Are you looking for the best WordPress magazine themes for your website?
Content-rich websites need different layouts that can help them promote all new and important content at once. WordPress magazine themes are designed to do just that.
内容丰富的⽹站需要不同的布局,可以帮助它们⼀次推⼴所有新的重要内容。 WordPress杂志主题旨在实现这⼀⽬的。
In this article, we’ll share some of the best WordPress magazine themes that will help your content shine.
WordPress杂志⽹站⼊门 (Getting Started with a WordPress Magazine Website)
WordPress is the for building a magazine site. It currently powers over 34% of all websites on the internet.
WordPress是杂志⽹站的 。 ⽬前,它为互联⽹上所有⽹站的34%以上提供动⼒。
If you want to make a magazine website with WordPress, then the first thing you’ll need is a .
如果您想使⽤WordPress创建杂志⽹站,那么您⾸先需要的是 。
Magazine websites often have a lot of content including images and videos. This is why you need to choose a company that offers you enough space to upload all your files while also handling your traffic efficiently.
杂志⽹站通常包含很多内容,包括图像和视频。 这就是为什么您需要选择⼀个公司,以便为您提供⾜够的空间来上传所有⽂件,同时还可以有效地处理流量。
If you are just starting out, then we recommend . They are the most popular hosting company and an recommended hosting provider.
如果您刚刚开始,那么我们建议使⽤ 。 他们是最受欢迎的托管公司,也是官⽅推荐的托管服务提供商。
For complete step by step instructions, see our guide on .
有关完整的分步说明,请参阅有关 。
If you have high traffic, then we would recommend going with . It is a service, which means they will handle everything for you.
如果您的流量很⾼,那么我们建议您使⽤ 。 这是⼀个服务,这意味着它们将为您处理⼀切。
Some of you may already have a WordPress site, and you may just want to switch to a magazine theme. It’s important that you understand and follow our checklist of .
某些⼈可能已经拥有WordPress⽹站,并且您可能只想切换到杂志主题。 重要的是,您必须了解并遵循我们的的清单。
With that said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress magazine themes that you can use on your site.
is a popular WordPress theme designed to create any website. It comes with a built-in page builder and dozens of ready-made layouts, including multiple templates for online magazines.
是⼀个流⾏的WordPress主题,旨在创建任何⽹站。 它带有内置的页⾯构建器和数⼗种现成的版式,包括⽤于在线杂志的多个模板。
It features custom design elements, color schemes, background options, and more. It also includes to help rank your website in search engines.
它具有⾃定义设计元素,配⾊⽅案,背景选项等。 它还包括以帮助您的⽹站在搜索引擎中排名。
wordpress主题怎么安装is one of the best WordPress multi-purpose themes on the market. It comes with several ready-to-launch websites that you can install using their free Astra Starter Sites plugin.
是市场上最好的WordPress多功能主题之⼀。 它带有⼏个可⽴即启动的⽹站,您可以使⽤免费的Astra Starter Sites插件进⾏安装。
It works great with any and comes with tons of flexible options. You can customize your theme using live customizer or by simply editing a page in default WordPress editor.
它可以与任何配合使⽤,并提供⼤量的灵活选项。 您可以使⽤实时定制器或仅在默认WordPress编辑器中编辑页⾯来定制主题。
is a modern WordPress magazine theme by . Built on top of the powerful framework, it features customizable headers and comes ready for WooCommerce.
是提供的现代WordPress杂志主题。 它建⽴在强⼤的框架之上,具有可⾃定义的标头,可⽤于WooCommerce。
It also includes an easy to setup widgetized homepage, multiple page layouts, and live theme customizer.
StudioPress is now part of , the most popular company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.
StudioPress现在是⼀部分, 是最受欢迎的公司。 当您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的⽹站时,您可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个主题。
Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF.
奖励: WPBeginner⽤户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。
is a free WordPress multi-purpose theme. It ships with dozens of pre-built sites and a 1-click content importer to get started quickly.
