  Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!
In addition, this store provides you with various types of practical data, such as aesthetical sentences, classic sentences, inspirational sentences, celebrity quotes, funny words, personalized words, quotations, blessing phrases, life sentences, other data, etc. If you want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!
  1,Compared with the negative way of speaking, Japanese prefer to speak in a positive tone, so that an euphemistic tone is always used to refuse others.2,Globalization having d
eveloped further, today, we have many opportunities to touch exotic cultures.3,As for the exotic cultures, we should voluntarily find its funny side.。
2.有关上网利弊的英语短句 带翻译
  Internet can be used for learning knowledge and it's richer than any library 网络可以用来 学习知识 并且它比任何一个图书馆里的知识都要丰富
  It is a very valuable research tool 网络是个有价值的搜索工具
  Another problem of the internet is the amount of pornography on it 另一个问题是网上有很多不健康信息
  It allows Humans all over the world to keep in touch通过网络来自不同的地方的人也可以互相交流
  the internet can play its part in informing us about what our own governments are doing
  What one of your friends tells you might be more reliable than an internet site你的任何一个朋友告诉你的信息有可能比一个网站上的可靠.
  internet give people many conveniences互联网给人带来许多便利
  you can buy goods which you need without going to a supermarket or any shop ,but only by e-shopping你可以不用去商店或者超市就能直接通过电子购物而买到需要的商品
  emails is another benefit the internet brings to us,especially for businessmen 则是另一个由因特网带来的好处,特别是对于工作的人
  I am sorry,my baby.I lost the gifts you gave me.I cherish it so much,you know.But it seems that it doesn't belong to me any more。
  Those flowers and smiles in the past could not make me happy other than the Ipod you
gave me.However, what I can do now is just to sit here and call back the days I didn't cherish with ipod.I am so sorry,baby,because that is the birthday gift you presented to me.
  吃苦药 Drugs to endure hardship
  遵循某人的建议 Follow the recommendation of a person
  在。.的结束at the end of
  轮流做某事turn to do sth
  你们真是太好了 you are so nice!
  代替,而不是instead of
  关心,照顾 take care
  在回家的路上on way
  与。相聚together with
  在天空中 in the sky
  某天 one day
  在中秋节 in Mid-autumn day
  列如 for example
  仔细考虑 Careful consideration
  情绪好Good mood
  学做某事Learn to do something
  记得要去做某事remember going to do something
  从。得到帮助Get help from the 。
  做重要决定 Make important decisions
  的决定Decision 。
