缩写词 | 英文词语 | 中文术语 |
ACSI | America customer satisfaction indices | 美国顾客满意度指数 |
AM | Agile manufacturing | 敏捷制造 |
ANSI | America national standard institution | 美国标准协会 |
APEC | Asia-pacific economi ccooperation | 亚太经济合作组织 |
APQP | Advanced product quality planning | 事先产品品质计划 |
AQL | Acceptable quality level | 品质允收水准 |
BB | Black belt | 黑带 |
BMK | Benchmarking | 同行业最高(标秆) |
BOM | Bill of material | 物料清单 |
BPR | Business processes reengineering | 业务流程再造 |
BSC | Balanced score card | 平衡记分卡 |
BSI | British standard institution | 英国标准协会 |
BVQI | (法语缩写) | 法国船级社 |
CAP | Corrective action plan | 纠正措施计划 |
CAR | Correction action record | 纠正措施要求单 |
CAS | Chinese academy of sciences | 中国科学院 |
CBM | Cubic meter | (材积)立方米 |
CCC | Customs cooperation council | 海关合作理事会 |
CCC(3C) | China compulsory certification | 中国强制性认证 |
CCSI | China customer satisfaction indices | 中国顾客满意度指数 |
CE | Concurrent engineering | 并行工程 |
CEO | Chief execute officeholder | 首席执行官 |
CH | Custom house | 海关 |
CI | Consumers international | 消费者国际 |
CIMS | Computer integrated made systems | 计算机集成帐制造系统 |
CL | Center line | 中心线 |
CNC record是什么意思中文 | Computer number control | 计算机数字操纵 |
COP | Customer orientation process | 顾客导向过程 |
Cp | Capability indices | 工程能力指数 |
缩写词 | 英文词语 | 中文术语 |
CPD | Continue profession development | 持续职业进展 |
Cpk | Capability indices/bias | 工程能力指数/有偏置 |
CRM | Customer relation management | 顾客关系管理 |
D&D | Design and development | 设计与开发 |
DAR | German accredition council | 德国认可委员会 |
DCC | Document control center | 文件操纵中心 |
DE | Design engineering (engineer) | 设计工程(师) |
DIN | Deutsches insitut fur normung | 德国标准化学会 |
DMAIC | Definc measure analyze improve controI | 定义/测量/分析/改进/操纵 |
DNV | Det norske verities | 挪威船级社 |
DOE | Design of experiments | 实验设计 |
DSS | Decision support system | 决策支持系统 |
ECN | Engineering change note | 工程更换通知 |
ECO | Engineering change order | 工程更换指令(单) |
EDP | Elictronicity data process | 电子数据处理 |
EE | Environment engineering (engineer) | 环境工程(师) |
EMBA | Executive master of business administration | 高级工商管理硕士 |
EMC | Electromagnetic compatible | 电磁兼容 |
EMS | Environment management system | 环境管理体系 |
EMS | Efficiency management system | 效率管理体系 |
ERP | Enterprise resources planning | 企业资源计划 |
FCC | Federal communications commission | 美国联邦通讯委员会 |
FDA | Food and drug administration | 美国食品与药品协会 |
FIFO | First in first out | 先进先出 |
FMEA | Failure mode and effects analysis | 失败模式与效应分析 |
FMS | Flexible manufacturing system | 柔性制造系统 |
FQA | Final quality assurance | 最终品质保证 |
FQC | Final quality control | 最终品质操纵 |
GB | Green belt | 绿带 |
缩写词 | 英文词语 | 中文术语 |
GB | Guojia biaozhun(国标) | 中国国家标准 |
GB/T | Guojia biaozhun/tuijian(国标/推) | 推荐性中国国家标准 |
GD&T | Geometry dimension and tolerance | 几何尺寸与公差 |
GM | Green manufacturing | 绿制造 |
GRR | Gage repeatability and reproducibility | 量具的重复性与再现性 |
H.P | House-power | 马力 |