是⼀个免费的WordPress多功能主题。 它附带了数⼗个预建站点和⼀键式内容导⼊器,可以快速上⼿。
With , it allows you to sell merchandise and make money online. The theme is and supports RTL languages out of the box.
通过 ,它使您可以在线销售商品并赚钱。 该主题已 ,并且开箱即⽤地⽀持RTL语⾔。
is a stunning WordPress theme with a multi-purpose approach to easily make a magazine or news website. It offers fully customizable demo sites and a built-in page builder for customization.
是⼀个令⼈惊叹的WordPress主题,具有多种⽤途,可轻松创建杂志或新闻⽹站。 它提供了完全可定制的演⽰站点和⽤于定制的内置页⾯构建器。
Other notable features include premium addons, color schemes, layout options, parallax scrolling, and more. It has image filters to impress your users in the first look at your magazine website.
其他值得注意的功能包括⾼级插件,配⾊⽅案,布局选项,视差滚动等。 它具有图像过滤器,可在您的杂志⽹站上初看时给⽤户留下深刻的印象。
is a stylish WordPress magazine theme designed for the . It comes with multiple built-in layouts for header, footer, and blog.
是⼀款时尚的WordPress杂志主题,专为⽽设计。 它具有⽤于标题,页脚和博客的多个内置布局。
It supports additional Gutenberg blocks, which allow you to create impressive content layouts for your posts and pages easily. It has custom colors and font settings with flexible templates.
它⽀持其他的Gutenberg块,使您可以轻松地为帖⼦和页⾯创建令⼈印象深刻的内容布局。 它具有⾃定义颜⾊和字体设置以及灵活的模板。
is a powerful WordPress news and magazine theme with an elegant layout featuring your most important content. It has a featured posts area at the top and a carousel slider at the bottom of the page.
是⼀个功能强⼤的WordPress新闻和杂志主题,其优雅的布局包含您最重要的内容。 它在页⾯顶部有⼀个特⾊帖⼦区域,在页⾯底部有⼀个轮播滑块。
Among other features, it offers a slider, a video widget, WordPress live customizer settings, tabbed widgets, infinite scroll, social media integration, and quick setup.
is an excellent WordPress multi-purpose theme for news and magazine websites. It comes with a fully customizable homepage with a featured content slider, a dynamic homepage builder, featured categories, and a 1-click demo content installer.
是新闻和杂志⽹站的出⾊WordPress多⽤途主题。 它带有⼀个完全可⾃定义的⾸页,其中包含特⾊内容滑块,动态⾸页构建器,特⾊类别和⼀键式演⽰内容安装程序。
It has multiple page templates, custom colors, fonts, logo, and background options. The theme also comes with several custom widgets and multiple widget-ready areas.
它具有多个页⾯模板,⾃定义颜⾊,字体,徽标和背景选项。 该主题还带有⼏个⾃定义窗⼝⼩部件和多个窗⼝⼩部件就绪区域。
is a beautifully designed WordPress magazine theme. It includes 9 pre-made homepage layouts that allow you to choose from a bevy of grids, featured posts, single lists, and more.
是设计精美的WordPress杂志主题。 它包括9种预制的主页布局,可让您从⼀系列⽹格,特⾊⽂章,单个列表等中进⾏选择。
Inside, you’ll also find custom widgets for social media profiles, Instagram, and content discovery features. It also offers dedicated positions to display banner ads across your website.
在内部,您还将到⽤于社交媒体配置⽂件,Instagram和内容发现功能的⾃定义⼩部件。 它还提供专门的位置来在您的⽹站上显⽰横幅⼴告。
is an elegant WordPress magazine theme with a ton of awesome features. It is designed to beautifully display content in a magazine layout.
是⼀个优雅的WordPress杂志主题,具有许多很棒的功能。 它旨在以杂志的形式精美地显⽰内容。
It pays special attention to readability across devices and looks equally great on mobile and desktop. It has a fullscreen featured content slider to showcase your content categories beautifully.
