Unit 4学案
What’s the best movie theater?  Section A
1. 识记重点单词和短语的含义及用法
2. 掌握形容词副词的最高级的变形及基本句型
3. 理解课文内容并能够对其进行翻译
Step 1 单词讲解
1.close  adj. 接近的,亲密的  v. 关闭
【考点】1close  adj. 近的,接近的,亲密的. be close to
      2) closed  adj 关着的,关闭的。其反义词: open  adj.开着的
      3) close  adv. “接近地”  come close to sth / doing sth .
应用训练1. It's cold. Please keep the door c_______.
            2. I live c________ to the shop.
        3. She came close to ________(win) the prize.
2fortable adj 舒适的,舒服的
【考点】1) un+comfortable  adj. 不舒服的;不自在的
2) comfortably  adv  反义词uncomfortably
3) comfort  v 使---舒服,安慰
应用训练 comfort  comfortable 适当形式填空
1) She is lying in bed ___________(comfortable).
2) I am very ______________(comfortable) lying on this hard, cold floor.
3) She mother tried ________ her after she failed the exam.
3. seat  n. 座位,坐处(如椅子等)
【考点】1seat  n. 座位、席位。短语:take(have)a seattake one's seat. 坐下
应用训练1.The cinema has the best comfortable _______(seat) in the city.   
2. Can I _____________(坐这个座位)? No, it is for my sister.     
4.choose v. 选择 挑选   
【考点】1)choose. 过去式 chose  词组:choose from...中选择
choose sb) to do sth 选择(某人)做某事
Sarah chose her words carefully.  Sarah措辞谨慎。
2) n. choice 常用固定搭配:make a choice做出选择
应用训练1. You have to make a ________(choose)  between the two.
2.She _______(choose) a book about computers from the library yesterday.
5. cheaply  adv 便宜地,低廉地
【考点】1)  cheap  adj  便宜的。 反义词为 expensive / dear 昂贵的
应用训练1.The camera is so_____________(cheap)  that I want to buy one.
2.You can buy clothes the _________________(cheap) in the shop.
注:价格高低用highlow 修饰。The price of the iPhone 6 is high.
6. carefully  adv细致地,小心地,谨慎地
【考点】1) careful  adj   细致的,小心的,谨慎的。be careful of---
2) careful 反义词 careless 不小心的,粗心的。  名词carelessness粗心大意
3) v./n  care 关心,照顾  词组:care about 关心,在意。
take care 保重。    care for 照顾,照料,喜欢。
take care of 照顾=look after
应用训练1.He is so c________ that he often makes mistakes.
2. Who listens ___________(careful) in your class?
3. Be c________ of the dog; it sometimes bites people.
7.performer  n.表演者,演员.    同义词为actor/actress
【考点】1perform  v 执行;履行,表演;扮演,相当于play act
        2n. performance  履行;性能;表现;演出.
应用训练 1. His ___________ is highly thought of.
2.You should always ________ what you promise.
            3. She _______ a part in a play last year.
8. creative  adj. 有创造力的,创造性的
【考点】1 create v.  创造,创作    (多指创造出某种抽象的艺术或著作)
2creative 比较级和最高级分别为more/most creative.
creatively  adv.
3)creator  n创造者,创作者;creation 也是名词,创造,创建
应用训练1. I like ________(create) singers.
          2, Shakespeare _______(create) many comic characters.
9. talent    n.天资,天赋
【考点】1) talent n. 天才,天资,天赋. have talent in sth/ doing sth.
2)talented  adj. 有才干的,天才的. be talented in-----有天赋
应用训练1. She is really a ____ (talent)girl and often shows her great _____ (talent)in the school play.
            2.The girl is talented in ________(play) the piano.
10.winner   n.获胜者,优胜者
【考点】1).反义词loser  n  失败者       
2)win  v. 赢得,打胜。won (过去式)
应用训练1.Not everyone will succeed in the endbut the ones who can take part in it are also w_______.
11.crowded adj很人多的,拥挤的,挤满的
【考点】1)crowded adj很人多的,拥挤的。be crowded with--挤满-
uncrowded adj.不拥挤的.
        2) crowd  v. 聚集,拥挤。crowd around---拥挤在--周围。
        3) crowd  n. 人;众。  a crowd of-------
应用训练1.The supermarket is crowded ________ people on weekends.
1. be up to …  ...的职责;由...
【考点】1) be up to sb. “由某人做出决定,句子的主语通常为 it ,有时也用thisthat. 如: It’s up to you.
