select courseno,coursename,credithour
from course;
select studentNo,studentName,institute
from Student,Class
where student.classNo=Class.classNo;
select *
from Score
where studentNo in(
select studentno
from Score
group by studentNo
having AVG(score)>85);
--4. 查询选修课称号为001或005且平均成绩大于等于75分学生的学号、课程号和成绩。
select *
from Score
where courseNo in ('001','005')
and studentNo in(
select studentNo
from Score
group by studentNo
having AVG(score)>=75);
select *
from Student,Class
where institute='信息管理学院'
and sex='男' and YEAR(birthday)=1991;
select studentno,YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(birthday) as age
from Student
select studentName,birthday,classname
from Student,Class
where Student.classNo=Class.classNo
and (studentName like '王%' or studentName like '黄%');
select a.courseno,a.coursename
from Course a,Course b
where a.priorCourse=b.courseNo
and b.courseName='数据结构';
select studentNo,studentName,sex,nation
from Student,Class
where Student.classNo=Class.classNo
and institute='信息管理学院'
and nation !='汉族';
select student.studentNo,studentname,Score
from Student,course,Score
where Student.studentNo=score.studentNo
and Course.courseNo=score.courseNo
and courseName='操作系统';
select score.studentno,studentname
from Student,Course,Score
where Student.studentNo=score.studentNo
and score.courseNo=Course.courseNo
and priorCourse='004';
select score.studentno,studentname
from Score,student
where score.studentNo=Student.studentNo
and courseNo>=all(
select courseno
from Score
where studentNo='0800001')
select studentno,studentName,native,YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(birthday) as age
from Student
where YEAR(birthday)>1991;
select score.studentno,studentName,AVG(score) as avgscore
from Student,Score
where Student.studentNo=score.studentNo
group by score.studentNo,studentName
order by avgscore desc;
select student.studentNo,score.courseNo,score
from student,score,Course
where student.studentNo=score.studentNo
and score.courseNo=Course.courseNo
and Course.courseNo=(
select a.courseNo
from Course a,Course b
where a.priorCourse=b.courseNo
and b.courseName='C语言程序设计');
select *
from Score
where studentNo in (
select studentNo
from Score
group by studentNo
having AVG(score)>80
order by courseNo,score desc;
select studentName,courseName,score
from Student,Course,Score,class
where Student.studentNo=score.studentNo
and Course.courseNo=score.courseNo
and Student.classNo=Class.classNo
and institute='信息管理学院';
select sex,count(*) as 人数
from Student
group by sex
select studentNo,courseno,score
from Score
where score =(
select MAX(score)
from Score);
select studentno,COUNT(*) as 门数
from Score
group by studentno
having count(*)<3
--(2) 利用SQL语句进行表的管理等操作。
alter table class add constraint uniqueClassname unique(classname);
alter table student add constraint chkSex check (sex in ('男','女'));
--3.建立学生会名单表StudentUnion,包含三个字段:编号SID(char(2)),姓名studnetName (varchar(20),职务post(char(15))。
create table studentUnion(
sid char(2) primary key,
studentname varchar(20),
post char(15));
--4.为StudentUnion表插入两条数据(,’李小勇’,’学生会主席’), (,’吴敏’,’文艺部长’)
insert into studentUnion
insert into studentUnion
alter table studentUnion add telephone char(8);
alter table studentUnion add address varchar(50);
alter table studentUnion add constraint defaultAdd default '独墅湖高教区仁爱路号' for address;