它特别注意跨设备的可读性,在移动设备和台式机上看起来同样出⾊。 它具有全屏精选内容滑块,可精美展⽰您的内容类别。
is a free WordPress news and magazine theme. It comes with a featured content slider on top with a right sidebar and dual navigation menu.
是免费的WordPress新闻和杂志主题。 它在顶部带有⼀个精选的内容滑块,带有右侧栏和双重导航菜单。
It has a featured categories section, an ad placement area, a trending widget, and more. The theme set up is quite easy with 1-click demo content importer, which you can then replace with your own content.
它具有⼀个特⾊类别部分,⼀个⼴告放置区域,⼀个趋势⼩部件等。 使⽤⼀键式演⽰内容导⼊器可以轻松设置主题,然后可以将其替换为⾃⼰的内容。
is an elegant WordPress magazine theme suitable for lifestyle, fashion, entertainment, and similar websites. It includes 4 different layout choices for your article pages, and a built-in social sharing feature with a floating sidebar to easily share articles from your website.
是⼀款优雅的WordPress杂志主题,适⽤于⽣活⽅式,时尚,娱乐和类似⽹站。 它包括⽤于⽂章页⾯的4种不同的布局选择,以及带有浮动侧边栏的内置社交共享功能,可轻松共享⽹站中的⽂章。
Inside you will also find custom widgets for Instagram and social profiles. It comes with a pain-free setup process allowing you to easily get started using the live customizer.
在内部,您还将到⽤于Instagram和社交资料的⾃定义⼩部件。 它带有轻松的设置过程,可让您轻松开始使⽤实时定制器。
is designed for WordPress news and magazine websites. Created on top of , News Pro comes with a solid foundation to build content-rich websites.
专为WordPress新闻和杂志⽹站⽽设计。 News Pro是在之上创建的,它为构建内容丰富的⽹站奠定了坚实的基础。
It comes with two sidebars, a footer widget area, a customizable header, simple navigation menus, and beautiful typography.
is a classic WordPress magazine theme designed to showcase your content with elegance. It comes with a featured content slider, dual navigation, left and right sidebars, a featured categories area, and multiple ad spaces.
是经典的WordPress杂志主题,旨在优雅地展⽰您的内容。 它带有特⾊内容滑块,双重导航,左侧和右侧边栏,特⾊类别区域以及多个⼴告空间。
Other notable features include a custom logo, social media icons, page layouts, and several widget-ready areas. You can use the WordPress live customizer to easily make changes on your website.
其他值得注意的功能包括⾃定义徽标,社交媒体图标,页⾯布局以及⼏个可⽤于⼩部件的区域。 您可以使⽤WordPress实时定制器轻松在您的⽹站上进⾏更改。
is a sleek and modern WordPress magazine theme. It comes in a light color scheme and a flexible homepage layout that you can easily customize using widgets.
是⼀个时尚⽽现代的WordPress杂志主题。 它采⽤浅⾊⽅案和灵活的⾸页布局,您可以使⽤⼩部件轻松⾃定义。
It has content sliders, featured categories, advertising space, multiple category layouts, and more. It is optimized for speed and performance and looks equally great on mobile devices.
它具有内容滑块,特⾊类别,⼴告空间,多个类别布局等。 它针对速度和性能进⾏了优化,在移动设备上看起来同样出⾊。
is a stylish WordPress magazine theme suitable for technology, gaming, fashion, travel, health, and other niches. It comes with bold colors that make your content more readable.
是⼀种时尚的WordPress杂志主题,适⽤于技术,游戏,时尚,旅游,健康和其他领域。 它带有⼤胆的颜⾊,使您的内容更具可读性。
The theme has a top story ticker to showcase trending stories on the top. It also allows you to organize your content categorically and create a more engaging layout.
