----本文摘自PDA电子期刊,适用于在线粒子系统和便携式粒子计数器:When carrying out reviews of particlecounters five general and important data integrity questions are:
∙Is electronic data available?
∙Is electronic data reviewed?
∙Is meta data (audit trails) reviewedregularly?
∙Are there clear segregation ofduties?
∙Has the system been validated for itsintended use?
To add to theabove, ensuring that the counter has been calibrated by
a competent person andits optical sensors are free from
contamination, enable the data collected tobe reliable and
representative of the cleanroom environment.
In addition tothese broader questions, individual particle counters should be assessedagainst regulatory data integrity expectations. The types of data integrityissues which can impact upon a particle counter, and thus which need anassessment, include:
1.    Lack of definitions of data, leadingto incorrect record storage. This can arise if personnel are unaware of whatthe raw data and the original record are (such as a print-out or a pdf ofparticle data), what comprises a complete record. The definition of data shouldbe captured in a procedure.
2.    System access. Particle countersshould require password access, with each user having a unique password. Thisensures that each particle counting event is tied to a specific user, with dateand time information additionally captured.
3.    Hierarchy of control. The particlecounter should come equipped with different levels of access. This wouldinclude, as a minimum, a basic user, who can turn the counter on and off; asupervisor level, who can change location settings and review audit trails; andan administrator who can change limits or delete data or clear buffers. Theadministrator is typically someone independent of the users, as required indata integrity guidance, and ideally independent of the departments who use theparticl
e counter.
With control oflocation settings, technology is available for remote particle counters wherethe location identification is embedded in a location mounting bracket ratherthan the particle counter, which is more reliable for trending a given locationof the level of airborne particles at a specified position in the cleanroom.
4.    In relation to passwords and accesslevels, each instrument is expected to have an approved list of users alongwith their job titles. As people leave an organization, their user name andpassword need to be removed from the counter and the user list updated by theadministrator.
5.    Data capture, where data is capturedin temporary files. Unless particle counters are connected to a facilitiesmanagement system, the long-term storage of the raw data is not possible sincea typical portable particle counter will only hold a buffer ofa set number of data points and once the buffer is full the data isoverwritten. This means data must be printed-out or transferred at regularintervals in order to prevent data loss.
6.    Data retrieval, which follows on fromdata capture. This concerns the ability to retrospectively retrieve data aftera particle counting session and this is again linked to the ability to retrievestored data, which will be limited by the buffer overwriting and the inabilityto store data in an electronic format for long periods of time without removingthat data to a secondary source or turning that data into a record (print-outor pdf).
Where data canbe produced as a portable document file rather than as a print-out, this addsgreater security. The pdf cannot be adjusted, and the paper is less likely tofade. With the print-out, this is often on thermal paper, which is prone tofading. Where a facilities monitoring system is used this will bring with itsimilar data integrity concerns as with a particle counter. However, the data iscaptured electronically leading to fewer ‘touch points’compared with thestandalone counter where data typically has to be transcribed or entered into adatabase. Each data entry is a step where error can occur. Toovercome this, some particle counters have the functionality for datatransmission where data is transmitted via wired or wireless
