Above Chef Station/Exhaust厨师台上方排气装置
Above Shelving货架上
Additional Design Services附加设计服务
Aluminum backplate不锈钢背板
Aisle marker端头导引
Angel White天使白
Appiled vinyl光面压克力字
Applied vinyl,Color:glossy white白即时贴
Architectural construction documents review审阅建筑施工文件
Available budget for implementation项目执行之可用预算
Available Research Review现有的资料研究
Back wall背墙
Baked enamel panel烤漆彩绘板
Base of Food Prep, Chef Demo, Shelving, and Refrigerator食物备台厨师演示台货架和冰柜Beverages饮料
Brand Design Guidelines品牌设计指引
Brand DNA and Design Platform品牌DNA及设计准则
Brand Identity & Design System品牌识别及设计系统
Brand Identity Development品牌识别之开展
Brand Identity Exploration品牌识别的发展
Bright White明亮白
Business cards名片
Catalog Design目录设计
Cantilevered panel吊板(悬挂式吊顶)
Ceiling line楼板(天花线;顶角线)
Clear glass透明玻璃
Clear plastic bag透明塑料袋
Chef uniform主厨制服
Color and materials selections / direction彩及材料选择/原则
Competitive Retail Analysis竞争分析
Competitive Retail Scan竞争扫描检讨
Concept Adaptation概念修正
Conceptual merchandise adjacency plans概念性商品陈列及展示规划Concession space lighting concept专柜区域照明规划概念Concession space shell and lighting design专柜门头外观和照明设计Concession space shell sketches专柜门头外观草图
Concession space that is well-designed and organized to create a positive reflection on the brand 设计和规划良好的专柜,可以对品牌产生正面积极的影响
Concept Development概念发展
Conceptual lighting/ceiling plan概念性照明/天花规划Conceptual merchandise plan概念性商品陈列及展示规划
Consider retail constraints and advantages考虑零售的限制和优点Cooier detail细部图
Create templates for remaining pages including:
line/collection main page product page and retail location finder 为其余各页制作模板,包括:产品系列主页,产品页,零售点一览页
Current Design Guidelines Review当前设计原则检验
Curved acrylic panel with applied vinyl copy即时贴运用在可弯曲压克力板
Define the communication hierarchy定义信息沟通的层次结构
Design center and concession space requirements家装设计中心和专柜的要求
Design Platform设计准则
Detail of cantilevered panels悬挂式喷绘形象面板
Detail of category ID sign品类标识细部图
Develop concept for fixture system for display and storage
of merchandise
Delivery vehicle/Shipping carton送货车/运输纸箱
Departmental/category presentation concept商品部门/品类的展示概念Departmental/category signage concepts商品部门/品类视觉标识概念
Design customs fixture systems that best suits XXXX’s merchandise categories 设计最适合XXXX商品类别的特殊陈列系统
Design Intent Package and Final Artwork for Prototypes原型店的细部设计及定案图稿Design Refinement & Development设计细化和发展
Design documentation for retail设计零售相关的规范手册
Develop concept for POS display system use in department stores 开发百货公司里用的POS陈列系统的概念
Digital graphic applied to panel数位输出运用在面板上Dimensional logo立体标识
Display Fixtures陈列的固定设备
Door to electrical电房的门
Electronic artwork files电子图稿文件
Elevations and Sections of key signature elements主要标识元素的立面图和剖面图Elevations, sections of key design areas关键设计区域的立面图和剖面图Elevations and Sections of key specialty areas重点店中店区域的立面图和剖面图Embroidery in white白绣线
Employee training员工培训
Employee unform员工制服
End view后视图
Entrance to restaurant餐厅入口
Environmental signage refinement环境视觉标示的
Electric ballast for luminiscent lamps变压器;灯光电机
Exterior Façade外立面图
Exterior ID Sign,internally illuminated室外招牌内部打灯
Exterior Lighting室外照明(外打灯)Exterior store sign refinement店外视觉标示Environmental graphics (if appropriate)环境平面设计(如果适合) Executive Interviews高阶访谈
Exterior signage example and usage guidelines外部视觉标识范例及使用原则Exterior store sign店外视觉标识
Feature Wall Magenta主要墙壁洋红(玫瑰红)Final Design Approval Meeting客户审议会议
Final interior elevations定案版店内立面图
Finalize the list of fixture to be developed with XXXX 与XXXX确认最终要发展的货架与陈列设施清单
Final brand identity design定案版品牌识别设计
Final details and artwork for signage视觉标识细节和最终图稿
Final fixtures design定案版货架及陈列设施设计
Final floor plans for each store format定案版的各种店格式布局的平面图Final lighting plans定案版照明规划图
Final POS system design定案版POS系统设计
Final signage and graphics定案版视觉标识和平面设计
