高等学校应用能力A级考试2014年12月 真题答案与详解
section A
1. A:So what do you do in the company, Mr Green?
  B:I'm in charge of the company's financial affairs department.
  Q : What department is Mr green in charge of in the company?
2. A: I'm sorry to say your price has gone up so fast. It is almost twenty five percent higher than last few years.
    B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.
  Q: Why is the price higher than before?
3.  A: What is the purpose of your visit to this city?
    B : To look for a chance to do business with a local company.
  Q: Why does the man visit this city?
4. A: Do you think we should ask Mr Zhu to do this job?
    B: Sure, he is the best person for the job.
  Q: What does the woman say about Mr Zhu?
5. A:Let's get started. Tell me a bill about your educational background.
  B:Well, I graduated from the city college. My major is office management
  Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers.
section B
Conversation One
A: Hello Linda, this is Frank speaking.
presentation什么意思B: Hi Frank! It's nice to hear from you again.
A: Me too. I'm not as busy as before. Because I've quit my job.
B: What? Why did you give up your job?
A: The company has moved to another city. I don't want to move there.
B: Oh, I see. Do you have a plan for the future ?
A: Yes. I'm going to start my own business.    .
B: Good idea. You'Il have a great time with your family.
A: That's true. I do want to have more time with my family.
B: And you don't need to go to the office every day. Good luck Frank.
A: Thank you, Linda.
Questions :
6. Why did the man decide to give up his job?
7. What's the man planning to do in the future?
Conversation Two               
A: Cood aftenoon, Alex Company. May I help you?
B: Yes. May I speak to Mr Williams, your sales manager please?
A: Sorry, he isn't available right now.
B: Then can I reach you a moment later?
A: I'm afraid you can't. He's having a meeting now.
B: But I have something urgent to talk with him.
A: Then would you leave him a message?
B: Yes. This is Richard Alexander from Star Electronics.
A: Mr Alexander, your message please.
B: Just tell him to return my call as soon as possible.
A: Okay. rii give him the message when he comes back.
Questions :
8. Who does the man want to speak?
9. Why can't Mr Williams answer the phone?
10. What message does the man leave Mr Williams?
Ladies and Gentlemen ,
It's my honor to be the guide to show you around our company. First of all, I'II introduce our factory to you.
Our company was set up in the 1980s. We mainly produce electronic goods and export th
em all over the world. We made a profit of about US $ 80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We now have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1500 employees, and we are working gladly to meet the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents to promote our products.
  I hope you will consider doing business with us.  Thank you !
Last time, I talked about the importance of an oral presentation. Today, I'd like to talk about the structure of a presentation. A good oral
presentation is well structured. This makes it easier for the listener to follow. Generally speaking , a typical presentation consists of three parts: the beginning, middle, and ending. In other words, they are the introduction, body,  and conclusion. Let's first look at the beginning  of a presentation. The beginning of a presentation is the most important part, because  it is the introduction of yourself to your  listeners. You can begin your presentation by  asking him some questions, or with a comment,  quote, or fact. In some
cases, you can begin  with a joke, or a surprising statement. And an effective beginning draws the listener's attention  and sets the proper tone for your presentation.
Questions :
16. What did the speaker talk about last time?
17. What does the speaker want to talk about today?
18. What does a typical presentation consist of?
19. Why is the beginning of a presentation the most important part, according to the speaker?
20. What is the role an effective beginning can play in your presentation?
Part I
section A
  【解析】根据选项预测,注意对话中的名词部分。对话问“你在公司做什么?”,将注意范围缩小到回答的内容。回答说“I'm in charge of the company's financial affairs department(我负责公司的财务部)”。因此答案为B,financial affairs。
  【解析】对话对“涨价这个事实”进行抱怨后,另外一个进行了解释。要注意理清因果关系。回答解释说“That's because the price of raw materials has gone up(那是因为原材料价格上涨了)”。答案为C,raw materials are more expensive。
  【解析】一问一答的题注意回答的内容。一人问“What is the purpose of your visit to this city(你来访这个城市的目的是什么)”。另一人回答说“To look for a chance to do busines
s with a local company(寻与当地一个公司合作的可能性)”。答案为D,To find a chance to do business。
