备战高考英语一轮基础复习选修八unit 2(人教版)
1. commercial      adj. 商业的;贸易的 → ____________ n.商业;贸易
2. obtain        vt. 获得;赢得 → ____________ adj. 可获得的;可实现的
3. resist          vt. 抵抗;对抗 → ____________ n.抵抗;反抗;抵抗力 → ____________ adj. 抵抗的;抵制的
4. retire          vi. 退休;离开 → ____________ adj. 退休的;退职的;退役的 → ____________ n.退休;退职;退役talented的用法和短语
5. attain          vt. 获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等) → ____________ adj. 可达到的 → ____________ n.获得;成就
6. object          vi. 反对;不赞成 → ____________ adj. 客观的;客观存在的 n.目标 → ____________ n.不赞成;反对;异议
7. adore          vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 → ____________ adj. 崇拜的;爱慕的 → ____________ adj. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的
8. differ          vi. 不同;相异 → ____________ n.不同;差别 → ____________ adj. 不同的;有差异的 → ____________ adv. 不同地
9. undertake      vt. 着手;从事;承担 → ____________ 过去式 → ____________ 过去分词 → ____________ n.任务;事业;承诺;保证
10. strike        vi. & vt. & n.打;撞击;袭击;罢工 → ____________ 过去式 → ____________ 过去分词 → ____________ adj. 显著的;引人注目的;俊秀的

1. ____________        得到好结果;取得成功;偿清
2. ____________            沮丧;不愉快
3. ____________            赞成;支持
4. ____________            一定或注定(做)……
5. ____________            白费力气;枉费心机   
6. ____________    不时;偶尔 
7. ____________      使复生;使复活
8. ____________      使……刻骨铭心
9. ____________      状况/情况很好(坏)
10. ____________      对……有很大影响
1. that引导同位语从句
____________ she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.
2. 完全倒装
Then ____________ that Dolly had become seriously ill.
3. 形容词作状语
Did she ____________ because she was a clone?
1. Most people think it would help use public resources in a more ____________ (reason) and effective manner.
2. We may ask her a few questions to make sure we know _________(exact) what she wants.
3. ____________ (owe)to her assistance,we succeeded in starting the engine.
4. They have found that some local humor and jokes can be understood by people from ____________ (differ) cultural backgrounds.
5. The film was a huge ____________ (commerce) success.
6. The paper had to publish a ____________ (correct) to the story.
7. ____________ (short) after moving into her apartment, she found a job.
8. The only wall ____________ (decorate) are candles and a single mirror.
9. ____________ (able) to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink.
10. The role of the news ____________ (medium) in forming public opinion is very important.
1. His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.
2. He undertake to pay the money back and left.
3. Many local people object the building of the new airport.
4. She was forbade to leave the house.
5. He asked for help from a colleague who owed him to a favour.
6. Nancy did a lot to improve working condition for factory workers.
7. One of the many advantages of living in the city is you can eat out at almost any time of the day.
8. I’m all in favour equal pay for equal work.
9. David couldn’t resist show off his new car.
10. They tried on vain to persuade her to go.
The Young Scholars Program
The University of Maryland’s Young Scholars Program is a perfect summer camp for academically talented teenagers who want to earn college credits,pursue academic interests or discover college life at the University of Maryland.The program is challenging and rewarding.Students have the opportunity to show that they can be successful in a university environment.
The Activities
During three weeks of exploration,teens preview the university experience,study with students who share similar interests and communicate with the best teachers of the University of Maryland in a dynamic and challenging classroom environment.Students can have trips to nearby Washington,DC and enjoy movie nights and activities at the student union.Workshops and seminars featuring speakers in academic fields further enrich the learning experience.
