Are you looking for the best themes and templates?
is a . It allows you to easily create custom layouts for your WordPress pages with a drag & drop interface.
是⼀个 。 它允许您使⽤拖放界⾯轻松为WordPress页⾯创建⾃定义布局。
You can use any of their pre-made templates as a starting point and then edit it using a simple point and click user interface.
Due to Elementor’s popularity, there are many WordPress themes made specifically with support for Elementor.
In this article, we will share some of the best Elementor themes and templates that you can use to build professional looking websites.
什么是Elementor Page Builder? (What is Elementor Page Builder?)
is one of the most popular and . You can use it to build websites and landing pages instantly without using the WordPress editor.
是最受欢迎和 。 您可以使⽤它来⽴即构建⽹站和登录页⾯,⽽⽆需使⽤WordPress编辑器。
It allows you to customize every aspect of your website. Elementor comes with over 80 design elements to add text, images, icons, maps, posts, testimonials, and more with live preview. It also includes separate modules for online stores, which help you instantly create .
它允许您⾃定义⽹站的各个⽅⾯。 Elementor带有80多种设计元素,可通过实时预览添加⽂本,图像,图标,地图,帖⼦,推荐书等。 它还包括⽤于在线商店的单独模块,可帮助您⽴即创建 。
integrates third-party WordPress services for analytics, email marketing, and performance optimization of your website.
It’s compatible with most of the WordPress themes and offers premium templates with the page builder for your ease.
集成了第三⽅WordPress服务,⽤于分析,电⼦邮件营销和⽹站性能优化。 它与⼤多数WordPress主题兼容,并与页⾯构建器⼀起提供⾼级模板,以使您轻松使⽤。
Related: with Elementor Builder (no code required)
相关: 使⽤Elementor Builder (⽆需代码)
WordPress主题与模板之间的区别 (Difference Between WordPress Theme vs. Template)
A comes with all the basic features and layout design to , blog, or online store.
具有 ,博客或在线商店的所有基本功能和布局设计。
On the other hand, a template is a layout for a specific page or part of a website. You can use the template to design
custom web and easily.
另⼀⽅⾯,模板是⽹站特定页⾯或⽹站⼀部分的布局。 您可以使⽤模板轻松设计⾃定义Web和 。
最佳Elementor主题和模板 (Best Elementor Themes and Templates)
Many premium and free WordPress themes are made specifically to work well with the Elementor. There are also several templates that you can use with your existing WordPress theme.
许多⾼级和免费的WordPress主题专门与Elementor配合使⽤。 您还可以将⼏个模板与现有的WordPress主题⼀起使⽤。
Let’s take a look at some of the best Elementor themes and templates that you can use.
is a popular WordPress theme that works great with Elementor builder. It comes with many page templates and 1-click demo content installer for easier setup.
是⼀个流⾏的WordPress主题,可与Elementor构建器配合。 它带有许多页⾯模板和⼀键式演⽰内容安装程序,可简化设置。
Using the premium extensions, you can extend the features and functionality of your website. It has the fastest page load time and supports WooCommerce out of the box.
使⽤⾼级扩展,您可以扩展⽹站的功能。 它具有最快的页⾯加载时间,并且开箱即⽤地⽀持WooCommerce。
is a powerful WordPress theme designed to create any kind of website. It fully integrates with Elementor page builder and allows you to customize every aspect of your website.
是⼀个功能强⼤的WordPress主题,旨在创建任何类型的⽹站。 它与Elementor页⾯构建器完全集成,并允许您⾃定义⽹站的各个⽅⾯。
It is packed with dozens of ready-made demos and starter sites. Astra Theme is highly optimized for .
它包含许多现成的演⽰和⼊门站点。 Astra Theme对进⾏了⾼度优化。
is a beautiful WordPress theme powered by the . It’s fully compatible with Elementor drag and drop builder to customize your website. It has a widgetized homepage to add your content and images quickly.
是⼀个美丽的WordPress主题,由 。 它与Elementor拖放⽣成器完全兼容以⾃定义您的⽹站。 它具有微件化的主页,可快速添加您的内容和图像。
Other noticeable features include a customizable header, theme options panel, and custom page templates. This theme supports WooCommerce to .
其他值得注意的功能包括可⾃定义的标题,主题选项⾯板和⾃定义页⾯模板。 该主题⽀持WooCommerce 。
is now part of WP Engine, the most popular company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes if you sign up for to build your website.