该主题有⼀个顶级故事⾏情⾃动收录器,可在顶部显⽰热门故事。 它还允许您分类组织内容并创建更具吸引⼒的布局。
is a magazine WordPress theme with eCommerce support. It is fully compatible with WooCommerce and perfect for news and magazine sites that sell merchandise.
是具有电⼦商务⽀持的杂志WordPress主题。 它与WooCommerce完全兼容,⾮常适合销售商品的新闻和杂志⽹站。
It takes a minimalist approach to design and focuses more on the content readability. The homepage is dynamically built with featured content, featured categories, and your latest articles.
它采⽤极简主义的⽅法进⾏设计,并更加注重内容的可读性。 主页是动态构建的,具有特⾊内容,特⾊类别和您的最新⽂章。
is a free WordPress theme designed for online news and magazine websites. It has multiple color sc
hemes, color labels for categories, custom widgets, social media integration, and multiple page template.
是为在线新闻和杂志⽹站设计的免费WordPress主题。 它具有多种配⾊⽅案,类别的颜⾊标签,⾃定义⼩部件,社交媒体集成和多页模板。
The theme has two navigation menus, widget areas, ad placement, and live customizer support. It offers a very modern user interface with a focus on images and typography.
该主题具有两个导航菜单,窗⼝⼩部件区域,⼴告展⽰位置和实时定制⼯具⽀持。 它提供了⾮常现代的⽤户界⾯,重点放在图像和排版上。
is a masonry-style WordPress blogging and magazine theme featuring a minimalist layout that makes your content pop out. It comes with multiple layout choices, including a grid layout for your homepage.
是⼀种砖⽯风格的WordPress博客和杂志主题,具有极简主义的布局,可让您的内容弹出。 它具有多种布局选择,包括您⾸页的⽹格布局。
It is easy to use and quick to set up, with lots of flexible options to customize every aspect of your website.
is a sophisticated WordPress magazine theme. It comes with a featured content slider, custom widgets, and a custom header support.
是⼀个精致的WordPress杂志主题。 它带有功能性的内容滑块,⾃定义⼩部件和⾃定义标题⽀持。
With color choices and custom backgrounds, you can fully change the look and feel of your magazine website. It also out of the box.
通过选择颜⾊和⾃定义背景,您可以完全改变杂志⽹站的外观。 它还开箱即⽤的 。
is a highly customizable WordPress magazine theme. The homepage features multiple widgetized areas and a dynamic page builder.
是⾼度可定制的WordPress杂志主题。 主页具有多个窗⼝⼩部件化区域和⼀个动态页⾯构建器。
It comes with a built-in news ticker, weather widget, and a tabbed widget. The theme also allows you to easily add a custom background, headers, sliders, and your logo.
它带有内置的新闻⾏情,天⽓⼩部件和选项卡式⼩部件。 该主题还允许您轻松添加⾃定义背景,标题,滑块和徽标。
is a three-column news and magazine theme for WordPress. It features an elegant design with great typography and a fully responsive layout.
是WordPress的三栏新闻和杂志主题。 它具有优雅的设计,出⾊的排版和完全灵敏的布局。
It comes with multiple layout options like 2 sidebars, 1 sidebar, or full-width homepage. You can also choose from the list view or grid view post layouts.
它带有多个布局选项,例如2个侧边栏,1个侧边栏或全⾓⾸页。 您还可以从列表视图或⽹格视图帖⼦布局中选择。
is a powerful WordPress magazine theme built on top of the framework. It features a custom background with large featured images.
是基于框架构建的功能强⼤的WordPress杂志主题。 它具有带有⼤型精选图像的⾃定义背景。
It comes with an easy-to-setup homepage with sections for your featured stories. It also includes built-in social media integration, custom menus, custom widgets, and a theme options panel.
它带有易于设置的主页,其中包含您的精选故事的版块。 它还包括内置的社交媒体集成,⾃定义菜单,⾃定义⼩部件和主题选项⾯板。()