第22卷第1期湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)Vol.22 Na 1 2017 年 2 月JO U R N A L O F H U N A N U N IV E R S IT Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y S O C IA L SC IE N C E E D IT IO N Feb. 2017
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674- 117X.2017.01.026
[摘要]纪录片《轮回》是美国电影导演和摄影师罗恩•弗里克继纪录片《天地玄黄》之后的突破性力作。作为一部新纪录 电影,《轮回》既没有对白和旁白,也没有字幕,甚至连人声都被去除。尽管没有语言叙事,但画面却意蕴观点,且层次清晰。在生与死的循环往复之间,映射出三重命题:人的自身价值、人类文明发展以及人与自然的关系,并——作出真实的表达。透过延时摄影、移轴摄影、人像摄影的表现手法,糅合超现实主义的艺术风格,《轮回》以独特的构图视角和美学张力诠释了 “生命如同不停旋转的车轮流转循环。”
[中图分类号]J90 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674 -117X(2017)01 -0121 -04
Meditation on Cycle :
Analysis of the New Documentary Film Sarnsara
(School of Literature and Journalism ,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou,Hunan, 412007 China)
Abstract:Ron Fricke is an American film director and cinematographer.His documentary Sarns piece with new breakthrough after his former documentary Baraka.As a New Documentary Film,Sarnsara has no dialogues,narration,subtitles,and even the human voice has been removed.Although tive,the picture is meaning of the view with clear level.Between the cycle of life and death,Sarnsara reflects a real expression for three propositions,including ones value as a human being,the development of human civilization and the relationship of man and nature.By using the means of Time- lapse photography,Tilt- shift photography and Portrait photography and blending the artistic style of Surrealism,the docu intension of uLife seems as a revolving wheel that never stops”with a unique perspective of composition and aesthetic tension.
Key wovds:Samsara;New Documentary Film;aesthetics of record;Surreal color
习惯了在川流不息的十字路口来来回回,埋着 头在永不止步的人生之路上兜兜转转,生活在现代 社会的高压之下,人类留给自己的空间和闲暇总显 得捉襟见肘,而缺乏反思和自省就避免不了在精神 的亚健康状态中沦陷。一切都在变,人们所能预料到的也时刻都在翻篇,那么究竟什么才是永恒?纪 录片《轮回》的上映,仿佛向屏幕前的你我注入了一 剂解药,它涂抹着浓浓的超现实主义彩,解读了 比现实更为真实的内涵。在短短102分钟的时长 里,《轮回》以独特的视角和精湛的剪辑技术,引领
收稿日期:2017 -02 -27
作者简介:高文(1966 -),女,江苏徐州人,湖南工业大学教授,研究方向为中国古代文学、湖湘文化、影视戏剧文学。