题 目: 基于移动端的课程表查询软件的开发实现
学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXX
院(系): 计算机科学与技术 专业: 软件工程
入学时间: 2011 年 9 月
导师姓名: XXX 职称/学位:XXX
导师所在单位: 安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院
完成时间: 2015 年 5 月
摘 要
Inquiry Curriculum Development Software Based on Mobile Terminals
制作android软件流程Syllabus plays a vital role in modern teaching practices. Not only does it allow educational facilities, such as classrooms, laboratories, playgrounds, etc., to be allocated in a rational way, but also it coordinates the teaching order between teachers and students. Since university students select courses and take classes in a self-directed way, their course arrangements usually vary. Therefore, university students need to check their curriculum schedules whenever and wherever it is required. However, traditional syllabuses in educational administrative systems cannot meet this situational demand because they are displayed on the PC side. Considering the current popularity and multi-function of smart phones, it is of significant importance to make university syllabuses checking available on cell phones. Based on Java, PHP, database and other techniques, this graduation project uses Android smart phone as an operating platform, attempting to develop software program through which the syllabuses are expected to be viewed on mobile terminals.
Keywords: curriculum; smart phone; mobile terminal; android; database