Motivation but not valence modulates neuroticism-dependent cingulate cortex and insula activity
modulate期刊名称: Human Brain Mapping
作者: Yaling Deng,Shijia Li,Renlai Zhou,Martin Walter
年份: 2018年
期号: 第2期
关键词: motivation;neuroticism;salience network;valence
摘要:Neuroticism has been found to specifically modulate amygdala activations during differential processing of valence and motivation while other brain networks yet are unexplored for associated effects. The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether neural mechanisms processing valence or motivation are prone
to neuroticism in the salience network (SN), a network that is anchored in the anterior cingulate cortex (
ACC) and the anterior insula. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and an approach/avoid emotional pictures task
to investigate brain activations modulated by pictures' valence or motivational status between high and low neurotic individuals. We found that neuroticism-dependent SN and the parahippocampal-fusiform area activations were modulated by motivation but not valence. Valence