熄风 stop wind
活塞滴定管 stop-cock buret
活栓润滑脂 stop-cock grease
滞流 stop-flow
截流流射 stop-flow injection
停训综合征 stop-training syndrome
荫胎 stoppage of growth of fetus
傍流动力学 stopped-flow kinetics
有塞试管 stoppered test tube
塞塞子 stoppering
止血行瘀 stopping bleeding and absorbing clots
傍药 stopping dosage
戒酒 stopping drinking
回乳 stopping mik secretion
回乳 stopping milk secretion
固涩止汗 stopping perspiration with astringents
戒烟 stopping smoking
贮存多糖 storage polysaccharide
热能储存率 storage rate of thermal energy
藏而不泻 storage with no excretion
苏合香 storax styrax liquidus
藏精 store the essence of life
贮谷昆虫 stored grain insect
贮谷害虫 stored product insect
藏而不泄 storing and not eliminating
藏而不泄 storingandnot eliminating
毛细血管扩张斑 stork bites
斯一布二氏染剂 stovallbllack stain
瓷炉 stoving porcelain
斜视计 strabismeter
斜视性弱视 strabismic amblyopia
斜视测量法 strabismometry
惊后瞳斜 strabismus after convulsive seizure
交替斜视 strabismus alternans
假性斜视 strabismus apparens
共同性斜视 strabismus concomitans
内斜视 strabismus convergens
斜下视 strabismus deorsum vergens
外斜视 strabismus divergens
固定性斜视 strabismus fixus
斜视镊 strabismus forceps
斜视钩 strabismus hook
隐斜视 strabismus latens
显斜视 strabismus manifestus
麻痹性斜视 strabismus paralyticus
斜视剪 strabismus scissors
假性斜视 strabismus spurius
眼上斜视 strabismus sursum vergens
斜视域 straboscopic
斜视刀 strabotome
骑跨伤 straddle injury
骑跨性血栓 straddle thrombus
直小动脉 straight arterioles
直动脉 straight artery
直无损伤止血钳 straight atraumatic hemostatic forceps
直背综合征 straight back syndrome
直血管钳 straight blood-vessel forceps
直孔型准直器 straight bore collimator
直解剖镊 straight dissecting forceps
直挺 straight elevator
直镊 straight forceps
直线生长 straight growth
直回 straight gyrus
直形压肠板 straight intestinal spatula
直刃虹膜刀 straight iris knife
直伸抬腿 straight leg raising
抬腿足背屈试验 straight leg raising ang foot dorsiflexion test
直腿提伸症状 straight leg raising test
远端小管直部 straight portion of distal convoluted tubule
直部 straight portion straight part
直型杆 straight profiled bat
肾曲小管直部 straight proximal tubule
贝利尼氏管 straight renal tubule
肾直小管 straight renal tubules
直尖刃手术刀 straight sharp-pointed scalpel
直窦 straight sinus
直锐匙型筛窦钳 straight spoon type ethmoid forceps
直胃钳 straight stomach clamps
直形缝合针 straight suture needle
直细管 straight tubule
直细精管 straight tubules
直小静脉 straight venules
肾直小静脉 straight venules of kidney
直小血管 straight vessels
挺定腿拔伸 straightening traction
直剪 straignt scissors
劳损评价 strain evaluation
滤过量压力转送器 strain gage pressure transducer
关节劳损 strain of joint
紧张感觉 strain sensation
种系特异性 strain specificity
奕变管 strain tube
韧带扭伤 strained ligament
排便紧张 straining at stool
无张力学说 strainless theory
约束衣 straitjacket
曼陀罗叶 stramoium leaf
曼陀罗叶 stramonium leaf
曼陀罗子 stramonium seed
曼陀罗酊 stramonium tincture
原生质丝 strand of protoplasm
栗子痔 strangulated hemorrhoid
绞窄性疝 strangulated hernia
绞窄性腹股沟斜疝 strangulated indirect inguinal hernia
绞窄性肠梗阻 strangulated intestinal obstruction
勒死 strangulation by ligature
绞窄性肠梗阻 strangulation ileus
索沟 strangulation mark
绞窄性疝 strangulation of hernia
美克尔憩室绞窄 strangulation of meckels diverticulum
阴茎绞窄 strangulation of penis
气淋 stranguria caused by disorder of qi
石淋 stranguria caused by the passage of urinary stone
子淋 stranguria during pregnancy
砂石淋 stranguria from urolithiasis
劳淋 stranguria induced by overstrain
膏淋 stranguria marked by chyluria
老淋 stranguria of the aged
血淋 stranguria with blood
淋浊 stranguria with trubid urine
热淋 strangury caused by pathogeni heat
热淋 strangury due a heat
热淋 strangury due to heat
绊创膏 strapping plaster
上丘白质层 strata alba colliculi superioris
预防措施 strategy for prevention
层状无长突细胞 stratified amacrine cell
层状血块 stratified clot
复层柱状上皮 stratified columnar epiethelium
复层立方上皮在线翻译英文翻译 stratified cubical epithelium
层状不均等 stratified inhomogeneity
分层随机 stratified random
复层鳞状上皮 stratified spuamous epithelium
复层扁平上皮 stratified squamous epithelium
层状纤维软骨 stratiform fibrocartilage
白质灰质层 stratum albocinereum
颅侧丘白质层 stratum album colliculi superioris
表皮基质层 stratum basale epidermidis
脑层 stratum cerebrale
视网膜大脑层 stratum cerebrale retinae
环层 stratum circulare
鼓膜环状层 stratum circulare membranae tympani