h.p.n | House-power nominal | 标称马力 |
IE | Industry engineering (engineer) | 工业工程(师) |
IEC | International electrotechnical commission | 国际电工委员会 |
ILO | International labor organization | 国际劳工组织 |
IM | Intelligent manufacturing | 智能制造 |
IPQA | Inprocess quality assurance | 制程品质保证 |
IPQC | Inprocess quality control | 制程品质保证 |
IQA | Incoming quality assurance | 来料品质保证 |
IQC | Incoming quality control | 来料品质操纵 |
IS | International standard | 国际标准 |
ISO | International standard organization | 国际标准化组织 |
IT | Information technology | 信息技术 |
JAB | Japan accreditation board for quality system | 日本质量体系认可机构 |
JIS | Japan industry standard | 日本工业标准 |
JIT | Just in time | 务必时间 |
KAB | Korean accreditation board | 韩国认可委员会 |
KFQ | Korean foundation for quality | 韩国质量财团 |
L/C | Letter of credit | 信用证 |
LCL | Low control line | 下操纵线 |
LP | Lean production | 精益生产 |
LR | Lioyd's register of shipping,LR | 劳氏船级社 |
LS | Locus sigilli(place of seal) | 盖印处 |
LSL | Low specification limit | 规格下限 |
缩写词 | 英文词语 | 中文术语 |
MBA | Master of business administration | 工商管理硕士 |
MBB | Master black belt | 黑带大师 |
MBO | Managing by objectives | 目标管理 |
ME | Machine engineering(engineer) | 设备工程(师) |
MIS | Management information system | 管理信息系统 |
MR | Method research | 方法研究 |
MRB | Material returu bill | 返纳物料清单 |
MRB | Material review board | 材料评价委员会 |
MRPⅡ | Manufacturing resources planning | 物料需求计划 |
MSA | Measure system analyze | 制造资源计划 |
MSDS | Material safety data sheet | 测量体系分析 |
MTO | Make to order | 物料安全数据表 |
MTS | Make to stock | 订货型生产 |
NC | Number control | 备货型生产 |
NG | No goof | 数字操纵 |
OA | Office automation | 不良 |
ODM | Origin design munfactory | 办公自动化 |
OEM | Origin epuipment munfactory | 原设计制造商 |
OFF-JT | Off job for training | 原设备制造商 |
OJT | On job for training | 脱岗培训 |
OQA | Outgoing quality assurance | 出货品质保证 |
OQC | Outgoing quality control | 出货品质操纵 |
P.P | Pilot production | 试验产品 |
P.S | Pilot sample | 试验样品 |
P/L | Part list | 物料清单 |
P/N | Part number | 部品号 |
P/O | Purchase order | 采购订单 |
PDCA | Plan-do-check-action | 计划-实施-检查-措施 |
PE | Production engineering (engineer) | 生产工程(师) |
缩写词 | 英文词语 | 中文术语 |
PMC | Production material control | 生产物料操纵 |
PPAP | Production part approval process | 生产件批准程序 |
PPM | Part per million | 百万分率 |
PSO | Process sign-off | 过程认定 |
PVT | Productionverificationtest | 生产验证试验 |
QA | Quality assurance | 品质保证 |
QC | Quality control | 品质操纵 |
QCC | Quality control circle | 品管圈 |
QE | Quality engineering (engineer) | 品质工程(师) |
QFD | Quality function development | 质量机能展开 |
QMS | Quality management system | 质量管理体系 |
QS | Quality system | 质量体系 |
QSA | Quality system assess | 质量体系评定 |
QSR | Quality system requirement | 质量体系要求 |
QST | Quality system team | 质量体系小组 |
R&D | Research and development | 研究与开发 |
R&R | Repeatability and reproducibility | 重复性与再现性 |
RAB | Registrar accreditation board | 美国认可委员会 |
RPN | Risk priority number | 风险系数 |