more than + 名词的用法
more than 在英文中通常用来表示比某个数量更多的数量或程度。它在句子中可以作为副词,也可以作为形容词。在句子中的位置可以灵活变化,但其基本用法和语法结构是固定的。下面我们来详细了解一下 more than + 名词的常见用法和注意事项。
一、more than 作为副词
1.1 表示程度
more than 在句子中常用来表示比预期或以往更多的程度。比如:
- She is more than capable of handling the project on her own.(她绰绰有余地可以独自处理这个项目。)
- It's more than just a job for him, it's his passion.(对他来说,这不仅仅是一份工作,而是他的激情所在。)
1.2 表示数量
more than 也可以用来表示比某个具体数量更多的数量。比如:
- Thepany has earned more than 1 million dollars in revenue this year.(公司今年的营收超过了100万美元。)
- This new smartphone has more than 128GB of storage space.(这款新手机的存储空间超过了128GB。)
二、more than 作为形容词
2.1 形容名词
more than 作为形容词修饰名词时,常用来强调比预期或以往更多的特征或属性,类似于 “超出……的”。比如:
- His performance was more than satisfactory, it was exceptional.(他的表现不仅仅是令人满意,而是非常出。)
- The book offers more than just entert本人nment value, it also provides deep insights into talented的用法和短语
human nature.(这本书不仅仅是娱乐性的价值,它还深入洞察了人性。)
2.2 表示质量
more than 有时也可以用来表示比较高的质量或水平。比如:
- This restaurant offers more than just good food, it provides a unique dining experience.(这家餐厅提供的不仅仅是美食,还提供独特的就餐体验。)
more than + 名词的用法非常灵活多样,可以用来表示程度、数量、特征、属性和质量等不同方面。通过灵活运用,可以使句子更加生动形象,表达更加精确清晰。希望本文所述内容能对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也希望大家在日常运用英文时能够灵活掌握 more than 的用法,写出更加地道和流畅的句子。3. more than 常见搭配
除了以上所述的基本用法外,more than 还有一些常见的搭配,我们可以通过这些搭配来更加灵活地运用这一结构。
3.1 more than meets the eye
- The new employee may seem shy and reserved, but there is more than meets the eye - he is incredibly talented and hardworking.
3.2 more than one way to skin a cat
- When ites to problem-solving, there is more than one way to skin a cat - we need to be open-minded and creative in finding solutions.