现在是最流⾏的公司WP Engine的⼀部分。 如果您注册以构建您的⽹站,则可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。
Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% off. .
奖励: WPBeginner⽤户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 。
is a stylish one-page WordPress theme build for page builders like Elementor. It comes with a modern design with a front-page template divided into customizable sections.
是⼀种时尚的单页⾯WordPress主题构建,适⽤于Elementor等页⾯构建器。 它具有现代设计,其⾸页模板分为多个可⾃定义的部分。
It fully supports WooCommerce and can also be used to .
它完全⽀持WooCommerce,也可以⽤于 。
is a page builder friendly WordPress theme. It comes with a beautiful and highly customizable layout.
是页⾯构建器友好的WordPress主题。 它具有漂亮且⾼度可定制的布局。
You can change any page on your website using Elementor to create custom layouts of your own. You can customize the colors, typography, background, and other options. It is to help you get more visitors from search engines.
您可以使⽤Elementor更改⽹站上的任何页⾯,以创建⾃⼰的⾃定义布局。 您可以⾃定义颜⾊,版式,背景和其他选项。 ,可帮助您从搜索引擎吸引更多访问者。
As the name suggests, is a modern WordPress theme designed for Elementor builder. It has a transparent header layout with a sticky navigation menu, image slider, and background.
顾名思义, 是为Elementor Builder设计的现代WordPress主题。 它具有透明的标题布局,带有粘性导航菜单,图像滑块和背景。
It is highly flexible with dozens of customization options in the WordPress live customizer. This theme also supports WooCommerce and plugins out of the box.
它⾮常灵活,在WordPress实时定制器中提供了数⼗种定制选项。 此主题还⽀持开箱即⽤的WooCommerce和插件。
is a beautiful WordPress theme for wellness and lifestyle websites. It is built on top of the Genesis theme framework which gives it rock-solid performance.
是健康和⽣活时尚⽹站的美丽WordPress主题。 它建⽴在Genesis主题框架的基础之上,该框架具有坚如磐⽯的性能。
It has custom widgets, page templates, custom header, and multiple sidebars. You can fully customize Essence Pro using the and WordPress live customizer.
它具有⾃定义⼩部件,页⾯模板,⾃定义标题和多个侧边栏。 您可以使⽤和WordPress实时定制完全⾃定义Essence Pro。
If you are looking for custom Elementor templates for your theme, then simply install on the WordPress website. It works great with all the free and premium WordPress themes.
如果您正在寻主题的⾃定义Elementor模板,则只需在WordPress⽹站上安装 。 它适⽤于所有免费和⾼级WordPress主题。
Sizzify ships with custom WooCommerce widgets, web page templates, and powerful add-ons. It is beginner-friendly and fully integrates the Elementor builder.
Sizzify随附了⾃定义的WooCommerce⼩部件,⽹页模板和强⼤的附件。 它对初学者友好,并且完全集成了Elementor构建器。
is a single page WordPress theme built for the drag and drop page builders like Elementor. It comes with multiple column layout and a widgetized homepage to create any type of website easily.
是⼀个单页⾯WordPress主题,专门为Elementor等拖放页⾯构建器构建。 它具有多列布局和⼩部件化主页,可轻松创建任何类型的⽹站。
It comes with nifty features like custom background, animations, , and image slider. It is beginner friendly and requires very little time to set up.
它具有漂亮的功能,例如⾃定义背景,动画, 和图像滑块。 它适合初学者,只需很少的时间即可设置。
is a free WordPress multi-purpose theme that works great with popular drag and drop page builders including Elementor. It can be used to create a website for any business niche.
是⼀个免费的WordPress多功能主题,可与包括Elementor在内的流⾏拖放页⾯⽣成器配合使⽤。 它可以⽤于为任何业务细分创建⽹站。
You can customize theme colors, fonts, background, and using customizer. It is tested with all can be used to create eCommerce websites.
您可以使⽤定制程序⾃定义主题颜⾊,字体,背景和 。 经过测试,所有均可⽤于创建电⼦商务⽹站。
is a stylish and modern WordPress theme with a one-page layout. It works well with Elementor, which allows you to easily customize each design element.
是⼀种时尚⽽现代的WordPress主题,具有⼀页布局。 它与Elementor配合使⽤,可以轻松⾃定义每个设计元素。
It has all the usual settings you’d expect from a flexible WordPress theme including eCommerce support. It can be easily translated and can also be used to create multilingual websites.
