What was that?  什么声音
The faucet.  水龙头
It wouldn't shut up.  滴个不停
- Did you sleep last night? - No.  -你昨晚睡着了吗  -没有
I'll call Nancy and tell her to call a plumber.  我会让南茜叫个水管工来
Absolute discretion. Can I count on that?  你能保证绝对谨慎吗
- Always. - Raymond Tusk.  -当然  -雷蒙德·塔斯克
The President wants to tap him as the new V.P.  总统想让他接任副总统
- You and I cannot let that happen. - Why not?  -你我必须阻止他  -为什么
Because a third of his fortune is tied up in nuclear energy.  因为他三分之一的资产投在核能上
Sancorp does not want a pro-nuclear businessman in the White House.  支持核能的商人进入白宫对桑科不利
The market is shifting toward natural gas anyway.  反正市场正在转向天然气
But Tusk wants to stall that shift or reverse it.  但塔斯克想拖住甚至扭转这个倾向
Vice President doesn't have that kind of influence.  副总统没这么大的影响
This one would. He and Walker are very close.  他有  他和沃克关系很近
And it's in neither of our best interests  桑科的市场地位下降
to seep Sancorp's position in the marketplace diminished.  对我们都不是什么好事
What's the ask?  你要我做什么
Tusk won't accept the nomination  如果塔斯克觉得自己的资产
if he thinks his holdings are at risk.  有危险就不会接受任命
Sancorp needs to initiate a hostile takeover.  桑科需要发起一次恶意收购
He's worth three times what Sancorp is.  他的资产顶三个桑科
I'm talking about the subsidiaries.  我是说那些子公司
We go after the companies that refine and ship the uranium,  搞那些提炼  运输铀的公司就行
- the support - Come on, Frank.  -辅助系统  -得了  弗兰克
There's stockholders to take into account,  要考虑到股东
record是什么意思中文a huge financial exposure.  巨大的财务风险
We just need to distract him.  我们只需要让他分神
Send a few token salvos and intimate there's more to come.  象征性地比划两下  暗示一下还没完
All I'm asking is that you speak to your client  我只要你和你的客户提一句
and see if this is something they might be willing to consider.  看看他们有没有什么愿意考虑的办法
The President announces Tusk on Friday,  总统周五就会宣布塔斯克的事
so we don't have a lot of time.  所以我们时间不多了
- I'll make some calls. - Thank you, Remy.  -我会打几个电话  -谢谢  雷米
If he doesn't deliver, I'm an invader without an army.  他要是办不成  我就单匹马了
If he does, I've got a fighting chance.  他要是办成了  我还有点机会
I just didn't feel that  我只是觉得
we could work together constructively any longer.  我们没法再积极地共事下去了
I think that's a perfectly   我觉得这是个正当理由
Of course it is.  当然是
But what you can't do is fire someone for being pregnant.  但你不能以怀孕为理由开除她
Is that what she's saying?  她是这么说的吗
Ms. Cole claims that you said,  科尔女士声称你亲口说
quote, "I need employees, not mothers,"  我需要员工而不是母亲
and, quote, "Go focus on your baby."  还有  去照顾你的孩子吧
Can I see that?  我能看一眼吗
That's completely false. I...  一派胡言  我
- I never said that. - She claims you did.  -我从没说过这些  -她说你有
It's her word against mine, right?  那就是对质了  对吗
Well, juries are very sympathetic with expecting mothers.  陪审团格外同情孕妇
This is extortion.  这是
We don't want this going to trial, Claire.  我们不想上法庭  克莱尔
You and your husband are public figures.  你和你丈夫都是公众人物
This will result in some very bad press.  这会产生不利报道
I suggest we go back to them with a settlement offer.  我建议跟他们庭外和解
- We need the arrest record. - There isn't any.  -我们需要逮捕记录  -没有啊
- They let him go. - Then we need to know who got him off.  -他们把他放了  -那我们得知道谁放了他
If Underwood was involved,  如果安德伍德参与了的话
we are talking abuse of powers and corruption.  那就是滥用职权和腐败了
I checked.  我查过了
There's no files, no mug shot, nothing.  没有立案  没有存档照  什么也没有
Then we need to find the cop who pulled him over,  那我们就得拦车的警察
or somebody who saw him come into the station.  或者看到他进警局的人
But D.C. they look after each other.  但是特区的警察  他们相互照顾
We need to be careful.  我们得小心点
Do you have any sources on the force?  你在警局有联络人吗
Not that I would trust with something like this.  没有能在这种事上信得过的人
You know, Lucas started out on the crime beat.  卢卡斯当年是做犯罪版的
I can see if he knows anyone.  我去问问他认识谁
- Would he help us? - I don't know.  -他会帮我们吗  -我不知道
- Maybe. - Help out a competitor?  -可能吧  -帮对手的忙
We... stayed in touch.  我们  一直有联系
You've gotta be kidding me.  你逗我呢
This town is way too incestuous.  这个世界真够乱的
I know it's a lot to ask.  我知道这事很大
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the affair, Zoe.  你跟弗兰克的事我还没想通呢  佐伊
If you could just give me a contact and maybe vouch   如果你能给我介绍个人再为我做担保
Did you wait to bring this up until now  你是不是故意等到现在才说
because you thought it'd be harder for me to say no?  觉得我这会儿不好拒绝
- What do you mean? - In bed, right   -什么意思  -在我们刚上过床...
