If you’re used to the abundance of free WordPress themes, you might expect to have the same choice with WooCommerce. After all, it’s the most popular WordPress ecommerce plugin (we’ve got if you want to come up to speed). Unfortunately, the choice of free themes created especially for WooCommerce isn’t as large as the choice for WordPress itself.
如果您习惯了很多免费的WordPress主题,则可能希望WooCommerce拥有相同的选择。 毕竟,它是最受欢迎的WordPress电⼦商务插件(如果您想加快速度,我们 )。 不幸的是,专门为WooCommerce创建的免费主题的选择没有WordPress本⾝的选择那么⼤。
As a result, when you want a minimalist theme for your WooCommerce site, you have two options. The first one is to (heavily) modify an existing WooCommerce theme and make it suit your needs.
结果,当您想要WooCommerce⽹站的极简主题时,有两种选择。 第⼀个是(⼤量)修改现有的WooCommerce主题,使其适合您的需求。
The second approach is to adapt a general WordPress theme. Basically, photography or image gallery types of themes are easier to adapt, but even a blog theme, or a magazine type of theme can sometimes do the trick.
第⼆种⽅法是适应⼀般的WordPress主题。 基本上,摄影或图像主题类型的主题更容易适应,但即使是博客主题或杂志类型的主题有时也可以解决问题。
There is always the risk the adapted theme might not function properly. However, in some cases you simply need to go this route. For example, if your WooCommerce store is part of your WordPress blog, then for consistency, you might want to use the same theme on both of them.
始终存在适应主题可能⽆法正常运⾏的风险。 但是,在某些情况下,您只需要⾛这条路即可。 例如,如果您的WooCommerce商店是WordPress博客的⼀部分,那么为了保持⼀致性,您可能希望在两者上使⽤相同的主题。
When I say there aren’t as many free themes for WooCommerce as there are for WordPress, this doesn’t mean there aren’t dozens, if not hundreds of them. However, not all of them are truly minimalist or totally free. Some of them, for instance are free as a sample only, but no personal or commercial use is permitted.
当我说WooCommerce的免费主题没有WordPress的那么多时,这并不意味着就没有⼏⼗个,即使不是数百个。 但是,并⾮所有⼈都真正地极简主义或完全⾃由。 其中有些(例如, 样本仅作为⽰例免费提供),但不允许个⼈或商业使⽤。
After these clarifications, let’s now proceed to the list of free minimalist WooCommerce themes I’ve picked for you.
购物–响应式电⼦商务主题 (Shopping – Responsive Ecommerce Theme)
If you are looking for a truly minimal WooCommerce theme, is one of the first to check. It’s a very popular theme and this is for a reason – it’s simple, elegant, minimalist, and it puts your products in the center.
如果您正在寻真正的最⼩WooCommerce主题,那么就是第⼀个要检查的主题。 这是⼀个⾮常受欢迎的主题,这是有原因的-它简单,优雅,极简,将您的产品放在中⼼。
The home page shows thumbnails of your products with some very basic info about them, such as name, price, or rating (if applicable). Of course, you can clutter the home page with additional plugins, but since you are looking for a minimal theme, this hardly makes sense.
主页显⽰产品的缩略图,其中包含有关产品的⼀些⾮常基本的信息,例如名称,价格或等级(如果适⽤)。 当然,您可以使⽤其他插件使主页杂乱⽆章,但是由于您正在寻最⼩的主题,因此这⼏乎没有道理。
Similarly, the product page doesn’t come with distractions – it shows a larger view of the product, some description, comments, if you enable them, etc.
The Shopping theme requires the parent Omega theme. You don’t have to install the Omega theme separately. When you install Shopping via the WP theme install, Omega is installed automatically.
购物主题需要⽗Omega主题。 您不必单独安装Omega主题。 通过WP主题安装安装Shopping时,将⾃动安装Omega。
店⾯– WooCommerce官⽅主题 (Storefront – The Official WooCommerce Theme)
If you have been using WooCommerce for a while, there is no way you don’t know about , the official WooCommerce theme. It’s probably the most popular free WooCommerce theme in general because it comes from the developers of WooCommerce themselves. This basically means you should expect
fewer integration glitches and faster response times from their support team.