Final website template in photoshop format定案版网站模板(采用photoshop格式) Fixture details package货架及陈列设施详细方案
Fixture plans货架及陈列设施规划
Fixture system exploration陈列设施系统开展
Fixture system refinement货架及陈列设施系统的细化
Fixture system standards货架及陈列设施系统的标准
Fixture size and specifications陈列设施的尺寸和规格
Fixtures and POP that offer compelling display for customers while also effectively house inventory for staff 货架,陈列设施及POP提供有吸引力的陈列,又提高员工管理库存的效率
Fixtures will cover the following areas and up to 20 key item display units 货架与陈列设施系统设计以下方面,最多包括20个主要陈列单位
Flat Panel Monitors(approx.20"screens)20英寸平板影幕Florist cart花车
Floor finishes and schedules楼板表面处理及明细Floor plans店布局平面图Flourescent Strip On Top Of Fixtreues Walls墙面货架上的日光灯
Focus on offerings like the Design Center and Coffee Bar to make the Home-Mart experience fun and unique 突显设计中心和咖吧,让顾客感到在好美家购物有趣而独特
Food Prep and Chef Demo Counters食物备台厨师演示台Full Moon满月白
Graphics help customers find what they’re looking for with ease 用平面设计帮助顾客很方便地到所要的商品
Graphics package and in-store signage sample review 检视平面设计方案和店内视觉标识设计样本
Graphic panel彩图板
High output lamps,quantity & wattage to be determined by
灯光数量、瓦数由制造商决定High Street Freestanding store闹区旺地独立店
Hinged face frame铰链外框
How the brand fits with marketplace, consumers and
competitive landscape
品牌如何切入市场,顾客,竞争环境Identity Design Guidelines识别设计指导
Identity refinement识别的细化
Image Advertising形象广告
Implementation Services落实原型店服务
Interior design elements that encourage customers to spend time and return to the store 让室内设计元素吸引顾客在店里花更多时间,并乐于做回头客
Interior design refinement内部设计的细化
Interior graphics and signage refinement店内平面设计及视觉标示的细化Interior store elevations refinement店内立面图的细化
Information Gathering信息收集
Interior color and materials specifications店内彩和材料规范
Interior design sketches店内设计草图
Interior signage concepts店内视觉标识的概念
Interior signage examples and usage guidelines店内视觉标识范例和使用原则Internally illuminated内打光
Launch Promotions发布活动促销规划
Light fixture unit灯座
Light Grey浅灰
Light Stainless Steel亮面不锈钢
Lighting plans照明灯具的规划
Lighting plan refinement照明规划的细化
Logo plaque商标装饰
Main door主入口
Magenta ceiling panel(intersecting Demonstration Kiosk)玫瑰红吊顶板(和演示台交叉的)Manager uniform经理制服
Major areas feature elements elevation sketches主要区域的特元素立面草图Marketing objectives营销目标
Mechanical & Electrical drawings review审阅机电图纸
Merchandise adjacency plan商品货架与陈列设施规划Merchandise assortment adjacency商品组合及其关联性
Merchandise presentation and communication directions商品陈列与展示及视觉沟通的原则Merchandise Review商品检视
Merchandising and fixture sketches商品和货架与陈列设施系统草图Merchandising and Fixture System商品和货架/陈列设施系统Merchandising strategy商品管理
Meru board面板
Mounting to be determined by fabricator由厂商决定悬挂方式
New Track Light Fixture.12MR16 Lamp狭窄的MR16定点投射轨道灯One exterior rendering一个店外效果图
On-site implementation review现场实施检视
On-site implementation review现场实施检视
Operational considerations运营上的考量点
Operational Needs Review营运检视
Operations management营销管理
Overall design principles总体设计原则
Overall objectives of the project项目总体目标
Painted glossy magenta刷有光泽的玫瑰红
Palmwood Straight Grain棕榈直纹
Plan view上视图
PMS pure magenta cotton apron洋红棉质围裙
Pendant Light Fixture.HID Lamp下照中型筒灯HID
Pin-mounted mounted to soffit从背面钉
Planning and store layout店的规划布局与设计
POP displays POP展示
Packaging Graphics包装的平面设计
Preferred consumer traffic flow顾客动线
Preliminary fixture and equipment plans初步的货架,陈列设施和设备规划Preliminary Plans and layout concept初步的规划和布局概念
Preparation of fixture handbook for various merchandise categories 编写不同商品类别的货架及陈列设施使用手册
Product Design Consultation产品设计咨询
Project Team Creation/Kick Off Meeting组成项目团队/启动会议Product information signage商品信息
视觉标示Project timeline项目时间表
Prototype plan原型规划
Prototype Store Implementation原型店实施
POS (Point of Sale) System Exploration POS系统之开展
POS component detail drawings development POS配件的细部图纸发展POS detail package POS详细方案
POS sketches POS草图
