本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)
Based on the system design and implementation of nodeJS blog
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完 成 日 期: 2017年5月
[摘 要]本文针对个人博客需求的了解与分析,采取了面向对象的设计方法,开发了个人博客系统。该系统主要是信息管理系统,并使用node.js进行开发,以mongoDB数据库和Hbuilder编辑器相结合实现了该系统。该系统分为注册登录模块、博客及文章检索模块、博客页面显示模块、博客管理模块。在该系统中,不同的用户拥有不同的权限,根据用户的角来分配用户的权限大小,从而使得博客用户快速,方便的对系统日常信息进行管理和维护。
[关键词]node.js web 写作
Based on the system design and implementation of node.js blog
Abstract: Aiming at the demand of personal blog understanding and analysis, the object-oriented development method, personal blog system is designed.This system focus on information management, and use the node. Js for development, to mongo database and Hbuilder editor to achieve the combination of the system.The system can be divided into r
egistered login module, blogs and articles retrieval module, the blog page display module, personal maintenance management module.In this system, the user's permissions depend on the user's role, according to the scope of the role of different set the permissions to help bloggers safe, effective and reasonable daily information for management and maintenance to the system.
Key words: node.js Web Writing