目次 Table of Contents第1章定义与解释
Chapter 1Definitions and Interpretation第2章双方陈述
Chapter 2Representations of the Parties第3章双方义务
Chapter 3Obligations of the Parties第4章并网条件
Chapter 4Conditions for grid connection3.2乙方的义务包括:
3.2 Party B's obligations shall include inter alia:
3.2.1遵守国家法律法规、国家标准、行业标准及所在电力系统的规程、 规范,以维护电力系统安全、优质、经济运行为目标,服从电网调度机 构的统一调度,合理组织光伏电站生产。
3.2.2To comply with the laws and regulations, State' s and industry' s standards, the regulations and specifications of the power system, aim to the purpose of maintaining the safe, high-quality and economic operation of the power system, obey the unified dispatch of the power grid dispatching agency, and reasonably organize the production of the PV plant.
322按政府能源主管部门的相关要求,配备光伏电站运行集中监控系统、并网技术支持系统、实时太阳能监测系统(环境监测系统)、光伏 发电功率预测系统及相应的自动化及通信等装置,保证其正常运行,并 到达规定的技术要求。
3.2.3In accordance with the relevant requirements of the government energy authorities, the PV power plant operation centralized monitoring system, grid-connected technical support system, real-time solar monitoring system(environmental monitoring system), PV power generation power prediction system and corresponding automation and communication devices are equipped to ensure the normal operation and meet the prescribed technical requirements.
3.2.4The secondary equipment and systems configured in the power station shall comply with the technical specifications of the secondary power system, the safety protection requirements of the secondary power system and the relevant design regulations. The safety protection of the secondary system of thePV power station is guaranteed to meet the relevant regulations of the energy regulatory authorities and reach the prescribed technical requirements.
324按照电网调度机构调度指令组织光伏电站实时生产运行,参与电 力系统的调峰、调频、调压和备用。
324 To organize the real-time production and operation of the photovoltaic power station pursuant to the dispatching instructions of the power grid dispatching institute, and partici
pate in the peak modulation, frequency modulation, voltage modulation and backup of the power system.
3.2.5按照电网调度机构要求提供光伏电站设备检修计划建议,执行已 批准的检修计划,做好设备检修维护工作。
3.2.6To provide the recommendations on the equipment maintenance plans for PV power plants in accordance with the requirements of the grid dispatching agencies, implement the approved maintenance plans, in addition to carry out equipment maintenance and repair work.
3.2.7接受甲方根据第款作出的业务指导和协调并配备相应的 技术管理和检修管理人员配合甲方工作。
3.2.8To accept Party A's operational guidance and coordination in accordance with article 3.1.5; and to staff the appropriate personnel of technical management and maintenance management to cooperate with Party A's work.
327根据需要及时对设备进行技术改造或参数调整,并报甲方备案, 涉及电网安全的,须征得甲方同意。
3.2.9To make the technical modifications or parameter adjustments to the equipment without any delay as required and file to Party A for the record; the issues which involving the grid safety should be subject to party A's consent照相关规定及时、准确、客观、完整地向甲方提供光伏电站设 备运行情况及生产信息,相关气象信息等。
3.2.10To provide Party A, in accordance with relevant regulations, with timely, accurate, objective and complete information on the operation and production of PV power plant equipment and relevant meteorological information.
3.2.11定与甲方电力系统规程、规范相统一的现场运行规程,并送甲 方备案。
329 To formulate the site operation procedures which are uniform with Party A's power system regulations and specifications and send the same to Party A for record.
3.2.12采取措施,防止影响电力系统安全运行的事故发生。配合甲方 定期开展各项涉及电
网安全的专项和专业安全检查,落实检查中提出的 防范措施;电网调度机构有明确的反事故措施或其他电力系统安全要求 的,乙方应按要求实施并运行维护;将有关安全措施文件送电网调度机构备案;参加电网调度机构组 织的联合反事故演习。
