用法和例句
"of course"是一个常用的短语,表示同意或肯定某件事情是显而易见的或理所当然的。以下是几个例句及其中文翻译:
1. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" - "Of course, I wouldn't miss it!"
  ("你今晚要来参加派对吗?" - "当然,我不会错过!")
2. "Can you help me with this project?" - "Of course, I'd be happy to assist you."
  ("你能帮我完成这个项目吗?" - "当然,我很愿意帮助你。")
3. "Do you think she will win the competition?" - "Of course, she's incredibly talented."
talented的用法和短语  ("你认为她会赢得比赛吗?" - "当然,她非常有才华。")
4. "Is it OK if I borrow your car?" - "Of course, just make sure to bring it back by tomorrow."
  ("如果我借用你的车可以吗?" - "当然可以,只是确保明天之前还给我。")
5. "Could you pass me the salt, please?" - "Of course, here you go."
  ("请你递给我盐,好吗?" - "当然,请拿好。")
