英 [kmn] 美 [kɑ:mn]
common 基本解释
形容词 普通的; 通俗的; [数学]公共的; 共有的
名词 普通; [法律](对土地、水域的)共有权; 公共用地; 平民
1. We must all work for the common good.
2. Smith is a very common last name in England.
3. Snow is common in cold countries.
1. The common man won't understand the business model because the government is paying for it.
2. Such frustrations were quite common and troubling for many Chinese businesses, but Xu began to see them as a business opportunity.
3. Fang sets his sights mainly on the academic and business worlds, where puffing up resumes and scholarly theses is a common practice.
4. Incentives to attract premium customers are expected to become a common practice for overseas lenders when they soon begin renminbi business.
5. Based on a common aim of economic development, the potential of complementary trade and business relations can be further exploited.
6. A common medication used in type 2 diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.
7. The only way to do good business is to have mutual confidence and trust based on a common moral issue.
8. " But what is more important is that we share common interests, " said Yu.
1. 常见的;普遍的
If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
e.g. His name was Hansen, a common name
e.g. Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death
2. 共有的;共同的
If something is common to two or more people or groups, it is done, possessed, or used by them all.
e.g. Moldavians and Romanians share a
e.g. Such behaviour is common to all young people.
3. (物种)常见的
When there are more animals or plants of a particular species than there are of related species, then the first species is called common .
e.g. ...the common house fly.
4. 寻常的;普通的
Common is used to indicate that someone or something is of the ordinary kind and not special in any way.
e.g. Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of
e.g. Common salt is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
5. (礼貌等)通常的,起码的
Common decency or common courtesy is the decency or courtesy which most people have. You usually talk about this when someone has not shown these characteristics in their behaviour to show your disapproval of them.more什么意思
e.g. It is common decency to give your seat to anyone in
in common共同的;共有的
common people大众,平民
common ground(争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处
in common with与…一样
common sense常识
common use共同使用;多畜共牧
common law习惯法;不成文法
common cause共同事业;共同目标协会;偶然原因;普通原因
common language共同语;公用语言
common prosperity共同繁荣;共同富裕
common interest共同利益
common goal共同目标
common practice惯例;习惯作法
common cold感冒
common stock普通股;普通股股本
common market(欧洲)共同市场;欧洲共同体
common feature共同特征
common knowledgen. 常识;大家都知道的事
common name[化]常用名;普通名称;普通名词