如果您已经使⽤WooCommerce⼀段时间了,就不会对WooCommerce官⽅主题⼀⽆所知。 ⼀般来说,它可能是最受欢迎的免费WooCommerce主题,因为它来⾃WooCommerce本⾝的开发⼈员。 这基本上意味着您应该期望他们的⽀持团队减少集成故障并缩短响应时间。
The Storefront theme is based on the Underscores starter theme (the theme Automattic uses for all themes on WordPress). Storefront comes with “a responsive layout, flexible, nestable grid system and schema markup for enhanced SEO performance.”
店⾯主题基于Underscores⼊门主题(主题Automattic⽤于WordPress上的所有主题)。 店⾯具有“响应式布局,灵活的可嵌套⽹格系统和架构标记,可增强SEO性能。”
The Storefront theme has two great child themes – Deli and Boutique. They build upon the basic Storefront functionality and since they too are popular choices, I’ll review them separately.
店⾯主题有两个很棒的⼦主题-熟⾷店和精品店。 它们建⽴在基本的Storefront功能的基础上,并且由于它们也是受欢迎的选择,因此我将分别对其进⾏回顾。
熟⾷店 (Deli)
I wouldn’t call a truly minimal theme because it has more design elements than what I personally consider minimal, but
it’s far from cluttered.
Deli comes with a texturised, earthy design. The color scheme is suitable, if you sell natural, organic, or hand made goods. As a child theme of Storefront, Deli comes with its all strengths and weaknesses.
熟⾷店采⽤质感⼤地设计。 如果您销售天然,有机或⼿⼯制品,则配⾊⽅案是合适的。 作为Storefront的⼉童主题,Deli具有所有优点和缺点。
精品店 (Boutique)
is another Storefront child theme you may want to consider. In comparison to Deli, Boutique is cleaner and simpler.
是您可能要考虑的另⼀个店⾯⼉童主题。 与Deli相⽐,精品店更⼲净,更简单。
Boutique is perfect for boutiques or any other type of a small online store. However, I don’t see a reason not to use it on a mid-sized store as well.
精品店⾮常适合精品店或任何其他类型的⼩型在线商店。 但是,我不认为没有理由不在中型商店中使⽤它。
Wootique (Wootique)
Here is one more theme from WooCommerce themselves – . It is another very popular WooCommerce theme built on the WooFramework – the same framework on which commercial themes are built.
这是WooCommerce本⾝的另⼀个主题 。 这是基于WooFramework构建的另⼀个⾮常流⾏的WooCommerce主题-与构建商业主题的框架相同。
The theme is highly customizable. It comes with a featured slider and 8 custom Woo Widgets. You can use it for an online boutique or any other type of site.
主题是⾼度可定制的。 它带有⼀个精选的滑块和8个⾃定义的Woo⼩部件。 您可以将其⽤于在线精品店或任何其他类型的⽹站。JShop (JShop)
comes in a free and paid ($9) version. Quite naturally, the free version has limitations. For instance, it is not responsive and requires a backlink. Additionally, its width is fixed at 980px and only 1 color is available. Both the free and paid versions are localization ready.
提供免费和付费版本(9美元)。 很⾃然,免费版本具有局限性。 例如,它没有响应,需要反向链接。 此外,其宽度固定为980像素,并且
只有⼀种颜⾊可⽤。 免费版和付费版都可以本地化。
The theme is not ultra-minimal, but it’s by no means cluttered. It has clean fonts and uses a lot of white space. It’s a general theme – you can use it on any type of shop, regardless of its size.
主题不是极⼩的,但绝不是混乱的。 它具有⼲净的字体,并占⽤⼤量空⽩。 这是⼀个通⽤主题–⽆论⼤⼩,您都可以在任何类型的商店中使⽤它。
WooShop Lite (WooShop Lite)
wordpress主题怎么安装is one more WooCommerce theme I personally don’t consider very minimal. However since it does have a lot of functionalities, if you are looking for a not so minimal theme, it could be your best choice.
是另⼀个WooCommerce主题,我个⼈认为这不是⾮常⼩的。 但是,由于它确实具有很多功能,因此,如果您正在寻⼀个并⾮如此简单