more and more用法
More and more 的意思是越來越多,用法為形容詞、副詞。出現在各種句型中。
1、形容詞用法:more and more 和 other 形容詞連用,修飾不可數名詞,表示物質、抽象名詞的增加。例如:
2、副詞用法:more and more 與表示時間、地點、程度,或動作、趨勢的連接詞連用,表示內容的加強。例如:
more and more often,越來越頻繁。
more and more quickly,越來越快。
more and more easily,越來越容易。
more and more frequently,越來越頻繁。
3、文章中通常搭配用法:more and more 的用法更多見於小作文、口譯、口試中,用法包括四種。
例1:More and more superstitions are being spread in modern society.
例2:More and more people are dying of hunger.
例3:More and more students are keen on learning English.
例4:More and more knowledge is obtained with the development of science and technology.
