  锋利的;灵敏的( sharp的最高级 );狡猾的;轮廓鲜明的;
  1. The plunge in car production at Japan's largest pany is contributing to the country's sharpest economic contraction since the 1974 oil shock.
  2. New export business also declined at its sharpest rate since March xx, adding further concern about dropping overseas demand amid the deepening European debt crisis.
  3. The sharpest decline of 16 percent was recorded in the number of marriages between p
eople from Taiwan and the mainland.
  4. Shanghai is aiming to bee an international metropolis with the sharpest petitive edge in the manufacturing sector.
  5. The estimated 22 percent decline is the school's sharpest endowment drop in modern history.
  6. The fastest feet and the sharpest eyes have the best chance of winning out.
  7. A measure of October home prices dropped by the sharpest annual rate on record.
  8. The decline in the UK manufacturing index left it at its weakest level this year, and was led by the sharpest decline in export orders since May xx.
  9. Although modest, the rate of job creation was the sharpest since May last year.
  1. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale.
  2. As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred.
  3. While Japan retained its trade surplus with the United States, it slipped 75% in January. It was the sharpest decline in 23 years and the 17th straight month that the surplus had fallen.
  4. Yes, the most powerful strength, the sharpest blade, is the Love as the Sword.
  5. It seemed to have sought shelter in this ravine overgrown with grass and rushes, from the keen, salt sea wind--the ocean wind that devours and burns like fire, that drys up and withers like the sharpest frost of winter, just as birds seek shelter in the furrows of the fields in time of storm.
  6. Sharpest and clearest VGA quality over CAT5 of any manufacturer.
  7. We have filled our passion and in igence in each word and every sentence of legal language; because we vow that all the sharpest contradictions in the world must be ruled by law, conveyed to law and enjoyed by law.
  8. We have filled our passion and in igence in each word and every sentence of legal language; because we vow that all the sharpest contradictions in the world must be ru led by law, conveyed to law and enjoyed by law.
record是什么意思中文  每一句法言法语,都饱含着我们的激情和心智;因为我们誓将一切最锋利的矛盾,全都要降妖伏魔、招降纳叛到法律的场域中!
  9. First of all, wipe the aubergine and trim off the stalk end, then use the very sharpest knife you have to cut it lengthways into 8 thin slices about inch (5 mm) thick.