2) be up to sb to do sth 由某人决定做某事。
2.play a role in… 发挥作用,有影响
【考点】1) play a role in (doing sth) “发挥作用,有影响同义词汇:play a part in---       
3. take …seriously  认真对待某人或某事
【考点】take sb./sth.seriously “认真对待某人或某事;把某人或者某事当真
4. all kinds of 各种各样的
【考点】1) a kind of--一种--- kind of + 形容词。稍微,有点。
        2kind  adj  和蔼的,善良的。 kindness  n 善良。
5. have….in common有相同特征
【考点】1in commonwith sb/sth) ...相同,表现在想法,兴趣,特征”         
6.for example例如
【考点】 1) for example(缩写为e.g.) 可置于句首,句中或句末。For exampleshe likes Zhang Lei’s songstoo.
2) 意为:像,诸如... 相当于like ,常置于句中用来列举同类事物。
    I like drinks such as tea and coffee.
3 such as, for example ,like 区别
such as常列举同类物中几个例子,可以和and so on 连用;
for example列举同类物中一个例子,和例子用逗号隔开,像插入语,可放在句末句中句首; like可以和such as 互换。
7. make up编造(故事,谎言等)
【考点】1make.sb/sth..+adj make sb do sth  make me laugh       
2make 短语:make a decision 做决定  make a mistake 犯错误
make a choice 做选择  make it 做成,成功     
make up /play a role in /for example/ have ---in common/
take--seriously /be up to/ kind of
1.Schools____________________ in education.
2.He was joking, but your sister ______ him __________.             
3.--Will you join Lily’s birthday party tonight? --________ .If you go, so will I.
4.Kate can’t afford that beautiful dress, because it’s _________ expensive.
5.. Kate and Linda _____something ______ common.
6..–I think some shows are very interesting, ________ China’s Got Talent.
  --I agree. I like this program very much.
7.She _______ a lie to explain why he was late.
Step 2 语法--形容词副词的最高级
1. 一般情况  在词尾+est    如:
high-highest          tall-tallest
2. e结尾  直接+st  如:
nice-nicest          fine-finest
3. 以辅音字母结尾 yi+est
happy-happiest        easy-easiest
4. 以重读闭音节结尾 双写最后一个辅音字母+est
big-biggest            thin-thinnest
5. 多音节/部分双音节词/由形容词+ly的副词加most构成最高级
beautiful-most beautiful    interesting-most interesting
boring-most boring        quickly-most quickly
good/well-best      bad/badly/ill-worst
many/much-most    little-least
old-oldest/eldest      far-farthest/furthest
small____________        thin_________          happy___________
popular_____________    quickly__________      good___________
important_________    fast_________          warm__________
boring____________  much_________                little__________
hard___________      big______                  few_________
hot____________    bad______                nice_________   
1. A+be/实意动词+the+最高级+in/of短语 意为“......中最...
: Mary is the tallest of the three.
Mary studies hardest in our class.(副词前可省略the
The girl in blue is Mary’s best friend.
Changsha is one of China’s most beautiful cities.
2. A+be+one of the +最高级+复数名词 意为...之一
如:Li Ming is one of the tallest students in our class.
3. Which/ Who+谓语动词+最高级,AB or C ?  表选择
Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon?
4. the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in/of/among短语 第几个最
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
1.Pudong International Airport is one of _________airports in the world.
A. big            B.bigger        C.biggest    D. the biggest
2.You can buy food in the supermarket the ______ .
A. more cheaply              B. cheaper   
C. cheapest                  D. most cheaply
3.--How do you like the store, Jim? --It has _____ service, so few people go there to buy things.
A. the worst        B. worst        C. better        D. the best
4.Who listens ______, Tom, Jack or Bill?
A. the most carefully      B. more carefully   
C. the most careful          D. more careful
5.Mr. Smith thought the Century park was the second _____ in Shanghai.
A. large        B. larger        C. largest        D. very large
6.China is larger than ____ in Africa.
A. any other country          B. other countries   
C. the other country          D. any country
7. Shark is getting old and cannot jump as ______ as he did.
A. high                      B. higher           
C. highest                        D. much higher
8. English is ______ used in the world.
A.the most wide              B. the most widely       
C. more wide                  D. much more widely
9.The children all looked _____ at the broken model plane and felt quite _____.
A. sad, sad      B. sadly, sadly    C. sad, sadly      D. sadly, sad
10.——What do you think of Jay Chou ? 
——Oh, he is my favorite singer. I think no one can sing______.
A. good            B. well          C. better            D.best
1. The black bag is _______ (bad) than the red one. The green one is the ________ (bad) of all.
2. Jim does his homework _____________ (careful) than before.
3.Which is the second _________________ (long) river in the world?
4. My home is the __________(close) to the school but his home is the farthest.
5. That movie is _________________ (bad) one of all the movies.
6.I think this theater has _________________ (comfortable) seats than that one.
7. Which store has the _________________ (fresh) fruit in town?
1. 汤姆是我们班最聪明的学生之一。
2.哪一个最高, 汤姆,吉姆还是皮特?
3. 小明是我们班第二高的学生。
4. 长江是中国最长的河流。
Step 3 课文讲解(见教材)
Step 4
1.--Hi, Lisa! Are you feeling better today? ---No. I am not. I am feeling even _________.
