ENG 102 Business English
Presentation Rubric
Maintain eye contact with listeners. Speak loudly and clearly. Use effective posture, movement, and gestures. Use notes effectively.
Maintain eye contact with listeners. Speak clearly but not loud enough. Use effective gestures. Use notes effectively.
Have eye contact with listeners. Audible but not loud enough. Little or too much body language. Mostly read from notes.
Avoids eye contact with listeners. Not loud or clear enough. Read from notes.
No eye contact with listeners. Not loud or clear enough. Stand stiff. Read from notes.
Communicative ability
Pronunciation is clear. Speak fluently, without too much hesitation or repetition. Grammar and vocabulary choices are accurate. Able to adjust according to listeners’ needs.
Pronunciation is clear. Speak fluently, with a little hesitation or repetition. Grammar and vocabulary choices are quite accurate. Able to adjust according to listeners’ needs.
Pronunciation is not very clear. Speak with hesitation or repetition. Grammar and vocabulary choices are quite accurate. Show the intention to adjust to listeners’ needs.
Pronunciation is not very clear. Speak with hesitation or repetition. Grammar and vocabulary choices are not accurate. Show the intention to adjust to listeners’ needs.
Pronunciation is not clear. Speak with hesitation or repetition. Poor grammar and vocabulary choices. Read rather than communicate with listeners.
Develop topic with sufficient reasons, examples and detail. Well organized with brief introduction, clear transitions, and effective conclusion. Logical development of ideas. Meet time limit.
Develop topic with reasons, examples and detail. Well organized with introduction, transitions, and conclusion. Logical development of ideas. Meet time limit.
Develop topic with reasons, examples and detail. Ok organization. Logical development of ideas. A little over time limit.
Topic not well developed. Ok organization. No clear logic is followed in developing ideas. Exceed time limit.
Poor organization. No clear logic is followed. Do not respect time limit.
Use of multimedia
(if applicable)
Selection of media perfectly accents the information being presented. Appropriate number of slides. Clear backgrounds and design. Appealing animation and sound effects.
Selection of media well accents the information being presented. Appropriate number of slides. Fine backgrounds and design. Good animation and sound effects.
Selection of media helps the information being presented. Appropriate number of slides. Backgrounds and design are too “busy”. Fine animation and sound effects.
Selection of media has a little help on the information being presented. Too many slides. Backgrounds and design are too “busy”. Too many animation and sound effects.
Selection of media has no help on the information being presented. Slide show poorly designed.
Total: ______
