Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister
Section A
1. He has shorter hair than Sam. 他的头发比萨姆的短。than 比……(用于adj adv比较级之后)
当两个人或物进行比较时,要用adj比较级。比较级+ than表示比......更......。一般adj或adv比较级是在词后加-er。但要注意比较的对象。
2.反意疑问句: 在陈述句后附加一个简短问句,征询肯定或否定的意见,或者希望得到陈述句所说的得到证实。
Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she?
She doesn’t come from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you?
(3)提问部分用代词而不用名词Lily is a student, isn’t she?
(4)陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。
He knows little English, does he?他一点也不懂英语,不是吗?
They hardly understood it, did they? 他们几乎不明白,不是吗?
3.a little, much a lot a bit ,far,any,no等可以+比较级
4.Tara works as hard as Tina. 塔拉学习跟蒂娜一样努力。
...(not)as + adj或adv原级+ as... 原级比较,......和......(不) 一样
(1)...not as + adj或adv原级+ as... 表示双方在某个方面不同
His English is not as good as hers. 他英语不如她的好。
He doesn’t work as hard as his brother. 他没有他哥哥工作努力。
(2)as + adj或adv原级+ as 表示双方在某个方面一样。
She is as tall as me. 她跟我一样高。I run as fast as he does. 我跑得跟他一样快。
5.work hard 动词短语努力工作
hard work 名词短语艰苦的工作
hard-working adj 勤劳的、努力工作的比较级为more hard-working 更努力less hard-working不努力6. beat win v 赢
(1) beat 打赢战胜+所战胜的对手
(2) win 赢得战胜++比赛,奖品,竞赛,战争等名词
We played very well, and beat them. 我们发挥得很好,击败了他们。
They won the match this time. 这次他们赢了这场比赛。
7.have fun (in) doing sth做某事很有趣
Section B
1.be talented in 在...有天赋talented adj 有才能的,有才干的
be talented in music 有音乐天赋
2.(1)care about关心;在意care v
We should care about the old people.我们应该关心老年人。
(2)care for喜欢,关心+名词或v-ing形式作宾语,take care of也有这个意思。
He cared nothing for skating. 他对滑冰没有兴趣。
In our class, we care for each other. 在我们班上,我们相互关心。
Maria takes good care of everybody. 玛丽亚很关心大家。
(3)care for照顾,照料=take care of或look after
At night he fed and cared for the cattle. 夜里他照料牲口,给牲口喂食。
You must care for yourselves.=You must look after yourselves.
The children are well cared for in the nurseries.=The children are taken good care of in the nurseries.
3. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
make+ sb./ sth.+adj 让某人/某事怎样
Our teacher makes us work ten hours a day 我们老师让我们一天学习10个小时。
His words make us happy. 他的话使我们感到很高兴。
www.doczj/doc/842459795.html,ugh at sb. 嘲笑,笑话;取笑(某人)Don’t laugh at me! 不要取笑我!
(1) laugh 发笑出声大笑不但有面部表情,还有动作声音,多指快乐、高兴
(2)smile 笑、微笑,无声的微笑面部表情怀好意、善意
smile at 向......微笑
He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑在最后谁笑得最好。
Don’t laugh at him.不要嘲笑他。He smiles at me.他朝我微笑。
5.They’re both tall. 他们两个都是高个子。
talented的用法和短语(1)both adj./pron./adv. 两个都…… 用在be 动词助动词情态动词后,行为动词前
You are both too young./They both speak English.
(2)Both of …..+名词复数(复数谓语)Both of the flowers are beautiful. 两朵花都很漂亮。
Both of 接人称代词宾格或复数名词,接复数名词时of 可以省略
both…and…两者都…(复数谓语)反义词组:neither…nor…两者都不…(谓语单复数按照就近原则)(3) both 与all
both 指两者all指三者或三者以上
My parents are both fine. 我父母都好。We are all here. 我们都在这儿。
(4)both A and B A和B 都... 既A又B
(5) neither 两者都不both of/neither of 两者都/都不
They are both students.= Both of them are students. 他们两个都是学生。
Neither of them is a doctor. 他们两个都不是医生。
6. be like 像like prep She is like her mother. 她长得像他妈妈。
like v 喜欢
like sth. 喜欢某物like sb. 喜欢某人
like to do sth. 喜欢做某事I like to have friends who are like me. 我喜欢交像我一样的朋友。
like diong sth. 喜欢做某事(习惯性动作,爱好)
7.serious adj 严肃的;认真的;严重的
(1)be serious about sth. 对...很认真
He was serious about the matter. 他对那件事很认真。
(2) be serious with sb. 对某人要求严格
(3)nothing serious 没有什么严重的
There’s nothing much serious with you. 对你来说没那么严重。
8.It’s+adj.+ for sb.+ to do sth. It’s+adj.+of sb .+ to do sth
It形式主语,to do sth.真正主语。做某事对某人来说怎么样
(1)表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式adj,easy, hard, difficult, interesting, importang,impossible 用for
(2)表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的adj,good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right用of
It's important for him to study English well.
It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。
9.as long as 只要;既然
You don’t need a lot of friends as long as they’re good.你不需要很多朋友,只要他们好就可以了。
(1) 只要引导条件状语从句You will get good gradess as long as you work hard.
(2) 既然引导原因状语从句As long as you want to stay at home, let’s play chess at home.
10.It’s necesssary for sb to do sth=It’s necessary
11. My friend is the same as me.我的朋友和我一样。
be the same as… 和……一样反义词组be different from… 与.......不同的
My bike is different from yours.= My bike is not the same as yours. 我的系行车和你的不一样。difference n 不同;不用之处可做可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