它具有您希望从灵活的WordPress主题(包括电⼦商务⽀持)获得的所有常规设置。 它可以轻松翻译,也可以⽤于创建多语⾔⽹站。()
is a simple WordPress Elementor template. It has bold and bright colors with crisp typography. You can use this template to and custom layouts.
是⼀个简单的WordPress Elementor模板。 它的颜⾊⼤胆明亮,字体清晰。 您可以使⽤此模板和⾃定义布局。
It offers sections below the header area to add image galleries, testimonials, team members, and footer. The template is easy to customize and can be extended using Elementor modules.
它在页眉区域下⽅提供了⼀些部分,以添加图像库,推荐书,团队成员和页脚。 该模板易于⾃定义,可以使⽤Elementor模块进⾏扩展。()
is a flexible and beginner friendly WordPress theme. It works beautifully with Elementor and makes it easier to create custom layouts for your website.
是⼀个灵活且对初学者友好的WordPress主题。 它与Elementor完美结合,使您可以更轻松地为您的⽹站创建⾃定义布局。
It also comes with multiple built-in layouts and templates that you can edit with Elementor. It is translation ready with support for RTL languages and multilingual WordPress plugins.
它还带有多个内置布局和模板,您可以使⽤Elementor进⾏编辑。 它已准备好翻译,并⽀持RTL语⾔和多语⾔WordPress插件。
is a free and multi-purpose WordPress theme with support for Elementor. It comes with dozens of layouts and templates to create a website for any business niche. It also includes 1-click demo content installer to help you get started quickly.
是⼀个免费的多功能WordPress主题,⽀持Elementor。 它带有数⼗种布局和模板,可以为任何业务细分市场创建⽹站。 它还包括⼀键式演⽰内容安装程序,可帮助您快速⼊门。
Other noticeable features include touch-friendly slider, sticky header, , video background, advanced portfolio templates, and beautifully animated sections.
其他引⼈注⽬的功能包括易于触摸的滑块,粘性标题, ,视频背景,⾼级作品集模板和精美的动画部分。
is a simple WordPress Elementor template crafted beautifully to create custom landing pages for your music and band website. It comes with a fullscreen background image that you can customize using Elementor drag and drop page builder.
是⼀个简单的WordPress Elementor模板,设计精美,可以为您的⾳乐和乐队⽹站创建⾃定义登录页
⾯。 它带有全屏背景图像,您可以使⽤Elementor拖放页⾯构建器⾃定义背景图像。
In the sections below, you can add your content, image gallery, and upcoming events. You can also embed video with a custom background.
在下⾯的部分中,您可以添加内容,图像库和即将发⽣的事件。 您还可以嵌⼊具有⾃定义背景的视频。
Hello is a minimalist WordPress theme built specifically for the Elementor page builder. It has a featured image with a large custom logo and content in the header section. Other than that, you can add a call-to-action button and custom icons below.
您好是专为Elementor页⾯构建器构建的简约WordPress主题。 它具有⼀个带有⼤的⾃定义徽标和标题部分内容的特⾊图像。 除此之外,您还可以在下⾯添加号召性⽤语按钮和⾃定义图标。
It comes with custom colors, flexible header options, navigation menu, and more. This theme fully supports RTL languages.
它带有⾃定义颜⾊,灵活的标题选项,导航菜单等。 该主题完全⽀持RTL语⾔。
is a stylish WordPress Elementor template for florists, flower shops, and nursery. It features a beautiful layout and a flexible design with all the usual features you’d expect from a premium theme.
是⽤于花店,花店和苗圃的时尚WordPress Elementor模板。 它具有精美的布局和灵活的设计,并具有您希望从⾼级主题获得的所有常规功能。
You can customize default theme settings via live customizer or use Elementor to create custom layouts.
is a one-page WordPress multi-purpose theme designed to create any kind of website. It is highly customizable and works well with Elementor to edit or create custom layouts.
是⼀个单页⾯的WordPress多⽤途主题,旨在创建任何类型的⽹站。 它是⾼度可定制的,并且可以与Elementor⼀起很好地编辑或创建⾃定义布局。
It is easy to set up and requires minimal effort to get started. Other notable features include custom header, background, multiple sidebars, and navigation menus.
它易于设置,并且只需很少的精⼒即可⼊门。 其他值得注意的功能包括⾃定义标题,背景,多个侧边栏和导航菜单。