A. good          B. bad      C. well      D.worse
2.The weather is becoming __________.
A. colder and colder              B. coldest and coldest
C. more and more cold            D. more cold and more cold
3.---Do you like English?
---Yes. It is ________ subject of all. I enjoy learning it.
A. The most easiest              B. the most easy 
C. the most interesting              D. the most boring
4.Tom was so angry that he left the room ________ saying a word.
A.for        B. without      C. about    D. by
5.The clothes in the shop sell_______, so many people go there to buy their favorite.
A. clearly    B. quietly        C. cheaply      D. truly
6.--Do you like the sofa? Mrs Green?
--Of course. It’s not expensive and I can sit on it _________.
A. comfortably    B.cheaply    C.beautifully  D.carefully
7.My brother is as       as my sister. They both like to study.
A. serious    B. more serious    C. smarter    D. much funny
8. ---What a tall tree! I can’t reach the apples.
  ---I think Gao Yan can. She is the ________ girl in our class.
A. strongest    B. highest    C. healthiest    D. tallest
9.---Could you please help me to take these books there?talented的用法和短语
A. Fine                B. It’s all right       
C. No problem            D. I hope so
10.The boy is taller than_____ in his class.
A. any student              B. any other student 
C. other student            D. all the students
11.Alice finds it interesting ________ along the Silk Road. It is about history and culture.
A. travels    B. traveling    C. travelled    D. to travel
12.You must keep your eyes        when you do eye        .
A. close ;exercise              B.close ;exercises 
C. closed ;exercise              D.closed ;exercises
13.– Kate, do you know __________ it is from here to the post office?
  – About twenty minutes on foot.
A. how long        B. how far        C. how soon        D. how often
14.---What do you ______soap operas?
  ---I can’t stand them. They are really nonsense.
A. think of              B. like best     
C. think up              D. think over
15.The problem is  _________ difficult ________ students can solve them.
A. so; and few                B. so; that little 
C. so; that few                D, so; that a little
二、语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或者中文。
Although I am from America,I have lived in China for for several years.1.I want to tell you some differences between China and the USA.
2.中国学生比美国学生更擅长于数学I feel that Chinese students study harder and have longer classroom hours to enter college. In my opinion, the best way for the students may be to get elemental(初等的) and secondary education in China and go to the America universities. Of course, you need to have enough money to pay for it.
American children are taught to keep the environment clean, but it isn’t the same here in China. I am happy to see more and more Chinese children are changing their habits. People are taking  notice of their environment.3.And they are playing a role in keeping it clean.
If you walk down a dark street alone at night in the US, you’ll probably be afraid of being attracted(攻击)In China, it isn’t a problem.4.I feel safe living here in China.
There are a lot of great leaders(领导) in China, such as Chairman Xi.5他是中国历史上最伟大的领袖之一。He is wise and is making wide choices in leading China.I am sincerely amazed at his leadership.
1.______________________________________ _____
4._______________ ____________________________
Step 5
1.(周南期中)My home is close _____ my school, so I walk to school every day.
A.for                    B.to                            C.at
2.(周南期中)Of all the drinks tea is the _____ in the world. It has 5,000 years of history in China.
A.older                    B.the oldest                    C.pretty old
3.(南雅期中)Of my three brothers, Tim is _________ one.
A. smart                B. smarter                C. the smartest
4.(雅礼期中)---- What do you think is _______ shopping center in Changsha?
----Wanda, of course.
A. the best            B. the better                    C. the good
5.(雅礼期中). I think I am a singer III is _______ than I am a singer I because my favorite singer Han Hong is in it.
A. much more excited                B. much more exciting         
C. much exciter
6.(雅实期末)Come here at Christmas for the great sale! You can buy ____ clothes in a year.
A. the cheapest        B. cheaper                C. the worst
7.(南雅期末)Jenny made a _________ mistake again because she never thinks _________.
A. careful; carefully      B. careless; careful      C.careless; carefully
8.(长郡期末)This camera is too expensive.I’d like a ______ one.
cheap                    B.cheaper                        C.cheapes
9.(长郡期中)The Voice of China is one of ___________________ now.
A. the most popular TV shows
B. the more popular TV shows
C. the most popular TV show
10.14青竹湖期中)Tom is one of ______ students in our class.
A. smart            B. smarter                C. the smartest
1.Who runs______fast),JackMike or John?
2.The weather was bad yesterdaybut it's much______bad today
3.Miss Zhao is______popular teacher in our school
4.This TV show is______interesting than that one
5.I think Sunny Cinema is______ good cinema in town because it has______ comfortable seats and______ big screens
6.Sally sang the most______ beautiful).
7.Mike is the most______ creative student in his class
8.Who is the most______ serious),FrankDave or Nick?
